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Gender mainstreaming requires training

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Presentation on theme: "Gender mainstreaming requires training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender mainstreaming requires training
► strategy for change to achieve gender equality Gender training ► transformative ► deeply political (resistances) ► highly contextual

2 Contextualising gender training
►Gender machinery (internal/external): existence of loci designated to care for gender (or gender+) equality policies ►Other influential voices: other political actors like NGOs or other segments of civil society, or political parties, unions and similar organisations, think tanks

3 Contextualising gender training (2)
►Equality climate: socio-cultural climate (media, science and culture) and institutional climate. ►Gender mainstreaming history: past gender mainstreaming efforts, or diversity management activities, or variations of both, and what status such activities were given in the overall political framework.

4 Contextualising gender training (3)
►Gender expertise: level of available gender expertise. ► Gender data: availability of gender data

5 Integrating gender in research projects

6 Gender in research content
Research Idea Phase (checklist) ►If the research involves humans as research objects, has the relevance of gender to the research topic been analysed? ►If the research does not directly involve humans, are the possibly differentiated relations of men and women to the research subject sufficiently clear?

7 Gender in research content (2)
Research Idea Phase (checklist) ►Have you reviewed literature and other sources relating to gender differences in the research field?

8 Why gender matters in (research) projects
► Better projects: quality - utility ► Better policies ► Accountability

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