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Do Now Take out your notebook

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1 Do Now Take out your notebook
Download Lesson 10: America and Imperialism Today. Complete the do now task in your notebook

2 Do Now Task Scenario: Yesterday The Dominican Republic was invaded by Mexico. The country was attacked with poison gas, a banned weapon of war by the international community. Many women and children have died as a result. America does not have a formal alliance with the Dominican Republic but is debating what to do….. Questions: Is this a foreign or domestic crisis for America? What should America do? Does America have an obligation to help?

3 Pair-Share Turn to a partner and discuss the do now task questions below: Questions: Is this a foreign or domestic crisis? What should America do? Does America have an obligation to help?

4 The crisis is an example of ______ because of __________.
America should__________ because of __________. I agree or disagree with _________ because of _________. Class Discussion Scenario: Yesterday The Dominican Republic was invaded by Mexico. The country was attacked with poison gas, a banned weapon of war by the international community. Many women and children have died as a result. America does not have a formal alliance with the Dominican Republic but is debating what to do….. Questions: Is this a foreign or domestic crisis? If so how? What should America do? Does America have an obligation to help?

5 Independent Reading Quietly read the next two slides:
Slide 1: Objective Slide 2: Key vocabulary Wait for directions with eye contact when done…….

6 Objective (Read) To determine whether or not America is currently an Imperial or anti-imperial power in the world through image analysis.

7 Key Vocabulary Use the words below in the carousel and the lesson assessment Imperialism: Strong country taking over or controlling a weaker one. Imperialist Power: Strong country Imperialist: Person who supports the practice of imperialism. Anti-Imperialist: Person who is against the practice of Imperialism

8 Mini-Lesson (Read) Using Images to Make a Claim
Step 1: Make 2-3 observations in bullet point form (-Colors, people symbols, words…) Step 2: Determine whether or not the image shows America as an imperial or anti- imperial power… Background info, (Vocabulary) Step 3: Use evidence from the image to back up your claim that the image shows America as or not as an imperialist nation. Example: The Image shows the U.S. as a ________ nation because the image shows___________.

9 Guided Practice Using Images to Make a Claim
Step 1: Step 2: Use graphic organizer example

10 Group Practice Image Carousel
Groups of 3 travel from image to image Take and complete graphic organizer STOP and STAND at your last image for further directions.

11 Class Discussion Standing Discussion
Quietly go to and stand at the image that sparked the greatest feeling of positivity or negativity about America’s role in the world today: Why did you stand at that image? How does the image portray America? Does this one picture represent all that America is? Based on the images, is America an imperial power today?

12 Lesson Assessment Open a blank Google Doc
Type the following into the untitled box at top left: “Imperial or Anti-Imperial?” Answer the objective. Click file- download as PDF to save your work. Submit to engrade turn-ins, “Imperial or Anti-Imperial Paragraph”. Be sure to use at least 2 images from the carousel in your paragraph as evidence. Objective: Is America an imperial or anti-imperial power today?

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