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Smart Start.

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1 Smart Start

2 Exit Ticket…  Organelle is a part of the cell with a specific function 3 parts of the cell theory! Cells are the Basic unit of structure and function in a living organism Living things are made of One or more cells Cells are only made from Pre-existing cells Nucleus holds our DNA (genetic material) Cell Membrane maintains homeostasis

3 Video Multiple Choice Questions

4 Basic Structure of a Cell

5 Two Main Types of Eukaryotic Cells
Animal Cell Plant Cell

6 Organelles Very small size Can only be observed under a microscope
Have specific functions Found throughout cytoplasm

7 Mitochondria Mitochondrion ( mitochondria ) Rod/Peanut shape
Cell Energy

8 Mitochondria Mitochondria
Active cells like muscles have more mitochondria Burn sugars to produce energy ATP


10 Lysosome Contain digestive enzymes
Break down food and worn out cell parts for cells Cleans up bacteria and waste Cleaning Crew


12 Surrounding the Cell Cell membrane
Lies immediately against the cell wall in plant cells Made of protein and phospholipids Selectively permeable

13 Cell or Plasma Membrane
Cell membrane Living layer Controls the movement of materials into and out of the cell Maintains Homeostasis

14 Cytoplasm of a Cell Cytoplasm
Jelly-like substance enclosed by cell membrane Provides a medium for chemical reactions to take place

15 More on Cytoplasm Cytoplasm
Contains organelles to carry out specific jobs Examples: chloroplast & mitochondrion


17 Nucleus Nucleus Controls the normal activities of the cell
Bounded by a nuclear membrane Contains DNA and genetic material

18 Chloroplast in Plant Cells
Contain the green pigment chlorophyll Traps sunlight to make to make sugars (food) Process called photosynthesis

19 Cell Wall in Plant Cell Cell wall Dead layer
Give shape and support to the cell Same function as cell membrane

20 Vacuole Vacuole Plant cells have a large central vacuole
Contains cell sap Sugars, proteins, minerals, wastes, & pigments Stores water and waste


22 Independent Writing Time
Compare the function of a cell to the function of an organism. For instance, the cell gets energy from mitochondria and that is compared to how a human gets energy from food!

23 Make your Facebook profiles for three organelles from today
Golgi Bodies Vacuole Lysosome Mitochondria Cytoplasm Chloroplast

24 Exit Ticket

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