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Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor of France

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1 Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor of France 1769 - 1821

2 Learning Objectives for the Unit
Describe Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power Identify the characteristics of Napoleon Recognize the military tactics that Napoleon used to conqueror and annex land Analyze the painting by Jacque Louis David, “Napoleon in his Study” List the political reforms that Napoleon established in French Society Describe the rise and fall of Napoleon – causes for the downfall and defeat at Waterloo

3 Napoleon’s Rise to Power
Military Training – 9 yrs Lieutenant – 20 yrs. Old Brigadier General – 24 yrs. Old Capture of Toulon Military Success 1795 – Saves the Directory – nicknamed the “Savior of France”

4 Napoleon Gains Political Control
1798 – Egyptian Campaign is a failure Arrives in France to find out he is still a hero of France 1799 – Plans to overthrow Directory and later names himself “first consul”


6 “Napoleon in his Study” by Jacque Louis David
Characteristics of Napoleon Bonaparte Determined Power Hungry “Military Genius” Dedicated to his Work Meticulous Self- Sufficient Demanding Highly Respected by his Soldiers

7 Military Strategies Napoleon Bonaparte Adapted to battle field
Use tactics that would work best Make offensive moves Keep the army well-supplied and encourage them that they will win the fight!

8 Napoleon’s Tactics “Military Genius”
Divide and Conquer – Split the enemy in two and flank them from one side. The enemy will be literally half the size after the one side is annihilated Reconnaissance – Search for gaps Concentrate artillery fire on these gaps Napoleon increased the use of artillery

9 Napoleon – Building an Empire
Annexed Land – added areas to France Netherlands, Belgium, parts of Italy, and Germany Napoleon conquered most of Europe Was this enough for Napoleon?

10 Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon’s actions during the Coronation were very symbolic He took the crown off of the Pope and placed it on himself Symbolized that he does not owe his success to anyone

11 Napoleon’s Problems with Great Britain
Battle of Trafalgar – Goal – End trade between England and Europe Heratio Nelson – British admiral of Navy Great Britain’s Navy was too strong

12 The Napoleonic Code Political Reforms in France
Equality of all in the eyes of the law No recognition of birthright (nobility) Freedom of Religion Freedom to find an occupation of choice Strengthened the role of the family Emphasis on the husband/father as the head of the family

13 Napoleonic Code Strengths and Weaknesses
Guaranteed civil liberties Continued the social aims towards the French Revolution Protected the interest of the middle class Weaknesses Women could not vote Wife owed obedience to her husband Minors had few rights Males were given more freedoms than Women in French Society

14 Napoleon in Power “Order, Security, and Efficiency”
Concordat of 1801 – Peace with the Church Recognizes Catholic Church and religious toleration Napoleonic Code – Reflects Enlightenment ideas All MEN are Equal The state is more important than one man Order and Authority over individual rights. Economic Reforms in France - Controlled prices – Improved Transportation Public Schools – Abolished Serfdom

15 Napoleon’s Empire 1812

16 Napolean’s First Mistake
The Continental Blockade: Block all trade with Britain. Goal was to isolate Britain from Europe. Oooops….Backfired!!! Britain had the stronger navy and blocked France causing economic issues in France. Portugal got upset over the blockade and began the Peninsular wars with France.

17 Napolean’s Second Mistake
The Peninsular War: - Portugal didn’t agree with the blockade and also refused to attack Britain - Napolean went to enforce his orders to not trade with Britain and took control of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain/Portugal) - Britain helped Spain and Portugal, but France ultimately took control of Spain and parts of Portugal.

18 Despite the French keeping control during the war, it drained a ton of resources from France along with 100s of 1000s of troups.

19 Napoleon’s Third Mistake
Failed Invasion of Russia– Failure (500,000 lives) Lacked Supplies Harsh Russian Winter Scorched Earth Tactic by Russia Napoleon Exiled to island of Elba Forced to abdicate the throne to King Louis XVIII

20 Napoleon Invades Russia

21 Napoleon Escapes from Elba “Last 100 Days”
Napoleon escapes from Elba and returns to France Rebuilds Military Soldiers are Loyal to Napoleon not the King King Louis XVIII flees and Napoleon regains power

22 Battle of Waterloo Town in Belgium named Waterloo
Napoleon’s army – short lived triumph British (Duke of Wellington)and Prussian forces crushed France Napoleon forced to exile in St. Helena

23 Congress of Vienna European leaders meet and decide how to fix Europe after the fall of Napolean and his empire.

24 Main Points adopted a fair policy of no great rewards and no great punishments gave a balanced settlement which ensured no major conflict for forty years (the Crimean War, ) and then until 1914 included France, as represented by Talleyrand was still generous to the defeated France, so as not to give rise to French feelings of revenge adopted a policy to restore the status quo ante bellum [the situation as it was before the war] — a return to 1793 as far as possible.  The French Revolution had liberated new forces of democracy and patriotic nationalism throughout Europe. The diplomats represented the crowned heads of Europe and paid little heed to either of these forces restored monarchies across Europe ignored demands for greater democracy and nationalism; this led to the majority of conflicts in the Nineteenth Century, between and within countries the restored monarchies were troubled by nationalist reformers wanting democracy

25 …Continued restored monarchies across Europe
ignored demands for greater democracy and nationalism; this led to the majority of conflicts in the Nineteenth Century, between and within countries the restored monarchies were troubled by nationalist reformers wanting democracy

26 Success or Failure? Hero or Villain?
Won many victories at the tactical and strategic level Strategic Greed may have caused his downfall Rise of Nationalism in French Society

27 Napoleon the “True Leader”
Morale – Napoleon knew his soldiers on a first name basis – He gained their respect by fighting! “All men who value life more than the glory of the nation and the esteem of their comrades should not be members of the French army.” “If you should see for the moment uncertain of victory, your emperor will be on the front line.” “Control man’s imagination & you control their heart and soul..” Napoleon Bonaparte

28 Legacy of the Revolution
Influenced other countries to demand: Constitution Individual Rights Liberty and Equality Strong beliefs in Nationalism Desire to break away from foreign rule

29 Other Influences of the Napoleonic Era and French Rev
Serfdom and Feudalism abolished everywhere (ex. Russia) Religious Toleration ^ Modern Warfare “nations at arms” Louisiana Purchase (~$11 million big ones) In France- Public Schools Merit Law codes (civil rights National bank Public Works Draft for national army

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