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Doctors ARE Gods ? The latest online venture in giving access to information about disciplined doctors comes from the group Public Citizen. At

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Presentation on theme: "Doctors ARE Gods ? The latest online venture in giving access to information about disciplined doctors comes from the group Public Citizen. At"— Presentation transcript:

1 Doctors ARE Gods ? The latest online venture in giving access to information about disciplined doctors comes from the group Public Citizen. At the group has published a portion of its database of doctors who have been disciplined by state medical boards and federal governments for medical incompetence, mis prescribing drugs, sexual misconduct, criminal convictions, ethical lapses, and other offences.

2 Shared decision making
Patients need to understand their options thoroughly Patients need to understand why it is in their interest to participate fully in decision making, rather than delegating decisions to their doctors From and

3 Medical IQ The risk factors for heart disease that you can do something about are: high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. A stroke is often the first symptom of high blood pressure, and a heart attack is often the first symptom of high blood cholesterol. A blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90 mm Hg is generally considered to be high. Smoking is a major risk factor for four of the five leading causes of death including heart attack, stroke, cancer, and lung diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis.

4 Internet Internet is the mother of all networks.
It is a global network. It has made world a Global village. People can share information with this network like never before in the history. Through the internet, you can get all information on your fingertips at a low cost. 15% of internet consists of health related information.

5 Internet Has made it possible to have the latest information.
You can get guidance/comments of the top doctors in the world, without paying a rupee. Leading centers like John Hopkins, Harvard and Mayo provide a lot of useful medical info.

6 Evaluate website info Who developed the site?
What is the author's affiliation? credentials? Does the author have a bias, a sales pitch? What is the mission of the "parent" organization or institution? How often is it updated? What is the purpose of the website?


8 Useful websites Diabetes Care (,
a site created by the company LifeScan, is targeted directly at consumers. Also see for patient self management For information on caesarean sections, and









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