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Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.

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1 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Mean velocity profile, Reθ = 1928

2 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Scaled viscous stress and scaled Reynolds shear stress versus y+, Reθ = 1928

3 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Mean velocity profile, Reθ≃2900

4 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Scaled viscous stress and scaled Reynolds shear stress versus y+, Reθ≃2900

5 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Mean velocity profile, Reθ = 5024

6 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Scaled viscous stress and scaled Reynolds shear stress versus y+, Reθ = 5024

7 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Mean velocity profile, Reθ = 6662

8 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Scaled viscous stress and scaled Reynolds shear stress versus y+, Reθ = 6662

9 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Mean velocity profile, Reθ = 23,119

10 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Scaled viscous stress and scaled Reynolds shear stress versus y+, Reθ = 23,119

11 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Mean velocity profile, Reθ = 31,000

12 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Scaled viscous stress and scaled Reynolds shear stress versus y+, Reθ = 31,000

13 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Reθ versus Rex

14 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Local skin friction coefficient: computation (solid line), Eq. (44) from George [38] (dashed line), experimental measurements of Österlund [7] (diamonds), De Graaff and Eaton [25] (circles), and Blasius analytical laminar boundary layer line (dashed-dotted line)

15 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Accumulated skin friction coefficient: computation (solid line), empirical line according to the formula in Eq. (3) (dashed line), and Blasius analytical laminar boundary layer line (dashed-dotted line)

16 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Reynolds number based on boundary layer thickness, present computation (solid line), Prandtl's empirical relationship in Eq. (46) (dashed-dotted line), Blasius laminar flow solution in Eq. (45) (dashed line)

17 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: The computed value of von Kármán constant as a function of Reθ

18 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Ratio of the viscous stress gradient and the Reynolds stress gradient with various Reynolds numbers

19 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Mean velocity profiles in wall coordinates for Reθ = 53  to 5.79 ×105, and universal profile according to solution of Eq. (51)

20 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Reynolds shear stress profiles in wall coordinates, Reθ = 2,391 - 5.79 × 105, and universal profile according to the formula in Eq. (52)

21 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Four-layer-region of a flat plate boundary layer at Reθ = 7.13 × 104

22 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: von Kármán scaling law, computed (solid line), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 2532 (plus), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 5156 (circle), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 10,161 (triangle), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 25,779 (diamond)

23 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: Zagarola and Smits scaling law, computed (solid line), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 2532 (plus), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 5156 (circle), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 10,161 (triangle), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 25,779 (diamond)

24 Date of download: 10/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: A Reduced-Order Model of the Mean Properties of a Turbulent Wall Boundary Layer at a Zero Pressure Gradient J. Fluids Eng. 2014;136(3): doi: / Figure Legend: George and Castillo scaling law, computed (solid line), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 2532 (plus), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 5156 (circle), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 10,161 (triangle), Österlund's experiment at Reθ = 25,779 (diamond)

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