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The Family That Prays Together…

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1 The Family That Prays Together…
“The Christian family is a communion of persons, a sign and image of the communion of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit. In the procreation and education of children it reflects the Father's work of creation. It is called to partake of the prayer and sacrifice of Christ. Daily prayer and the reading of the Word of God strengthen it in charity. The Christian family has an evangelizing and missionary task..” (CCC 2205)

2 “The concrete example and living witness of parents is fundamental and irreplaceable in educating their children to pray. Only by praying together with their children can a father and mother-exercising their royal priesthood-penetrate the innermost depths of their children's hearts and leave an impression that the future events in their lives will not be able to efface.” (Familiaris Consortio, 60)

3 The Family That Prays Together… Paying Attention to Him!
Prayer Is… Conversation With God Listening and Talking Spending Time With Him Paying Attention to Him! Relationship

4 The Family That Prays Together…
Catechesis is… “The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ: only He can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity.” (John Paul II, Catechesis in Our Time)

5 The Family That Prays Together…
Prayer is… “Great is the mystery of the faith!” The Church professes this mystery in the Apostles’ Creed (Part One) and celebrates it in the sacramental liturgy (Part Two), so that the life of the faithful may be conformed to Christ in the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father (Part Three). This mystery, then, requires that the faithful believe in it, that they celebrate it, and that they live from it in a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God. This relationship is prayer. (Catechism, 2558)

6 Importance of Family Prayer…
The Family That Prays Together… Importance of Family Prayer… Faith is More “Caught” than Taught “Glue” That Holds Family Together Intimacy With Each Other in Christ Moments of prayer: Public prayer: Holy Mass, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Prayer services, Eucharistic Adoration, Praise and Worship, Penance Services, Funerals, Sacraments, Liturgy of the Hours Private Prayer as Family: Rosary, Meal time prayers, morning and bedtime prayers, prayers in the car, prayer in times of decision/crisis/etc.. Gives Opportunities for Reconciliation Relationship Building

7 The Family That Prays Together… Make, Don’t “Find” the Time!
Making Family Prayer Happen… Make, Don’t “Find” the Time! Create a Prayer Corner Quality Over Quantity Thomas Merton, the great 20th Century spiritual writer and monk, was once asked by a layman what he could do to improve his prayer life. Merton answer: take the time. Guides for Prayer Formats to Follow

8 Pope Francis: Three Most Important Words...
The Family That Prays Together… Pope Francis: Three Most Important Words... Gracias: Thanks and Praise Perdona Me: Repent/Ask Forgiveness Aiuda Me: Intercessions/Petititions Three words prayed by Blessed Alvarro del Portillo Prayer for Others First Prayer for Particular Needs

9 The Family That Prays Together…
Pope Francis: Five Finger Prayer Method Thumb: Family Members Index: Pastors and Teachers Middle Finger: Leaders Ring Finger: Those who are sick Pinkie: Yourself

10 The Family That Prays Together…

11 The Family That Prays Together…
Resources Free Coloring Pages for Children:

12 The Family That Prays Together…

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