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Train 2 Act Report back.

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1 Train 2 Act Report back

2 Multiple activities and sometimes ‘last minute’
Some concerns NTU/ACTRAV/ETUI training programmes/calendars/timeline don’t necessarily match Multiple activities and sometimes ‘last minute’ Need to exchange of experience among trainers Content Tools Methodology

3 Inventory of training materials
Some concerns Inventory of training materials NTU/ACTRAV/ETUF/ETUI training copyright Visibility of ETUI Educ on website and at national level Refine profile of participants Time lag between F2F training 4 Eurotrainers

4 Some concerns Need to repeat some topics for “longer” Updating Eurotrainers knowledge National Survey on needed training on European topics Erasmus for trade unionists Multiplying effect at national level

5 Some concerns Training evaluation Language barrier Format
Timing (immediate and ex-post) Purpose Responsibility (ETUI and national) Language barrier

6 What 2? Exchange of info as early as possible (long term planning)
Distinction between long and short term activities “Updating” Eurotrainers Workshops Online Info point/library ETUI and National training materials & activities open to “outsiders” Forum and Moodle

7 What 2? Survey on trade union training materials Copyrights- contracts
ETUI website - further development and more NTU advertising Trainers as target group Development of training materials Standalone modules “First aid” kit “Window” for national activities and contact persons

8 Questions 2 Do you have any suggestions to amend the proposed ETUI Educ programm for 2013? Too late

9 Questions 3 How should the procedure to design and adopt the yearly ETUI Educ programme be adapted in order to facilitate a better cohesion between European and national training activities? More time for consultation Strategies to hand over seats to younger generation EU text and mechanism and transposition of Directives

10 What can ‘we’ do 4 ETUI? Update our resources and share them with ETUI giving it the right of using it. Get ETUI officially recognized as a training provider for national/local level workers (most countries have ‘training hours credit’ for workers that could be ‘spent’ on ETUI courses- EN course). Support the accreditation programm of ETUI.

11 Open issue How? Need to set a follow up process and timeline (Sh/M/L term objectives) Pick 1 or 2 ‘priorities’ achievable within a year time Pick 1 or 2 urgent topics to be covered and put together a ‘first aid’ kit while waiting for more material ETUI to get back to all Conference’s participants

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