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INFM 603: Session 5 Introduction to Databases and Database Design

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1 INFM 603: Session 5 Introduction to Databases and Database Design
Paul Jacobs The iSchool University of Maryland Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States See for details

2 Today’s Topics Fundamentals of Databases
Relational Databases and Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

3 Database Fundamentals - Overview
What is a database? Purpose Role in application development Relationship to architecture/OO design Some major concepts of database design The database schema Normalization Entity – relationship diagrams Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

4 What is a Database? A database is a mechanism (or system) for organizing and storing information. Within applications, databases are modules (also known as a “tier”) that provide storage and access to widely-used objects Within implementations, databases represent a layer that takes care of, and hides, many aspects of dealing with large quantities of information Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

5 Why do Applications Need Databases?
Persistence - In your code, data exists only when the program is running Sharing – Information in a database can be used by different programs, applications Many other features that go along with all that – Access control and security, concurrency control, data backup, etc. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

6 Database Examples Personal databases (e.g., address book)
Human resources (employee and payroll information) Inventory and order processing Library catalogs Company financial data Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

7 Why We Need Databases They encapsulate and hide a wide range of data functionality, such as: Constraints and integrity – e.g., making sure data are correct and not corrupted Data and file storage – e.g., details of where and how to keep data, redundancy, etc. Security Synchronization and concurrency control – e.g. keeping data current, avoiding mess-ups when data changes Details of efficient access Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

8 Static vs. Dynamic Data On-line transaction processing (OLTP) – most online systems On-line analytical processing (OLAP) – data warehouses, business intelligence, data mining Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

9 Types of Database Systems
Flat file Hierarchical Network Relational Object-oriented Object-relational Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

10 Relational Databases Databases in which the primary means of organizing information is a table … Which also support crucial elements of database functionality: Structured query (via SQL, the structured query language) Keys, constraints and integrity Views Reporting Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

11 Why Relational Databases?
Neat separation of organization from implementation Societal factors Widespread and entrenched availability Trained users and implementors Standardization of SQL and ODBC Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

12 Database Functions Query (retrieve information) “What’s the lowest fare from Baltimore to LA on Friday?” Update “My mobile phone # is ” Report “Show total orders by month for 2015” Analyze (“mine”) “What types of charges are most likely to be unauthorized (i.e., credit card fraud)?” What else? Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

13 Database Design

14 Relational Database Concepts to Know
Schema – the overall design, organization and relationships in a database Tables – the names of data entries and their relationships Fields and columns – the types of entries themselves Records and rows – the individual entries (instances) Keys – fields that uniquely identify a record Relationships – structures or groupings between fields Data types – constraints on fields, such as strings, numbers, dates, etc. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

15 The Database Schema A group of related objects in the database
A data model (especially the organization that makes the data useful and the procedures for using the data) For us, mainly the design of the tables (e.g., what goes in which tables, columns, and fields) “A contact entry has a name, address, and phone number” Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

16 Database Schema Example
Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

17 More on Database Schemas
Tables Indexes Procedures Views Constraints Schema Owner Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases schema objects 1) Stephens, R.K. and Plew. R.R., Database Design. SAMS, Indianapolis , IN. (with slight changes by V.G.D.)

18 Simple Table Example Name Company Phone Number E-mail Paul Jacobs
JakeTech Bugs Bunny ACME, Inc. Will E. Coyote Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

19 Database with Multiple Tables
Publishers Books Customers Authors Inventory Orders Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases 1) Stephens, R.K. and Plew. R.R., Database Design. SAMS, Indianapolis , IN. (with slight changes by V.G.D.)

20 Table Example Customers Name Company Phone Number E-mail Paul Jacobs
JakeTech Bugs Bunny ACME, Inc. Will E. Coyote Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

21 Table Example – Fields (Columns)
a field Customers Name Company Phone Number Paul Jacobs JakeTech Bugs Bunny ACME, Inc. Will E. Coyote Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

22 Table Example – Records (Rows)
Customers Name Company Phone Number Paul Jacobs JakeTech Bugs Bunny ACME, Inc. Will E. Coyote Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases a record

23 Table Example – Primary Key
Customers User ID Name Company Phone Number address 9475 Paul Jacobs JakeTech 4343 Bugs Bunny ACME, Inc. 5789 Will E. Coyote Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

24 Primary Keys Unique identifiers that select rows
May be created manually or automatically (e.g. Sequence ID # vs. ISBN) Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

25 Compound Primary Key Example
MovieRoles Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases primary key fields

26 Table Example – Foreign Keys
primary key field parent table Directors relationship child table Movies Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases foreign key field

27 Why “Foreign Keys” are Important
You can’t put everything in one table! It would be terribly cumbersome and inefficient It would make it harder to find some data (say, personal details about directors) It could be inconsistent and needlessly duplicative (e.g., people have names, birthdates, contact info, etc., regardless of whether they are movie directors or students) But often you need to combine information from multiple tables – this is called a “join” Some of the most complex of database queries Often hidden in software that accesses databases (why?) Good to know about (for correct design, avoiding inefficiencies and delays) Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

28 Data Types in Databases
Very similar to data types in programming Alphanumeric (Text, Memo) Numeric (Number, Currency, etc.) Date/Time Boolean (Yes/No) However, databases are a higher level and types can be more powerful and more abstract, e.g. Checking to make sure data is valid – is this a valid date? Converting and reformatting – easily show the same date in multiple formats Computation and comparison – sort by date Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

29 Tables and Records - Terminology
A table (entity, object class) describes a type of object and its associations or relationships A record (row, instance, object) describes an individual – e.g., in the table of customers, John’s customer entry is a record A field (column, attribute, property) is a part of a table An association or relationship relates multiple tables, entities or classes Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

30 Relating Different Terms
Class  Object  Attribute  Association  Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

31 Relating Different Terms
Class  Table (Entity) Object  Record (Row) Attribute  Column (Field, Attribute) Association  Relationship Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

32 Database Normalization

33 What is Normalization? A method for organizing data elements into tables. Done in order to avoid Duplication of data Insert anomaly Delete anomaly Update anomaly Database designs can be in first normal form (1NF), second normal form (2NF), and third normal form (3NF) – ideal is 3NF Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

34 Example (Unnormalized)
Table: SalesOrders (Un-normalized) SalesOrderNo Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Item1Description Item1Quantity Item1UnitPrice Item2Description Item2Quantity Item2UnitPrice Item3Description Item3Quantity Item3UnitPrice Total Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

35 Normalizing into 1NF Separate repeating groups into new tables.
Start a new table for the repeating data. The primary key for the repeating group is usually a composite key. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

36 Example (1NF) Table: SalesOrders Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo Date
CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo ItemNo ItemDescription ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

37 Dependencies Functional dependency: The value of one attribute depends entirely on the value of another. Partial dependency: An attribute depends on only part of the primary key. (The primary key must be a composite key.) Transitive dependency: An attribute depends on an attribute other than the primary key. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

38 Normalizing into 2NF Remove partial dependencies.
Start a new table for the partially dependent data and the part of the key it depends on. Tables started at this step usually contain descriptions of resources. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

39 Example (2NF) Table: OrderItems Table: InventoryItems SalesOrderNo
ItemNo ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Table: InventoryItems ItemNo ItemDescription Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

40 What if we hadn’t done 2NF?
Duplication of data: ItemDescription would appear for every order. Insert anomaly: To insert an inventory item, you must insert a sales order. Delete anomaly: Information about the items stay with sales order records. Delete a sales order record, delete the item description. Update anomaly: To change an item description, you must change all the sales order records that have the item. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

41 Normalizing into 3NF Remove transitive dependencies.
Start a new table for the transitively dependent attribute and the attribute it depends on. Keep a copy of the key attribute in the original table. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

42 Example (3NF) Table: SalesOrders Table: Customers Table: Clerks
SalesOrderNo Date CustomerNo ClerkNo Total Table: Customers CustomerNo CustomerName CustomerAddress Table: Clerks ClerkNo ClerkName Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

43 What if we hadn’t done 3NF?
Duplication of data: Customer and Clerk details would appear for every order. Insert anomaly: To insert a customer or clerk, you must insert a sales order. Delete anomaly: Information about the customers and clerks stay with sales order records. Delete a sales order record, delete the customer or clerk. Update anomaly: To change the details of a customer or clerk, you must change all the sales order records that involve that customer or clerk. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

44 Example (Final Tables)
Table: SalesOrders SalesOrderNo Date CustomerNo ClerkNo Total Table: OrderItems ItemNo ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Table: InventoryItems ItemNo ItemDescription Table: Customers CustomerNo CustomerName CustomerAddress Table: Clerks ClerkNo ClerkName Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

45 Table: SalesOrders (Un-normalized)
SalesOrderNo (PK) Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Item1Description Item1Quantity Item1UnitPrice Item2Description Item2Quantity Item2UnitPrice Item3Description Item3Quantity Item3UnitPrice Total Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

46 Table: SalesOrders (Un-normalized)
SalesOrderNo (PK) Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Item1Description Item1Quantity Item1UnitPrice Item2Description Item2Quantity Item2UnitPrice Item3Description Item3Quantity Item3UnitPrice Total For 1NF Separate repeating fields Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

47 Table: SalesOrders Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (PK) Date
CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems ItemDescription ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases Needs PK and relationship with the “origin” table (SalesOrders).

48 Table: SalesOrders Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (PK) Date ItemNo
CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems ItemNo ItemDescription ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases Generate new ID field for order items.

49 Table: SalesOrders Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo SalesOrderNo (PK)
Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo ItemNo ItemDescription ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases Insert the PK of the “origin” table (SalesOrders).

50 Table: SalesOrders Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK)
1NF Table: SalesOrders SalesOrderNo (PK) Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK) ItemNo (CPK) ItemDescription ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases These two together make up the CPK of the new table.

51 Table: SalesOrders Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK)
SalesOrderNo (PK) Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK) ItemNo (CPK) ItemDescription ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Not 2NF business. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases For 2NF do not touch the table(s) with single-field primary keys.

52 Table: SalesOrders Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK)
SalesOrderNo (PK) Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK) ItemNo (CPK) ItemDescription ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases For 2NF remove fields that do not depend on all parts of multi-field primary keys.

53 Table: InventoryItems
2NF Table: SalesOrders SalesOrderNo (PK) Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK) ItemNo (CPK) ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Table: InventoryItems ItemNo (PK) ItemDescription These depend on both SalesOrderNo and ItemNo. Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases The field generated in 1NF goes into the new table as PK. This depends only on ItemNo.

54 Table: InventoryItems
Table: SalesOrders SalesOrderNo (PK) Date CustomerName CustomerAddress ClerkName Total Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK) ItemNo (CPK) ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Table: InventoryItems ItemNo (PK) ItemDescription Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases For 3NF separate transitively dependent fields; i.e., fields that conceptually constitute separate entities.

55 Table: InventoryItems
Table: SalesOrders SalesOrderNo (PK) Date Total Table: Customers CustomerNo (PK) CustomerName CustomerAddress Table: Clerks ClerkNo (PK) ClerkName Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK) ItemNo (CPK) ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Table: InventoryItems ItemNo (PK) ItemDescription Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases Generate new PK fields for the new tables…

56 Table: InventoryItems
3NF Table: SalesOrders SalesOrderNo (PK) Date CustomerNo (FK) ClerkNo (FK) Total Table: Customers CustomerNo (PK) CustomerName CustomerAddress Table: Clerks ClerkNo (PK) ClerkName Table: OrderItems SalesOrderNo (CPK) ItemNo (CPK) ItemQuantity ItemUnitPrice Table: InventoryItems ItemNo (PK) ItemDescription Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases … and add those new fields as FKs to the “origin” table(s).

57 Database Documentation
Entity-Relationship Diagrams Example

58 Entity – Relationship Diagrams
Entities (example) SALES ORDERS INV. ITEMS ORDER ITEMS CLERKS CUSTOMERS Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

59 Entity – Relationship Diagrams (Relationships)
Many-to-Many Relationships One-to-Many Relationships One-to-One Relationships Mandatory Relationships Optional Relationships Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

60 Entity – Relationship Diagrams
Entities with Relationships (example) SALES ORDERS INV. ITEMS ORDER ITEMS CLERKS CUSTOMERS Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

61 Why Might We Do E-R Diagrams?
Document the Database Schema Hide Implementation Details However, Many Databases are Documented by Tables (as with Earlier Examples) Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

62 What About Object-Oriented Principles?
Object-Oriented Design (Re-Use, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstraction, Etc.) Can be carried out with relational, object-oriented, or object-relational DBs In many ways is supported by the relational model Object-Oriented Implementation (Object classes, Instances, Methods, Constructors, etc.) Can get complicated, hard in perfecting DB interaction Alternatives exist – persistent object store, object mapping, many tools to manipulate objects in programs and store them in relational/object-relational DBs Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

63 Recap Covered database fundamentals
Persistent storage of shared information Organization into relations (table structures, like objects) Gave a snapshot of designing a good (relational) database Examples of relations Use of primary, compound, foreign keys Recognition of dependencies and issues Carrying out normalization Hinted at what’s to come next (implementation, interaction between programs and databases) Database Fundamentals Database Design Object-Oriented Databases

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