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Chapter 30 and 31, Henretta MODERN PROBLEMS

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1 Chapter 30 and 31, Henretta MODERN PROBLEMS

2 Some questions to ask about Chaps 30 & 31
What replaced the New Deal ideology? New Deal liberalism believed in a government-provided social safety net, progressive taxes and a foreign policy based on containment of Communism. It believed in managing the economy through regulation of corporate behavior and through deficit spending in hard times. When the New Deal coalition fell apart, what replaced it? What replaced the New Deal coalition? The New Deal coalition consisted of blue-collar workers, progressives, southern whites and African-Americans. What coalition did conservatives like Ronald Reagan put together to get control of Congress and the White House? (And how had the country’s demographic groups changed since FDR’s day?)

3 Some questions to ask about Chaps 30 & 31
What did the conservative revolution change? Conservative politicians claimed they wanted to roll back the New Deal, defeat (not just contain) the Soviet Union, remake the Supreme Court and end the permissive, anti-religious society. What did they actually succeed in doing? What aspects of the New Deal society remained after the Reagan Revolution? What has globalization changed? Meanwhile, while the conservative revolution went on, the world changed due to globalization, the computer and internet revolutions, and the rise of militant Islam. What aspects of American society did these underlying factors change? Did they change American society more than the conservative revolution did?

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