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Regents Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Regents Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regents Review

2 Immigration Immigration in the United States
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Japanese Gentlemen's Agreement Literacy Tests Immigrants working and living in Slums and Ghettos Nativism in American society Old Immigration – Northern and Western Europe, New Immigration, , Southern and Eastern Europe, China and Japan Immigration slows down after World War I, concerns over the spread of communism

3 Roaring 1920’s Scopes Monkey Trial (Education, Science and Religion)
Rise of Crime Over Production of products Rise of Nativism Isolationism Refuse to follow the Treaty of Versailles Farm Foreclosures Credit purchases Rise of the Ku-Klux-Klan Harlem Renaissance Poor American Presidents Lassieze-Faire Dawes Act and financial aid to Europe/Reparations

4 Causes of the Great Depression
Rugged Individualism Bonus Army and marchers Stock Market Crash Dust Bowl No Confidence in Hoover 25% Unemployment Hoover’s concern over too much government involvement

5 Great Depression FDR – First Hundred Days Bank Holidays Brain Trust
Greater Confidence in Government Total Government Involvement Fireside Chats

6 FDR and the Positives of the New Deal
Puts Americans back to work Provides unemployment insurance Fights the Supreme Court over the New Deal Social Security, FDIC, CCC, TVA Minimum Wage is established Greater collective bargaining rights Four term President, breaks Washington two term precedent Unemployment rate is lowered

7 FDR and Negatives of the New Deal
Creates modern day welfare system Too much government power Concerns over checks and balances and separation of powers – Supreme Court Packing Plan New Deal does not end the Great Depression Deficit Spending Schecter Poultry v. New York National Recovery Administration and Agricultural Adjustment Act are unconstitutional


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