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Presentation Title Your Name

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1 Presentation Title Your Name
For this 12-slide template, you will see italicized words at the bottom of each slide. These are your instructions and should be deleted once you have completed the slide. Keep the existing font size and formatting in this template. For additional instructions and sample lead-in statements to help you articulate your story view the notes section: Select the “View” tab Select “Normal” Presentation View to see the notes Add your presentation title and name in place of “Presentation Title” and “Your Name” above. For this 12 slide template, you will see italicized words at the bottom of each slide. These are your instructions and should be deleted once you have completed the slide. For additional instructions and sample lead-in statements to help you articulate your story: Select the “View” tab Select “Normal” Presentation View to see the notes Add your presentation title and name in place of “Presentation Title” and “Your Name” above.

2 Agenda Add bullet points. No sentences.
What are you going to talk about? State the high-level topics you will discuss. State them as chapter headings in a book. Do not provide any detail. Leave the title, “Agenda Topics” in the top box. NOTE: If this is a project update, typically your first agenda topic would be “where we were” (Last month we left it here.) Your second Agenda Topic would be “where we are” (What changed from last month to this month) Your third Agenda Topic would be “where we’re going” (What are we planning next.) Sample lead-in statements when presenting: Our agenda for the day is… Today I’m going to talk to you about… Today I want to share these findings… I’m here to review… Example: Today’s agenda is… Introduce XYZ Demonstrate XYZ tools Review Reporting Options What are you going to talk about? State the high-level topics you will discuss. State them as chapter headings in a book. Do not provide any detail. Leave the title, “Agenda Topics” in the top box. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide.

3 Intended Outcomes Insert 1-3 bullet points
These are the outcomes your audience wants to achieve by the end of this presentation Intended Outcomes: 1-3 bullet points. DO NOT use sentences. These are the outcomes your audience wants to achieve by the end of this presentation. Answer the question: What will your audience be able to do or accomplish as a result of understanding this information? Use descriptive words such as: More productive, More efficient, Do things faster, Save time, Save money. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide. Intended Outcomes: 1-3 bullet points. DO NOT use sentences. These are the outcomes your audience wants to achieve by the end of this presentation. Answer the question: What will your audience be able to do or accomplish as a result of understanding this information? Use descriptive words such as: More productive, More efficient, Do things faster, Save time, Save money. Sample lead-in statements when presenting: After my presentation, you will… Once we’ve reviewed this material, you will… An understanding of this presentation material will lead you to… Example: Streamline your operations Save time by using the automated tools Increase efficiencies for providing month-end reports

4 Checking In Insert pertinent questions here.
List the questions you’d like to ask. Your goal is to ensure you’re on track with the correct Intended Outcomes (previous slide). Spend no more than 2 minutes on this slide. This slide will help you “tell your story” based on what the audience wants. Select your questions carefully with the intention of either gaining agreement that you’re on track, or allowing the audience to add more Intended Outcomes. With this information, you will be able to determine which topics require more time and detail and which topics require less. You want to get the audience talking. This creates an open environment and shows that you are focused on serving their needs. This step is designed to relax you. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide. Checking In: List the questions you’d like to ask. Your goal is to ensure you’re on track with the correct Intended Outcomes (previous slide). Spend no more than 2 minutes on this slide. This slide will help you “tell your story” based on what the audience wants. Select your questions carefully with the intention of either gaining agreement that you’re on track, or allowing the audience to add more Intended Outcomes. With this information, you will be able to determine which topics require more time and detail and which topics require less. You want to get the audience talking. This creates an open environment and shows that you are focused on serving their needs. This step is designed to relax you. Sample lead-in statements when presenting: We’re going to take a couple of minutes to ensure you agree with these Intended Outcomes or to add any of your own… Today I want to cover information that is most important to you. I would appreciate some input on these questions… How do you feel about those intended outcomes anything else you would like to add… I want to make sure I provide what you need today… Example: I want to make sure I provide what you need today. What is the number one problem you are having with our existing software that you want the new software to solve? Sample Questions to choose from as it relates to the topic. Or you can come up with your own questions . 1. Of the agenda topics I just listed, what’s most important to you? 2. What’s your level of knowledge based on this topic? a. Brand new information b. High-level / limited knowledge c. Fairly familiar d. I could give this presentation 3. What is one hot issue related to this topic that you want to make sure I cover in today’s presentation. 4. What are some problems or challenges you’ve been having as it relates to this topic? (Do not ask this question if you know the audience is hostile.) 5. Is there anything going on that I need to know about that will help me tailor this information for you today? 6. Are there any circumstances / situations / roadblocks I should know about?

5 Subtitle: Describes this Slide
Agenda Topic #1 Subtitle: Describes this Slide Add charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points Copy your first agenda topic from slide #2 and paste the text where it says “Agenda Topic #1.” Your subtitle should be a short description of this slide. Next, you will add information, import charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points to explain your topic. Add slides as needed to round out each agenda topic. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide. Agenda Topic #1: Copy your first agenda topic from slide #2 and paste the text where it says “Agenda Topic #1.” Your subtitle should be a short description of this slide. Next, you will add information, import charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points to explain your topic. Add slides as needed to round out each agenda topic. Sample lead-in statements when presenting: Let’s take a look at… For this topic I want to point out… Let’s spend more time on… Example: Introduce the XYZ software Subtitle: Three differences from our existing platform All the information is located on one platform Need to know the three new different security protocols 10 New self correcting tools

6 Validation Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Bullet points only Provide information that illustrates why the information on the previous slide is good or important for the audience. Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Suggestions for validation could be: share an anecdote, tell a story, or refer to your own or someone else‘s experiences. Disclaimer: In this template, we have provided one slide per agenda topic. In real life you would have numerous slides per agenda topic. This validation slide is intended to go as the last slide of all the slides related to agenda topic #1. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide. Validation: Provide information that illustrates why the information on the previous slide is good or important for the audience. Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Suggestions for validation could be: share an anecdote, tell a story, or refer to your own or someone else‘s experiences. Disclaimer: In this template, we have provided one slide per agenda topic. In real life you would have numerous slides per agenda topic. This validation slide is intended to go as the last slide of all the slides related to agenda topic #1. Sample lead-in statements when presenting: Here’s why it’s important for you to understand this information… Here is the value of this information… This information will take you to… If you understand this information, you’ll be able to… Example: Security protocols will reduce hackers from access (share story of a recent hacking episode that cost two hours of downtime) Save time by using the automated tools

7 Subtitle: Describes this Slide
Agenda Topic #2 Subtitle: Describes this Slide Add charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points Copy your second agenda topic from slide #2 and paste the text where it says “Agenda Topic #1.” Your subtitle should be a short description of this slide. Next, you will add information, import charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points to explain your topic. Add slides as needed to round out each agenda topic. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide. Copy your second agenda topic from slide #2 and paste the text where it says “Agenda Topic #1.” Your subtitle should be a short description of this slide. Next, you will add information, import charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points to explain your topic. Add slides as needed to round out each agenda topic. Sample lead-in statements when presenting: Let’s take a look at… For this topic I want to point out… Let’s spend more time on… Example: Provide Demonstration on Tools of XYZ software Subtitle: Security Restrictions Setting up new passwords and retina scans Review the new protocols for access Hierarchy for breach policy

8 Validation Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Bullet points only Provide information that illustrates why the information on the previous slide is good or important for the audience. Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Suggestions for validation could be: share an anecdote, tell a story, or refer to your own or someone else‘s experiences. Disclaimer: In this template, we have provided one slide per agenda topic. In real life you would have numerous slides per agenda topic. This validation slide is intended to go as the last slide of all the slides related to agenda topic #2. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide. Validation: Provide information that illustrates why the information on the previous slide is good or important for the audience. Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Suggestions for validation could be: share an anecdote, tell a story, or refer to your own or someone else‘s experiences. Disclaimer: In this template, we have provided one slide per agenda topic. In real life you would have numerous slides per agenda topic. This validation slide is intended to go as the last slide of all the slides related to agenda topic #2. Sample lead-in statements when presenting: Here’s why it’s important for you to understand this information… Here is the value of this information… This information will take you to… If you understand this information, you’ll be able to… Example: Streamline your operations Easy access Understand protocol procedures Educate department heads on new software access

9 Subtitle: Describes this Slide
Agenda Topic #3 Subtitle: Describes this Slide Add charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points Copy your third agenda topic from slide #2 and paste the text where it says “Agenda Topic #3.” Your subtitle should be a short description of this slide. Next, you will add information, import charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points to explain your topic. Add slides as needed to round out each agenda topic. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide. Agenda Topic #3: Copy your third agenda topic from slide #2 and paste the text where it says “Agenda Topic #3.” Your subtitle should be a short description of this slide. Next, you will add information, import charts, graphs, photos, screenshots or bullet points to explain your topic. Add slides as needed to round out each agenda topic. Sample lead-in statements when presenting: Let’s take a look at… For this topic I want to point out… Let’s spend more time on… Example: Discuss Reporting Capabilities Subtitle: Accounts Payable Reporting Insert screen shot of accounts payable reporting and walk the audience through how to use it.

10 Validation Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Bullet points only Provide information that illustrates why the information on the previous slide is good or important for the audience. Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Suggestions for validation could be: share an anecdote, tell a story, or refer to your own or someone else‘s experiences. Disclaimer: In this template, we have provided one slide per agenda topic. In real life you would have numerous slides per agenda topic. This validation slide is intended to go as the last slide of all the slides related to agenda topic #3. Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide. Validation: Provide information that illustrates why the information on the previous slide is good or important for the audience. Answer the question: Why should they care? This may be a restatement of some of the Intended Outcomes. Suggestions for validation could be: share an anecdote, tell a story, or refer to your own or someone else‘s experiences. Disclaimer: In this template, we have provided one slide per agenda topic. In real life you would have numerous slides per agenda topic. This validation slide is intended to go as the last slide of all the slides related to agenda topic #3. Sample lead-in statements when presenting: Here’s why it’s important for you to understand this information… Here is the value of this information… This information will take you to… If you understand this information, you’ll be able to… Example: Increase efficiencies for providing month end reports One stop shop for all reports vs three systems

11 Conclusion Agenda Intended Outcomes
Copy and insert Agenda Topics from slide #2 Copy and insert Intended Outcomes from slide #3 Conclusion: Agenda: Copy and insert Agenda Topics from slide #2. Intended Outcomes: Copy and insert Intended Outcomes from slide #3 Sample lead-in statements when presenting: To wrap up today’s presentation… Here’s what we’ve covered today… and our Intended Outcomes… Example: Agenda Introduce XYZ Demonstrate XYZ tools Review Reporting Options Intended Outcomes Streamline your operations Save time by using the automated tools Increase efficiencies for providing month end reports Agenda: Copy and insert Agenda Topics from slide #2. Intended Outcomes: Copy and insert Intended Outcomes from slide #3 Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide.

12 Next Steps Add bullet points as needed
Next Steps: Answer the questions that apply: What is your audience supposed to do with this information? Who can they contact with questions? Are there deadlines or timeline requirements? Sample lead-in statements when presenting: To wrap up… After this presentation you will need to complete the following… If you have any questions… Example: Contact John Smith at XXX extension for questions on security protocol By June 30 review and take the self-test from the XYZ Software Manual By July 30 arrange a mock run through with your IT Manager Answer the questions that apply: What is your audience supposed to do with this information? Who can they contact with questions? Are there deadlines or timeline requirements? Delete these instructions once you have completed the slide.

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