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The Perimeter Considerations

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1 The Perimeter Considerations
What do we need to consider? What is the threat? The outer core is heavily populated (Mall, Restaurants, Retailers) Traffic control Public transportation Crime, Accidents, Injuries, Loitering, Natural Disasters Patrons leaving with large sums of money Hours of operation Lighting When we take a look at the outer core or perimeter we need to consider where Live! casino and future hotel is located. Adjacent to Arundel Mills Mall, which has numerous restaurants and retailers. Both Live! and the Mall have surveillance cameras and License Plate Readers (LPRs) strategically located throughout the area to deter or detect unlawful activity.  In addition, a critical part of maintaining safe areas is to deploy professionally trained security officers who can deliver excellent customer service and quickly switch into emergency response mode should situations arise.  Another issue to consider for outer core security are the multiple entrances to the casino. These entrances can compromise security. That is why we have added an additional layer of security to the patron entrances, in the form of removable barriers.

APPROACHES BUILDING ACCESS CAMERAS ACCESS POINTS TRAFFIC FLOW- ROUTES OF TRAVEL INTERIOR SECURE AREAS SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS & LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION MANUAL AND ELECTRONIC ACCESS CONTROLS The diagram gives little snippet our how we layer our security. But for us each layer of the ring acts as a line of defense, each of the layers are intended to support the other layer to stop against the crime or wrong doing, even if they go from the interior to the perimeter. An individual doesn’t need to breach all layers in order to present an actual threat to us. The success of a criminal or wrongdoer could easily be executed by anyone if they take action at the time right, right place and right method. PARKING GARAGE & PARKING LOTS SURVEILLANCE ASSETS MODES OF TRANSPORTATION LIGHTING BOH SECURTY OFFICERS & LAW ENFORCEMENT APPROACHES APPROACHES PERIMETER

3 Limit Vehicle Entry For us, the first point of contact between a patron and the casino will occur on the outside, before the patron is even inside the building. The images shown are the barriers which we have placed to prevent vehicles from accessing the casino. Retractable barriers (planters) are placed at entrances to prevent vehicles from getting to close.

4 Protecting the Perimeter
License Plate Readers (LPR) Surveillance Cameras Lighting Roving Security Patrols Anne Arundel County Police sub- station Barriers Garage cameras Park Assist As you first enter the mall parking lot, dozens, if not hundreds of surveillance cameras are monitoring the parking lots to include the interior and exterior of the mall. As you enter Arundel Mills Mall, License Plate Readers are mounted scanning the license plates of every vehicle coming and going. These License Plate Readers or (LPR) capture the data and automatically compare them to files stored and monitored by law enforcement, notifying them of stolen vehicles, wanted persons, etc. Our goal to protect the perimeter is strengthened by our partnerships with law enforcement AA County, DHS, Secret Service, Maryland State Police, DEA, FBI, etc

5 Threats to Security Theft, Robbery, Assault and other crimes Terrorism
Gang violence Prostitution Gaming crimes or scams Counterfeit money/chips Money laundering Bomb Threats Cybercrime, etc Security also addresses bomb threats, customer disputes, disturbances, thefts, lost property manage fire alarms, control access, fill tables with gaming chips, inspect card, destroy cards, attend to injuries or illnesses and even testify in court. Everyone is a trained first responder and receives training on policies and procedures, emergency response, ID verification, alcohol awareness, Active Shooter, customer service, etc.

6 Combating the Threat The second layer of security for us is Security and Surveillance together. The security operation includes both uniformed and non-uniformed personnel. The uniformed personnel assigned to the security department serve a most valuable purpose, such as enforcing our Code of Conduct, Verifying the age of anyone appearing to be under the age of 35, Ensuring drinks are not taken out or brought in, keeping out or removing undesirable individuals who bother guests by begging, sleeping, etc. All while being observant, looking for weapons and providing a warm welcome to our guests. We are all about customer service. Undercover security personnel mingle with the guests in an attempt to identify those who may be planning or attempting some type of criminal activity) Security scans the Driver’s License of incoming patrons. Every door has some type of access controlled

7 The Inner Core Unique challenges (Safety and Excellent Customer Service) Consists of everything past the entrance There must be controls in place Solid security plan Emergency response planning There must be a balance between staff, technology and procedures Everyone must be properly trained The inner core of the casino is defined as the area just past the entrance. Many areas or sections of the casino have restricted access.. Employee only areas, such as our cashier's cage, have man traps. All employees carry an electronic credential that is programmed to grant access through the various access doors. Visitors, contractors and vendors must check in and check-out, where they may or may not be granted access with a temporary visitor badge. Security programs must be sustainable and continue to evolve as business conditions change. The proper balance between technology, procedures and security officer staffing levels ensure that a layered approach works as designed.     Security officers working in the casino are  a big part of the success of the entire program. They must be properly trained and proficient in their positions, unlike a your typical security officer. I t is imperative that they are knowledgeable of life safety systems and emergency response procedures, screening techniques, addressing guest/employee needs, proper radio and communication techniques and the ability to identify suspicious activity.     By creating a solid security plan that addresses each element of the layered approach, a casino can greatly limit risks and ensure visitors to their properties a safe experience. This in turn can translate into significant cost savings from a risk management perspective.   

8 Surveillance LPR system as vehicles are entering/exiting the garage. (Private system not part of Law Enforcement) Park Assist – provides vehicle count information and cameras cover each parking spot Slot and Table Game Monitoring systems – provides names of all rated players, as well as their gaming activity. Access Control System – Door swipes are monitored Sensitive areas are accessed through mantrap doors. Only one door can be opened at a time. Controlled by Surveillance. Panic alarms Surveillance Information Network –info sharing between casinos Just as with the security department, the surveillance operators are there to protect our guests, employees and assets. Surveillance is always watching and searching for wrongdoing. I guess you could call them the nerve center of the operation. Their role is extremely important and the work they do is very detailed. Their presence is kept pretty secret, as is the location of our more than 2000 cameras. From a digital recording system, staff can quickly review video at their workstations, both inside and outside the casino. Cameras on the outside can view to a distance of approximately 1 mile and cameras at the entrances obtain facial images. The team of surveillance operators utilize this system to observe activities of all departments and are vigilant for anything suspicious. Because of the nature of the duties, surveillance operations normally have high standards for hiring and training employees who must understand the games, dealers’ methods and routines, and scams involving each, as well as all types of false claims, money laundering, drug possession and use, and employee theft.

9 A Solid Security Plan Ensuring the safety and security of the public at casinos requires developing multiple layers, using personnel, multiple technologies and systems, from video cameras to access control and perimeter technology. Our guests need to feel good about visiting us, whether they are just walking the casino for exercise (3 football fields long), dining, dancing or gambling at Live! Its’s imperative that everyone feel welcomed and safe. As Robert De Niro said in the movie “Casino”, “In Vegas, everybody’s gotta watch everybody else. Since the players are looking to beat the casino, the dealers are watching the players. The box men are watching the dealers……I’m watching the casino manager. And the eye in the sky is watching us all.” As you see by creating a solid security plan that addresses each element of the layered approach, a casino can greatly limit risks and ensure visitors to have a safe experience. This in turn can translate into significant cost savings from a risk management perspective and big profits.    Our business tends to have a broader set of security issues than many other type of businesses. WE are entertainment centers, hotels, restaurants and possess substantial amounts of cash. Knowing this we must develop specific ways to help reduce the likelihood of these events occurring. We also need to find ways to detect any potentially detrimental concern before it becomes a major problem. However, if all of these fail we have developed strategies to handle the issue to the best of our abilities.

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