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R&D status of FPCCD VTX for ILD

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1 R&D status of FPCCD VTX for ILD
Yasuhiro Sugimoto KEK 2011/9/27 @LCWS2011 in Granada 1

2 Outline Introduction FPCCD sensor R&D Engineering R&D R&D goals
Prototypes Engineering R&D Wafer thinning CO2 cooling system Engineering common design

3 Performance goal of ILC VTX
Impact parameter resolution: sIP<510/(pbsin3/2q ) mm Measurement accuracy < 3mm Material budget < 0.1%X0/layer Tolerance against beam background Pixel occupancy < few% Radiation immunity: 1x1012e/cm2/y Tolerance against RF noise RF noise is induced by bunched beam It was a serious problem at SLD There are many sensor options proposed to solve these challenges One possible solution for these issues:FPCCD Fine Pixel CCD: ~5mm pixel Read out in 200ms between beam trains

4 R&D goal FPCCD sensors Readout ASIC Peripheral circuit Engineering R&D
Pixel size; 6um Chip size;1cmx6.5cm Speed >10Mpix/s F.W.C. > e(?) Power <10mW/ch Rad. Tolerance >1x1013e/cm2 (=1x1012/cm2/y x 3y x safety factor 3) Readout ASIC Speed > 10Mpix/s Power < 6mW/ch Noise < 30 electrons Peripheral circuit Clock driver Data suppression Etc. Engineering R&D Over-all design Low-mass ladder Cooling system (~-40℃) Support structure Engineering prototype Software tools Track reconstruction Cluster shape analysis

5 FPCCD sensor R&D

6 History in ILC era FY Sensor ASIC 2004 Fully depleted CCD 2005 2006
2007 1st FPCCD:12um 1st ASIC 2008 2nd FPCCD:12um (modified output amp) 2009 3rd FPCCD:12, 9.6, 8, 6um 2nd ASIC 2010 4th FPCCD:12, 9.6, 8, 6um (modified process) Thin wafer:50um

7 Sensor R&D FPCCD prototype-3 Pixel size:12, 9.6, 8, 6mm
12, 9.6, and 8mm pixels work, but 6mm pixels do not work at all 12mm  9.6mm  8mm  6mm

8 Sensor R&D FPCCD prototype-4
Same parameters as prototype-3 Improvement of potential profile based on device simulator x2 improvement of the depth of the potential well is expected 6mm pixel works, but not properly FPCCD prototype-5 (to be delivered FY2012) First large size (~1cmx6cm) prototype Horizontal shift register for 6mm pixel has a size of 6mmx12mm to improve full-well capacity and to decrease resistance of gate line Multiple wire for gate: Many bonding pads along the longer side of the chip

9 Engineering R&D

10 Wafer thinning 50mm thick prototype Thinned by mechanical grinding
Dicing by “stealth dicing” technology No increase of dark current was observed Sag ~ mm over 60mm 60mmx9.7mmx50mm Before expansion After expansion

11 CO2 cooling system FPCCD will be operated at low temperature (-40 degree) to minimize CTI Power consumption Inside cryostat: 4224 readout channel  ~100W Cooling with cold air (nitrogen) flow would not be enough Cooling system using 2-phase CO2 is a very attractive alternative because of its large cooling capacity (~300J/g) Cooling tube is attached to VTX end-plate and heat produced by CCD output amp and ASIC is removed by conduction through CFRP ladder (simulation study for thermal design is necessary) Return line of CO2 will be used to cool the electronics outside the cryostat (~200W/side) Inner support tube should be air-tight and filled with dry air/nitrogen in order to prevent condensation on the CO2 tube

12 CO2 cooling system CO2 collaboration in Japan
ILC VTX, ILC TPC, Belle-II VTX, and KEK cryogenic group We constructed “blow system” and temperature was successfully controlled between -40 and +15 degrees

13 CO2 cooling system

14 Common engineering design
A tentative engineering design of VTX which is common to all sensor options have been made to be used in ILD detector simulation (MOKKA) for DBD GEANT4 simulation is common to all sensor options (50mm thick Si), and the study of different sensor option can be done at digitization phase The design is based on SLD VTX Double sided ladder option is assumed Compared with old model (ILD00), material budget in forward region is increased Implementation into MOKKA will be done by Gabriel Musat and Georgios Gerasimos Voutsinas

15 Common engineering design
t (mm) Total t (mm) X0 (%) Si 50 0.0534 Epoxi 10 2000 0.0028 FPC Cu 9 0.0125 Kapton 51 0.0179 CFRP 100 0.0383 20 0.0056 RVC 1600 0.0300 Total 2100 0.2966 Ladder Ladder has a tricky shape to allow overlapping of sensors with adjacent ladder Material budget ~0.3%X0/ladder = 0.15%X0/sensor layer

16 Common engineering design
Overall design

17 Common engineering design
Junction box Flexible printed circuit (FPC) cables from the ladders are connected to the junction box using micro connectors The junction box (PCBs) are placed surrounding beam pipe Electronics parts on the PCB are represented by uniform 0.2mm-thick Si Power cables to the junction box have cross section of 30mm2 in total

18 Common engineering design
Cooling pipe + Support shell

19 Summary So far, starting from 24mm-pixel fully depleted CCD, small (6mmx6mm) FPCCD prototypes have been manufactured 4 times, and finally 6mm-pixel FPCCD has been developed Design of the first large prototype of FPCCD is in progress and the prototype chips will be delivered in FY2012 Technology to make CCD wafers thinned down to 50mm has been established by HPK R&D for cooling system using 2-phase CO2 is being carried out in collaboration with LC-TPC, Belle-II VTX, and KEK cryogenic groups A tentative common engineering design has been made to be implemented into ILD simulation model

20 Backup slides

21 ASIC R&D ASIC Prototype Evaluation of prototype ASICs
Amp, LPF, CDS, ADC, LVDS driver Charge-sharing successive approximation register array ADC  Low power consumption and medium speed Alternative operation of two 5MHz ADCs  10MHz readout speed 8-channel/chip Evaluation of prototype ASICs Test system at Tohoku Univ. SiTCP, DAQ-middleware Expected performance is not achieved  Improved prototype in FY

22 Beryllium support shell
FEA calculation of deformation 1kgf is applied in z-direction Maximum deformation is less than 2mm Total weight is less than 500g  max force caused by the friction at the kinematic mount would be less than 500gf (mm)

23 Ladder Structure Layer-1 Layer-2,3

24 Endplate annulus Without ladders With ladders

25 Cooling system Cooling tube
Titanium tube 2mm o.d. and 1.5mm i.d. is attached to the VTX endplate near the endplate annuli The return line of the cooling tube is also used for the cooling of the junction box 4 tubes/side run along the beam pipe between the vertex detector and the end of the inner support tube

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