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Active mitochondria surround the secretory granule area of pancreatic exocrine (acinar) cells and constitute a barrier to Ca2+ diffusion Confocal transmitted.

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Presentation on theme: "Active mitochondria surround the secretory granule area of pancreatic exocrine (acinar) cells and constitute a barrier to Ca2+ diffusion Confocal transmitted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active mitochondria surround the secretory granule area of pancreatic exocrine (acinar) cells and constitute a barrier to Ca2+ diffusion Confocal transmitted light (A and C) and fluorescence images (B and D) of freshly isolated acinar cells illustrating the... Active mitochondria surround the secretory granule area of pancreatic exocrine (acinar) cells and constitute a barrier to Ca2+ diffusion Confocal transmitted light (A and C) and fluorescence images (B and D) of freshly isolated acinar cells illustrating the intracellular distribution of mitochondria. A and C: the cell polarity: zymogen granules concentrated at the secretory poles are segregated from the basolateral parts of the cells. In B and D, mitochondria are labeled with a mitochondrial-specific dye (MitoTracker Green). Most mitochondria are located within a belt surrounding the secretory pole, but some distinct spots in the vicinity of the plasma membrane are also seen. Figure is reproduced from Ref. 72 with permission. Clara Franzini-Armstrong Physiology 2007;22: ©2007 by American Physiological Society

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