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EISD for Cardiac lesion

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1 EISD for Cardiac lesion
소화기내시경 집담회 EISD for Cardiac lesion YS Kim, JY Cho, SY Jin*, IS Jung, CB Ryu, MS Lee, CS Shim. Digestive Disease Center and *Pathology, SoonChunHyang University College of Medicine.

2 김O희, 66/F Chief complaint: Indigestion Referred from other hospital Past MHx: Hypertension(+), Diabetes melitus(+) Impression: EGC IIa

3 Cardia, PW, Type IIa Gastrofiberscopic biopsy : Adenoma with high grade dysplasia



6 Specimen after EISD The specimen pinned on card board
A more detailed examination by using stereomicroscopy

7 Adenocarcinoma, well differentiated, confined to the mucosa
Pathology H & E stain X 40 X 100 Adenocarcinoma, well differentiated, confined to the mucosa

8 Immunohistochemistry stain
MUC 1 (+) MUC 2 (-) lyOvO MUC1(+) MUC2(±) F-VIII(-) D2-40(-)


10 Resected Specimen + Well differentiated Low grade atypia
Adenocarcinoma Well differentiated Low grade atypia Dominant gastric type M2 3.2 cm x 1.7 cm Slice 20 - Lat(+) Vertical(-) LyOVO 20 1 +

11 Burning Effect (+) (+) (+) 2mm (+) (+) (+) Complete resection 1 point positive 2 point positive 3 point positive Incomplete resection Margin positive N Burning effect Recurrence 1 59 100% 0% 2 39 64% 36% 3 10 10% 90% 4 11 ? CIH

12 Follow-up 1 week after EISD 6 weeks after EISD (pre-bougie dilatation)

13 Bougie dilatation Savary guidewire - 16mm까지 dilatation
- 6weeks after EISD Savary guidewire mm까지 dilatation - 7 weeks after EISD

14 Follow-up 10 weeks after EISD

15 In summary Post EISD stricture on cardia and EGJ of EGC
Bougie dilatation of post EISD stricture Burning effect on resected margin


17 Incorrect !

18 How far dissect sm layer ? Cuttoff value: 500 μm ?
Gastric antrum of pig Same size specimen of pig stomach, antrum 2 cm 2.5 cm 3 cm Stretched fully mm mm mm sm 200μm 500μm sm 250μm sm pm pm pm Masson’s trichrome stain, ⅹ100 MT stain, ⅹ100 MT stain, ⅹ100

19 Gastric antrum of human
mm mm sm μm sm μm pm pm Masson’s trichrome stain, ⅹ100 Masson’s trichrome stain, ⅹ100 2.5 x 1.0cm 3.0 x 1.7cm

20 Gastric body, GC of human
mm mm sm μm sm 300μm pm pm Masson’s trichrome stain, ⅹ100 Masson’s trichrome stain, ⅹ100 2.5 x 0.8cm 3.0 x 1.7cm

21 Gastric body, LC of human
mm sm μm mm pm sm μm pm Masson’s trichrome stain, ⅹ100 Masson’s trichrome stain, ⅹ100 2.5 x 1.3cm 3.2 x 1.7cm

22 Discussion In surgical specimen: sm1 cutoff value: 500 μm
2. In EMR specimen, stretched fully: cutoff value: ? 1) antrum: 192 μm 2) body, GC: 215 μm 3) body, LC: 389 μm 3. sm1 cutoff = 500 μm x constant (?) # constant (?) = sm of non stretched specimen (부위별) sm of fully stretched specimen

23 Thanks for your attention
Digestive Disease Center and Pathology, Soon Chun Hyang University College of Medicine.

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