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On a starry night… Year 2, Term 2,

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Presentation on theme: "On a starry night… Year 2, Term 2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 On a starry night… Year 2, Term 2, 2015-16
Space and Neil Armstrong English – non-fiction books, recount writing and ‘The Owl who was afraid of the Dark’ History – moon landing, Neil Armstrong and comparing explorers Geography – the make up of planet Earth and using world maps Computing – using Google Earth Science – planets, astronauts and Earth facts. DT – Plan, design, create and evaluate your own planet surface On a starry night… Year 2, Term 2, Luminous Lightt English – explanation writing and sci-fi stories Science – sources of light and stars RE/Worship – the importance of light in festivals Art – Van Gough, produce your own version of ‘Starry night’ and evaluate your work Christmas preparations Fabulous Fireworks English – shape poems PSHE – firework safety Music – creating firework sounds Art – firework patterns

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