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Capturing, Processing and Experiencing Indian Monuments

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1 Capturing, Processing and Experiencing Indian Monuments
BTP Presentation Dr. C.V. Jawahar Syed Ahsan Ishtiaque Kumar Srijan

2 Experiencing a monument
For instance, Golkonda Fort Many Photographs are taken How to visualize such a large collection of images. Allign Text box Send it to back. Can these images be visualized it in a better way? Experiencing a monument Photographs are taken

3 Previous and Related Work
Technologies for visualizing image collection in 3D exist Microsoft’s Photosynth It uses Bundle Adjustment step. Computes 3D and refines results based on the errors Highly Iterative Computationally intensive Not Scalable: Due to high computational complexity, unable to deal with large image datasets Not Incremental: Adding a new image needs the whole computation to be done again from the scratch.

4 Improvements We present an approach which is
Incremental Deals with updation or addition of a new image Scalable Works on large image datasets We are trying to eliminate the need of bundle adjustment, or limit it to smaller dataset. Achieved by introduction of Matching graph, and dividing it into subgraphs. Change the title

5 Solution Overview Creating a Matching Graph
Compute SIFT features in the images Cluster features into Visual Words Presence of similar visual words indicate similarity Pose and orientation estimation Essential matrix(E) between 2 images is computed. E is decomposed to get R and t between images. Visualization Place image in a 3d world according to R and t. Project neighbouring images onto the current image plane. For transition synthesize proper intermediate views.

6 Incremental and Scalability
The matching graph makes the process scalable. Graph is further decomposed into subgraphs. Computations are performed on these subgraphs. Relationship between subgraphs is computed using common images. New image is added incrementally Compute neighbouring images Add to the matching graph Modify the subgraphs which got affected.

7 Generating Matching Graphs
Find images which are geometrically close to each other Given a set of images Repeat for all the images Place an edge between the two Edge represents that images are geometrically close. Store SIFT features Cluster them into K Clusters, in 128 dimensional space – K visual Words - vocabulary For each SIFT feature, Find its nearest cluster – and represent that feature in terms of that Visual Word. So, an image can be represented a K-Dimensional vector – i.e. in terms of Bag of Visual Words Define weights of each Visual Word using tf-idf Create inverted index for fast lookup Use weights and check what all images have same VW’s – Define some similarity measure, if > threshold. Place edge temporarily Spatial Verification – For every edge in graph, estimate best fit F matrix using RANSAC, check for inliers and outliers. If inliers < “Specefic Value” .. Discard the edge.

8 Example* *Manually Constructed Graph *Manually Constructed Graph

9 Pose and Orientation Estimation
SIFT Features are detected. For an edge in Matching graph Fundamental and Essential Matrix are estimated. Features are matched using RANSAC, and spurious matches are eliminated x’ F x Spurious Matches Correct Matches Essential Matrix is decomposed to obtain R and T between the two cameras

10 Relative Position and Orientation between two cameras
Example Relative Position and Orientation between two cameras

11 Visualization Known pose and orientation Two cases exist
Viewing an Image Ci Translating from Ci to Cj Plane(Ci) Ci Ci Cj t 1-t

12 Example Video: Gate Dataset, Golkonda.
Video: Way to Hill top, extracted from Photosynth. Video: Way to Hill top, from our browser.

13 Conclusion Matching graph computation serves as most important step in the entire process An offline process, consumes time at start. Growing this graph is efficient which makes the process incremental. Computations on subgraph and computing relationships between subgraphs make the process scalable. Future Work Automatic construction of Matching graph Currently done manually Visualization can be improved with more features.

14 Thank You

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