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Valentino Braitenberg

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1 Valentino Braitenberg
The Dentate Gyrus a spatial random number Generator Valentino Braitenberg ..but what was the question? SISSA

2 (1/1000 x cerebellar cousins,
neurogenesis? so many DGCs? (3 x CA3 pyramidal cells, in rats) no basal dendrites? Zinc/ZENK? so few DGCs? (1/1000 x cerebellar cousins, in humans) mossy fibers?

3 The entire Hippocampus, or rather Medial Pallium..
Reptiles Mammals Birds neurogenesis neurogenesis neurogenesis Zinc Zinc Zinc acetylcholine acetylcholine acetylcholine recurrent nets recurrent nets recurrent nets spatial memory spatial memory spatial memory Turtles spatial memory Font et al, 2001 Lindsey and Tropepe, Bingman et al, 2005 Smeets et al, Martinez-Garcia and Olucha, Montagnese et al, 1993 Reiner 1993 Krebs et al, Sherry et al, 1993 Rodriguez et al, 2002 Goldfish spatial memory

4 reptiles ≠ mammals ≠ birds
…so, is there any really new idea ? human cat rat platypus lizard DG reptiles ≠ mammals ≠ birds CA1 CA3 The medial pallium has been with us for over 300 million years…  hippocampus or over 200 million years…

5 watch the new idea frozen in evolution, in the opossum an idea for engineers, not really for philosophers

6 Efficient storage of informative spatial representations in memory
PhD Thesis Defence Erika Cerasti Efficient storage of informative spatial representations in memory I am Erika Cerasti and I work with A Treves at Sissa in Trieste. The topic of our work is to investigate the role of DG in HP. SISSA-International School for Advanced Studies Cognitive Neuroscience Sector Trieste - 29 January 2010

7 Trisynaptic circuit in the hippocampus
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Trisynaptic circuit in the hippocampus Perforant Path (input from EC) CA1 Mossy fibers (DG-CA3 connections) Sb Schaffer collaterals (CA3-CA1 connections) Recurrent collaterals (CA3-CA3 connections) CA3 DG CA3 mf EC pp rc DG Let’s look to its internal organization: we can recognize three areas, DG CA1 CA3. Input coming from EC touches all these area. Moreover there is an unidirectional flow, the input starting from dg that projects to CA3 through mossy fiber synapses, Then from CA3 it arrives to CA1 through Schaffer collaterals RC in CA3 In particular looking at CA3 we can see that the input comes directly from EC and also after being processed by the dg

8 What is the role of the Dentate Gyrus? Why is the Hippocampus
differentiated? What is the role of the Dentate Gyrus? So what is the role of this preprocessing stage for the input arriving to CA3? why there is such a differentiation and what are the specific functions of this subregions? And DG?

9 Autoassociative network stored in the synaptic weights of the network
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Autoassociative network CA3 Input pattern 2 Input pattern 1 Recurrent connections (David Marr, Bruce McNaughton, Edmund Rolls) different patterns (memories) stored in the synaptic weights of the network Hebbian learning HOPFIELD Model To try to answer this question we refer to theories which consider CA3 to work as an autoassociator to perform memory abilities. Through the presence of a large number of RC in the areas. when an external input comes it impose an activity to the network; this pattern of activity is the network representation of the external input Hebbian learning that is modification of synaptic weights Storage capacity – the maximum number of storable patterns depends on the connectivity of the network and on the sparseness of its representations

10 Autoassociative network
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Autoassociative network CA3 Partial Input pattern 1 Recurrent connections Attractor HOPFIELD Model Pattern Completion The retrieval is possible thaks to the action of recurrent activity after the weights has been modified Retrieval occurs through the dominance of recurrent activity in the network

11 Introduction The role of DG RC contribution the Hopfield model does not say how representations are established Memory storage is difficult to implement in CA3 by itself because of the interference due to previously stored memories (and recurrent connection dominance)‏ Differentiation of storage and retrieval phase External Input activity should prevail during storage Recurrent collateral activity should prevail during retrieval CA3 External input CA3 mossy fibers DG Some studies suggest the DG could also help CA3 to form memory representation McNaughton’s detonator synapses The Acetylcholine hypothesis (Hasselmo et al) However the hopfield model does not say what determines the activity distribution relative to each pattern or external input That is how the storage occurs In particular for dg some studies suggest can help in solving this problem DG can impose in the CA3 activity the new pattern to store MF have strong and sparse synapses, suitable for that, as shown in the work of treves and rolls 1992 DENTATE GYRUS a preprocessing stage can separate storage and retrieval, imposing to CA3 the new pattern to store MF have strong and sparse synapses

12 MF inputs establish new representations
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Functional differentiation of the afferent inputs to CA3 - Information measures the information available for retrieval should be at least equal to the amount which is indeed retrievable by the net Information vs CA3 sparseness (a) Comparison of the amount of storable information carried by afferent inputs to CA3 the Perforant Path input is too weak to force learning and that mf input to CA3 is the one crucial to establish informative representation in CA3, as shown in treves… this theoretical work involves only discrete representations Treves & Rolls, Hippocampus 1992 Binary distribution of DG activity - Discrete patterns Hypothesis: MF inputs establish new representations PP inputs relay the cue for retrieval

13 Spatial tasks in rodents
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Experimental tests of the hypothesis: Spatial tasks in rodents While the experimental support to this hypothesis come from studies with rodents performing spatial task, involving spatial representations. So we want to concentrate in our study on the role of DG in the storage of spatial representations in CA3. We can do that because now we know the firing code of DG, As leutgeb et al shows in their work the dg cells present multiple firing fields

14 Spatial tasks in rodents
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Experimental tests of the hypothesis: Spatial tasks in rodents While the experimental support to this hypothesis come from studies with rodents performing spatial task, involving spatial representations. So we want to concentrate in our study on the role of DG in the storage of spatial representations in CA3. We can do that because now we know the firing code of DG, As leutgeb et al shows in their work the dg cells present multiple firing fields

15 Spatial tasks in rodents
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Experimental tests of the hypothesis: Spatial tasks in rodents Acquisition Index: Errors (T1-5 D1) - (T6-10 D1) Retrieval Index: Errors (T6-10 D1) - (T1-5 D2) While the experimental support to this hypothesis come from studies with rodents performing spatial task, involving spatial representations. So we want to concentrate in our study on the role of DG in the storage of spatial representations in CA3. We can do that because now we know the firing code of DG, As leutgeb et al shows in their work the dg cells present multiple firing fields

16 Introduction Experimental tests of the hypothesis:
The role of DG RC contribution Experimental tests of the hypothesis: Spatial tasks in rodents Modified Hebb-Williams maze Neurotoxic lesions of DG and electrolytic lesions of PP CA3 to study the functional dissociation between inputs afferent to CA3. Lesions of PP input seem to impair retrieval, while lesions of MF input seem to impair the encoding of spatial information Lee and Kesner, Hippocampus 2004 Support the hypothesis Morris water maze Reversible inactivation of MF synapses Mice tested on navigation task in the Morris water maze The deactivation of MF results in encoding impairment While the experimental support to this hypothesis come from studies with rodents performing spatial task, involving spatial representations. So we want to concentrate in our study on the role of DG in the storage of spatial representations in CA3. We can do that because now we know the firing code of DG, As leutgeb et al shows in their work the dg cells present multiple firing fields Lassalle et al, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 2000

17 Discrete representations Continuous representations
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Information from DG relative to spatial locations Discrete representations Continuous representations (x0 y0) Continuous 2-Dimensional Attractor (x1 y1) In an IDEAL continuous attractor each position in space corresponds to an attractor for the activity in the network. The ensemble of such attractors for all locations in space comprises the memory of the environment (chart). The theoretical study discrete representation while the experimental work involve spatial representation in rodents We want in our study on the role of DG we want to pass from discrete representations to continuous representation in the network and to do that we have to refer to the concept of the 2D continuous attractor in the storage of spatial representations in CA3 If we want to represent spatial locations in the network we need configurations of the network to be change continuously, as the spatial input does. as the space we want to represent (x2 y2) Attractor state for the population vector Memory of multiple environments may require the storage of multiple charts. Multi-charts model (Samsonovich and MNaughton 1997)

18 Multiple firing fields for DG cells
Introduction The role of DG RC contribution Spatial Representations in DG : Firing activity in DG: spatial localized receptive fields, place-like. Multiple firing fields for DG cells Coding model: While the experimental support to this hypothesis come from studies with rodents performing spatial task, involving spatial representations. So we want to concentrate in our study on the role of DG in the storage of spatial representations in CA3. We can do that because now we know the firing code of DG. As leutgeb et al shows in their work the dg cells present multiple firing fields Sparse level of firing p ≃ 0.03 Number of firing fields given by Poisson probability with q ≃ 1.7 Leutgeb et al, Science 2007

19 Model

20 The role of DG Storing a new map δ Introduction RC contribution DG
(x)‏ Hypothesis Mossy fibers drive the storage of new information External Input Modeling assumption only DG inputs carry the relevant information about a new spatial map to be stored in CA3. CA3 DG c δ noise AMOUNT of INFORMATION about a new spatial map mossy fibers The model we build is composed by a layer of DG cells projecting to a layer of CA3 cell, the connectivity level is indicated by c that is the number of dg cells projecting to a single ca3 cell. We remove the recurrent connections in ca3 and consider them as noise. Then we define the fields and study how the amount of info depend on the paramenters storage of a new map, representative of an environment

21 c = # DGCs projecting to a single CA3 cell
The role of DG Introduction RC contribution c δ CA3 DG c δ AMOUNT of INFORMATION about a new spatial map Sum of Gaussian functions noise c = # DGCs projecting to a single CA3 cell DG pDG ≃ 0.03 The model we build is composed by a layer of DG cells projecting to a layer of CA3 cell, the connectivity level is indicated by c that is the number of dg cells projecting to a single ca3 cell. Then we define the fields and study how the amount of info depend on the parameters A Gaussian for each fields on the dg unit The firing in CA3 then results from this formula Poisson distribution with q = 1.7 CA3 Threshold-linear units Qj = number of field for cell j

22 Analytical Calculation

23 The role of DG Mutual Information Introduction RC contribution
We calculate the amount of information about a new environment (x) that is established in CA3 cells (η) by DG spatial activity (β)‏ Mutual Information ENTROPY CONDITIONAL ENTROPY

24 The role of DG Introduction RC contribution ?

25 m-fields decomposition
The role of DG Introduction RC contribution Mutual Information per single CA3 cell <I> = ∑mCm < Dm> m-fields decomposition m-fields contribution to the information <> Quenched variables average Decomposed in pieces each one considering the contribution of a fixed number of input fields x y Dm - spatial signal produced by m DG fields Cm - combination of Poisson coefficients

26 Simulations

27 Total strength of input
The role of DG Introduction RC contribution Dependence on the connectivity c between DG and CA3: Information vs number of CA3 cells Total strength of input is constant dots = simulations lines = fitting curves Fitting curve: The study of the info has been performed through simulations and analytical calculation, here you can see the results. First of all we see hoe the inf depend on the connectivity between the DG and CA3 area. Regarding the dependence on the connectivity... in this graph We extract from the simulations two relevant parameters to describe the information behaviour: 1 Slope of the information curve (information per single cell)  Total amount of information (for N to infinity)

28 Total strength of input
The role of DG Introduction RC contribution Dependence on the connectivity c between DG and CA3: Information vs number of CA3 cells maximum in connectivity c Total strength of input is constant Information per single CA3 cell vs c The study of the info has been performed through simulations and analytical calculation, here you can see the results. Regarding the dependence on the connectivity... in this graph Simulations Analytical Result

29 The role of DG Resulting CA3 Fields - Statistics
Introduction RC contribution Resulting CA3 Fields - Statistics Realistic range for C ~ 30-50 a‏ b‏ percentage of active cells among all CA3 cells percentage of cell with multiple fields among all active CA3 cells a)‏ A sparse MF connectivity is optimal, but not too sparse b)‏

30 The role of DG Introduction RC contribution Plasticity on MF synapses The effect of plasticity on mossy fibers is to shift the maximum of information as a function of the connectivity Information per single CA3 cell vs c Since plasticity effectively selects a subset of connections among the initial ones and make them stronger, it is more convenient to start with a larger pool, that is with a larger value for CMF The study of the info has been performed through simulations and analytical calculation, here you can see the results. Regarding the dependence on the connectivity... in this graph Examples of CA3 fields before learning after learning

31 Exponential distribution Single Field per DG cell
The role of DG Introduction RC contribution OTHER DISTRIBUTIONS FOR DG FIELDS Poissonian distribution Information measure is not affected by different distributions of the place fields among the DG cells Exponential distribution Information per single CA3 cell vs c Single Field per DG cell We study how the info change using different distributions for dg fields. Then having seen the results of leutgeb study we thought that having multiple fields was crucial feature for the optimization Of the information going to CA3, but it is not.we performed simulations keeping constant the nu but changing the distribution of input field among dg cell And we can see that the info is unaffected by this change as long as the numb is kept constant Q = number of DG fields

32 Information measure is not affected
The role of DG Introduction RC contribution DIFFERENT DISTRIBUTIONS FOR THE INPUT FIELDS Different distributions of input fields in DG cells The mean number of input DG fields per CA3 cell is kept constant, c and q vary. DG cells CA3 cell Information vs number of CA3 cells DG cell CA3 cell We study how the info change using different distributions for dg fields. Then having seen the results of leutgeb study we thought that having multiple fields was crucial feature for the optimization Of the information going to CA3, but it is not.we performed simulations keeping constant the nu but changing the distribution of input field among dg cell And we can see that the info is unaffected by this change as long as the numb is kept constant μ = c pDG q CONSTANT Information measure is not affected

33  * ≠     The role of DG . DECODING Procedure:
Introduction RC contribution DECODING Procedure: Neural representation (firing population vector)‏ η1 η2 ηn Real position r (x,y) Decoded position r’ (x’,y’) .  difference between r and r’  Information from decoding (simulations)‏ Information from theoretical calculation * 

34 Errors spread near the real position
The role of DG Introduction RC contribution Information calculated from the Confusion Matrix: probability for each position to be decoded as the real one AVERAGE Whole Confusion Matrix EPISODIC Reduced Confusion Matrix SPATIAL Errors spread near the real position Information per single CA3 cell vs c Another interesting thing come up looking at the confusion matrices used to calculate the information: When the rat is in a position in the given environment the conf mat give the probabilities for all the positions to be decoded as the real one, then the rat moves and there is another conf mat… So we can calculate the info from the whole conf mat that have an episodic content or using the reduced one that is an average of the conf mat per each position experienced, a conf mat for all the environment DARK INFO This does not affect the dependence of information on the code parameters (c, μ)‏

35 Recurrent Collaterals
Adding Recurrent Collaterals Now we look at what happen when we add the RC collateral in our system,

36 RC contribution Learning RC
Introduction The role of DG New Maps (x)‏ Retrieving a stored map New Map (x)‏ External Input c MF Learning AMOUNT of INFORMATION about the stored spatial map RC Till now we considered only the storage now and in particular the retrieval of the spatial representations established in CA3 by the DG Now we add the activity of RC, allowing the plasticity oh them when the input is present and then So the model is the same as before, with the add of such terms in the firing of CA3 units. Now we have the input from the DG and the input coming from the other CA3 unit that determine the activity of a CA3 unit, with noise and a threshold as before. Jij weights Differently from before we allow plasticity during the presentation of the input So we have an external input coming from dg about a new map, a learning phase in which J are allowed to change, and then a recover phase in which the input is turned off and the system have to maintain the information We see the amount of information the RC activity contain about a previously presented map, in absence of input. So we study the retrieval of a single spatial map when a single map is stored and when multiple maps are stored RC +

37 Pre-wired connectivity
RC contribution Introduction The role of DG LEARNING ? Pre-wired connectivity Hebbian Learning 1d 2d established in several model The learning could be represented by a pre-wired connectivity or a hebbian learning We study the system and compare the two cases. For the pre-wired connectivity the weights are chosen as exponential decreasing functions of the distance between place centers, What happen is quite well established by previous studies on 1D or 2D models While for the self organizing connectivity we allow weights to change in the learning phase according to this formula. Where a trace term is present.

RC contribution Introduction The role of DG INFORMATION VS FAST NOISE RETRIEVAL OF SPATIAL MAP IN ABSENCE OF INPUT Slope parameter Recurrent Collaterals maintain spatial information in absence of input Total information parameter As said before, we measure the information during the retrieval of a spatial map, in absence of input. The figures show the slope parameter and the total information parameter that describe the information curves, as before, plotted as functions of the fast noise. We see that RC maintain spatial information when the dg input is turned off. Information decrease with the increasing of the noise. Moreover in the regime of low noise the information consequent to hebbian learning is higher than the one occurring with the pre-wired connectivity noise Information retrievable for hebbian learning is similar and even higher than for exponential weights for low level of noise noise

39 Stronger learning helps but not much
RC contribution Introduction The role of DG Does information depend much on learning? Stronger learning helps but not much MF input on MF input on + RC = #step = MF input off = #step = 10000 = #step = 10000 no learning noise  = 0.1 CA3 FIRING FIELDS Here we see the same curves for one value of the noise, 0.1. the line represents the information for different strength of the learning and we see that the learning helps but not much Learning –no learning comparison gray line. The correspondent firing maps in CA3 units learning non-learning and input off case MF+RC no learning MF+RC learning MF inputs off

40 RC contribution Introduction The role of DG
STORAGE CAPACITY – STORING MORE THAN ONE MAP RETRIEVAL OF THE FIRST STORED CHART RETRIEVAL IN THE PRE-WIRED NETWORK Till now only one map was stored so we did not have the effect of the quenched noise. Now we see what happen if we store And whether and how the retrieval ability changes. The figure in the left show the information relative to he first stored charts for several loading levels for the system, for a hebbian process and pre-wired connectivity. A main difference is that for the pre-wired connectivity the order of storage of different maps do not matter. We do not observe the decreasing of but it seems that the information loss we have with the storage of 2 charts is the same as the one we get for up to 100 charts. What is remarkable is the presence of a residual information, we can see when we ask the system to recall a map that has not been stored. noise  = 0.1 RESIDUAL INFORMATION due to the disorder in the system

RC contribution Introduction The role of DG THE 2D QUASI–CONTINUOUS ATTRACTOR Exponential Hebbian BUMP Localized activity Along with information measures, we can look at the properties of the continuous attractor established in CA3. First of all, we see that the activity is in fact localized with a bump of activity There is a bump in both cases of learning . When the input is turned off a quasi-continuous attractor Drift with fewer final positions for the bump than the possible one, as shown in previous study as Stringer and Rolls, Roudi and Treves Then we can ask how smooth is the attractor Drift of the attractor on the manifold when input is turned off How smooth is it? Rolls & Stringer, Network: Comput Neural Syst, 2002 Roudi & Treves, PLoS Comput Bio, 2008

42 RC contribution Introduction The role of DG
THE 2D QUASI–CONTINUOUS ATTRACTOR noise  = 0.002 NETWORK SIZE DEPENDANCE OF THE 2D ATTRACTOR Hebbian learning Exp prewired, and wider We can quantify this by looking at these graph showing the spatial resolution plotted versus the network size We get an high spatial resolution Similar result for exp Hebb Same for density Hebbian learning Exponential connectivity Very high spatial resolution for both pre-wired and self organizing connectivity

43 Neurogenesis? Grid units?
RC contribution Introduction The role of DG MEAN DISPLACEMENT vs NETWORK SIZE Hebbian Pre-wired What is different between the two is instead the mean displacement between the initial and final location N=1500 nn= 0.002 Gamma=0.002 Different metric The metric is different from the real space one Neurogenesis? Grid units?

44 THANK YOU! Alessandro Treves Gergely Papp Eleonora Russo Bailu Si
…and THANKS to: Alessandro Treves Gergely Papp Eleonora Russo THANK YOU! Bailu Si Alessio Isaja Valentina Daelli Athena Akrami Federico Stella Federica Menghini

45          Gamble Faces “Ital­ian Pok­er­Stars qual­i­fier Erika Cerasti is exactly the kind of player I love to meet at the PCA. For a start, she’s a neu­ro­sci­en­tist and who doesn’t want to meet one of them?!, writes Mad Harper Sec­ondly, she bust in the Main Event in 42nd place and, instead of get­ting all upset because she hasn’t won a gazil­lion dol­lars, she is totally thrilled that she got to spend a week in the Bahamas and the fact that she is going home $52,000 richer!”

46 Teleportation paradigm Flickering memories in CA3
Watch out for the paper by Karel Jezek in Nature later this month May-Britt & Edvard Moser In Trondheim Teleportation paradigm Flickering memories in CA3

47 The Braitenberg model: glocal associative memory
The statistical/ modular perspective The Braitenberg model: glocal associative memory N pyramidal cells √N compartments √N cells each A pical synapses B asal synapses

48 word

49 pc  S ?!?! pc  C S 2 !! Potts units with dilute connectivity
S+1 Potts states Sparse Potts patterns Reduced to a Potts model (Kropff & Treves, 2005) Structured long-range connectivity “0” state included Sparse global patterns updated to remove the ‘memory glass’ problem (Fulvi Mari & Treves, 1998) Cortical modules Local attractor states (=S) Global activity patterns A simple semantic network (O’Kane & Treves, 1992) ..but all cortical modules share the same organization… pc  C S 2 !! pc  S ?!?!

50 Simulations which include a model of neuronal fatigue Simulations
show that the Potts semantic network can hop from global attractor to global attractor: Latching dynamics

51 (ratio local / long-range)
Eleonora Russo wanted to understand the phase diagram for latching dynamics (noise) No Latching (finite) Latching Infinite Latching (ratio local / long-range) Model for free-wheeling thoughts.. Time for dinner!

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