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Acute Arterial Clot Management

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Presentation on theme: "Acute Arterial Clot Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Acute Arterial Clot Management
John Fritz Angle, MD

2 Disclosures Speaker: Abbott, Cook, and Medtronic
Grant support: Siemen’s Consultant: Proteon Therapeutics, Terumo

3 Evaluation Points That Help Define Surgery, Mechanical First or Lysis Only
Duration and severity most important part of history If profound motor/sensory, my observation is mechanical can often re-establish flow and avoid open embolectomy If mild symptoms and proximal clot take precautions to avoid distal embolization CTA very helpful in triage (if GFR>50) Left atrium to toes Inflow=surgery or lysis Outflow=mechanical or lysis Runoff=suction embolectomy (unless known disease) or lysis

4 Aspiration of Distal Emboli after PTA Works
23 PTA patients had aspiration of emboli (6Fr guide) TS = 95.7% (22/23) Outcomes similar to 237 patients without an embolus >90% stenosis = 12.9 HR for embolus Intraluminal PTA (rather than sub-intimal PTA) = 18.4 HR for embolus 5–6-F guiding catheters (ENVOY MPD; Cordis, Miami Lakes, Florida)  Wei L, et al. Infrainguinal Endovascular Recanalization: Risk Factors for Arterial Thromboembolic Occlusions and Efficacy of Percutaneous Aspiration Thrombectomy. JVIR 2016; in press

5 69 y/o Woman With Cold Right Leg

6 Acute Lower Extremity Ischemia Has Two Main Causes
Embolic Very sudden onset of symptoms Afib, LAA clot, LV aneurysm/infarct, Aorto-iliac plaque Branch point and multiple Little disease on other side at that level Thrombotic Occlusion of a vessel due to in-situ thrombosis in (atherosclerotic disease, bypass anastomosis, etc) Calcifications at site of obstruction Bilateral disease

7 When Source Control Is A Problem
LAA (A fib), MV, LV (old MI) or AV Aortic disease Closure device Popliteal aneurysm Thrombolysis may be relatively contraindicated







14 Thrombectomy Device in Profunda and SFA









23 Mechanical Only Is Often Not Enough
Debulk to speed lysis Re-establish flow to shorten ischemic time Short segment of small vessel responds best to mechanical-only Distal protection nearly essential Use covered stent for residual thrombus


25 Summary Contraindications to thrombolysis are relative thanks to mechanical devices Thrombectomy devices slowly challenging the motor-sensory loss paradigm History and CTA provide treatment plan Very close monitoring for complications on table and post-procedure (high risk population)

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