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Reagan’s New Conservatism

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1 Reagan’s New Conservatism
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Sections

2 Objectives Identify viewpoints on modern political spectrum.
Explain rise of New Conservatism . Describe elements of Reagonomics. Identify steps Reagan took to combat communism. Explore key social issues of the 1980s.

3 Warm Up Identify two things conservatives favor, and two things they oppose. FOR AGAINST Small Govt Capitalism & Free Market Strong Military Traditional Christian Family Values Big Govt Business Regulation Govt $ for Social Programs & Entitlements High Spending & Deficits Rapid Cultural Change (sex, drugs, rock n roll, student protest, abortion, women’s lib) Affirmative Action

4 The Political Spectrum – Range of Ideas
“Left” “Middle” “Right” Revolutionary Liberal Progressive Moderate Conservative Reactionary Change Maintain status quo Econ regulation Free enterprise, hands off govt Civil Rights Law and order Individual Welfare Self-reliance Secularism Religious morality *Radicals- Support rapid change and extreme solutions (violence) to problems, on both sides! Left, Middle, or Right…of what? Roots of our modern political spectrum date back to the French Revolution Aristocracy sat to right of Speaker- support govt… Commoners sat to left- advocates of change Moderate - Middle views Liberal – See change Conservative – Status quo Revolutionary: Belief in radical change, supporter of political or social revolution Liberal: Belief in progress, independence of the individual, protection of political and civil liberties Progressive: Belief in moderate political change, especially social improvement by governmental action Moderate: Avoiding extreme political or social measures Conservative: Tending to maintain existing or traditional views, conditions, or institutions – preserve what is established Reactionary: Tending toward a former, especially outmoded political or social order or policy Definitions Courtesy Webster’s

5 Homework Review Reagan’s Political Career - New Deal Opponents -
From Eisenhower to Goldwater - The Great Society - Nixon & the Welfare State - Social Issues - Civil Rights - The New Right Coalition - A Reagan Landslide -

6 The New Right 1980’s Coalition 3 Main Concerns: 1980 Election
Different groups, same goals 3 Main Concerns: Smaller govt, less role in econ Restore Christian values Moral Majority – televangelists End govt supported social programs 1980 Election Reagan (R) vs Carter (D) Economic Recession Iran Hostage Crisis Social “Decline” Landslide Reagan Victory (489 – 49) Also control Senate

7 Reagonomics Supply-Side Economics
Tax cuts to rich….Wealth “trickle – down” to masses $ invested in business = more jobs = more income = more spending = more production & more tax revenue = growth businesses & economy! Deregulation Hands off competition & free market Cut regulatory agencies & regulations on industries Challenged labor unions New Federalism Cut funding for social programs 10% Attack unemployment, welfare, Medicare States must cover…use fed $ as they needed

8 Reagonomics Inflation & Unemployment Drop Growing income gap
The Good The Bad Inflation & Unemployment Drop Growing income gap Farm crisis Manufacturing abroad S & L Bank Scandal Deficit grew (not balanced budget he promised) Debt grew Stock Market Crash ‘87

9 Foreign Policy Cold War Defeat “Evil Empire” Star Wars
US v USSR Defeat “Evil Empire” Peace thru Strength ↑ # in forces ↑ spending $1+ trillion Arms race Star Wars Strategic Defense Initiative Space-based weapons detection & destruction Reagan Doctrine (1986) Help “freedom fighters” oppose Communism worldwide Soviet Relations ‘86 & ‘87 meetings w/Gorbachev cool tensions ‘87 INF Treaty

10 Foreign Policy Trouble Spots Terrorism Latin America
Attacks on US soldiers in Beirut, Lebanon and Berlin, Germany Libya (M. Gaddafi) Latin America El Salvador – Military & econ support to anti-communist groups Grenada – US troops put down Cuban sponsored coup of PM Nicaragua – Train Contra rebels, Congress stops $ aid (Reagan ignores) Iran-Contra Affair: Illegally sell missiles to Iran for release of hostages in Lebanon. Funnel illegal $ to support Contras. “Teflon” President escapes fault, Ollie North takes fall.

11 Domestic Issues Conservative Supreme Ct Civil Rights Women’s Rights
Sandra Day O’Conner Civil Rights Political Representation MLK, Jr. Holiday Slowed affirmative action Women’s Rights Defeat ERA Attacks on Roe vs Wade Health Issues AIDS War on Drugs Teen Pregnancy Renewed Patriotism ‘81 Assassination Attempt ‘84 LA Olympics (Boycott) ‘86 Statue of Liberty 100 yrs ‘87 200th Anniversary Constitution

12 Closure Reagan was a popular president and his legacy endures. Do you think his administration was a success or failure? Why?

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