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Joint Architecture Federation and Integration Project (JAFIP)Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Architecture Federation and Integration Project (JAFIP)Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Architecture Federation and Integration Project (JAFIP)Meeting
JAFIP’s mission is to support decision makers by enabling the speed and agility of well-informed decision making through rapid availability and re-use of architectures. May 15, 2012 Use following Teleconference Number for Voice: 1 (858) Access code Slides on

2 Agenda Architecture Federation Status Updates
Meeting Time Change Proposal EA Conference – Feedback Work for remainder CY FMN Use Case Development

3 Meeting Time Change Proposal
EUCOM has submitted a request to move time 1 hour earlier to 1200 Eastern for our meetings Many participants from PACOM to EUCOM Try to accommodate the biggest number of users possible Any issues or concerns with doing this? Any other proposal (alternating times each month?) 3 6/18/2018JS SLIDE PRESENTATION.ppt

4 EA Conference Feedback
Lots of discussion about federation Demand and expectations are great Any comments from attendees? 4 6/18/2018JS SLIDE PRESENTATION.ppt

5 Remainder FY-12 and Early FY-13
Tasking for Remainder FY-12 and Early FY-13 5 6/18/2018JS SLIDE PRESENTATION.ppt

6 Means technical development will move forward more rapidly
Basis for Tasking JS J6 DDC2I was able to realign limited resources to support Federation Tasking Database Administration Support Visense Support for Web Services/Portal Applications Means technical development will move forward more rapidly Priorities being driven by emerging tasks/critical needs 6 6/18/2018JS SLIDE PRESENTATION.ppt

7 Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Support.
Two Focus Areas Warfighting Mission Area Reference Architecture (WMA-RA)/Joint Mission Thread (JMT) Support Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Support. Clearly understood that work in one focus area will overlap/benefit other, so work must be planned/prioritized to get “best bang for the buck”

8 J-ORA/JMT Support Provides “Operational Context” and core Warfighting Mission Area Reference Architectures Continue to expand on our capability to make architectures: Discoverable, available, traceable and reusable Use DM2/UPDM whenever possible. Develop core processes and procedures for federation: Up to the DoD IEA Across to other Joint ORA's Down to solution architectures.

9 JCIDS Support Need to posture our effort to be able to improve our assessment and analysis capability Rapid availability of architecture products and the associated data elements. Processes and methods for exposing data to support assessment and analysis Support integration and interoperability needs being met through properly designed architectures for the entire DOTMLPF spectrum of analysis. Develop a “style guide” that instructs programs on best practices for design and delivery of architecture products and data sets that support federation, and the full DOTMLPF spectrum of assessment and analysis

10 Phase 1: June – August 2012 Expose the Integrated Joint Dictionary (version 0.1) of authoritative architecture objects Relationships between those objects (has links to DoD IEA, JCSFL, UJTL, JCAs Based on foundational work in the Capability Mapping Baseline Expose existing Joint Mission Thread and WMA Reference Architecture data sets for reusability Initial scope limited to existing JS J6 DDC2I products and data

11 Develop selected use cases to support Phase 2 objectives***
Phase 1: June – August 2012 Provide horizontal and vertical traceability from existing WMA Reference Architectures/ JMTs to the Integrated Dictionary Develop selected use cases to support Phase 2 objectives*** Style guide for delivery of Architecture Data sets*** Processes for conversion of legacy data sets into format that supports federation/data exposure Processes for development of new architectures ***Indicates JAFIP WG Support desired/required 11 6/18/2018JS SLIDE PRESENTATION.ppt

12 12 6/18/2018JS SLIDE PRESENTATION.ppt

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14 Other Tasks TBD – Phase 1 or 2
Partner Activities – What level of support is available? FMN Use Case Support Architecture Repositories Flat File or Data Various levels of maturity/capability Joint Staff Tools: Linkages to authoritative documents/Data CDTM/KMDS/JCAMS DoD CIO Tools: GTG-F (E-ISP/DISR) DARS?

15 Partner Participation
Who is available to participate? Amount of time available? What will be contributed? Virtual Teaming and Collaboration Do not need to participate in every sprint All efforts will be posted to Forge and managed Results/lessons learned will be available on Forge Status briefs monthly at Federation Meetings 15 6/18/2018JS SLIDE PRESENTATION.ppt

16 Assumptions/Constraints
Leverage existing work wherever possible Output must seamlessly integrate with existing portal Project work will be conducted using Sprint/Agile methodology Wendy Woodson: Scrum Master! 3 week cycle of deliverables: Agreed to by core stakeholders (resource sponsors) based on priorities Must show progress to stakeholders on a regular basis used for project management

17 Status Updates DoD CIO AT&L JMTs COCOM’s Services

18 Upcoming Meetings 17 May: Joint Mission Thread WG

19 Use of Community Forge Software Forge
Used for group collaboration Software Forge Used for technical development 19 6/18/2018JS SLIDE PRESENTATION.ppt

20 Links JAFE NIPR Production Portal JAFE SIPR Portal (Development)
JAFE SIPR Portal (Development)

21 Backups

22 22 6/18/2018 JWMA_Architecture_Federation_1_5_2011.ppt

23 Primary Federation POC
DoD CIO Primary Federation POC Alan Golombek Web Site Portals GTG Federation Portal DARS DISR DITPR ASRG Meeting-Resulted in ongoing reviews for DoD IEA reference architectures 8330 Out for Review Initial Draft 8210 reviewed

24 Primary Federation POC
MCAE Primary Federation POC Dave Goosman (MCSC) Web Site Milestones MCAE Status Update

25 SADIE Status Primary Federation POC Web Site Federation Milestones
Lothrop Richards (757) Web Site NIPR SIPR mil Federation Milestones Win 2008 server environment Navy DECC Status SADIE Production NIPR environment up and running to support Joint Architecture Development and Federation Portal. New Server 2008 up and running, awaiting domain name SIPR Up and running, still needs some work NIPR mirror to SIPR almost complete. Working DB server permissions.

26 NARS Primary Federation POC Web Site Milestones Status
Mr. Dave Murray SPAWAR Web Site Milestones Create web service for exposure of NARS catalog of architecture products Create integrated catalog view of NARS AV-1 data sets Federate Catalog of Architecture Products NARS Develop methodology make NARS data available using DM2 Status NARS status is transitioning NARS funding on hold

27 Primary Federation POC
CADIE Primary Federation POC Troy Frye TRADOC/AIMD Web Site Milestones Web services to discover and expose CADIE approved data. Federate Army Mission Threads to Joint Mission Threads (support for Army T&E tools) Status Working STARGEN reports with NECM

28 Primary Federation POC
Joint Mission Threads Primary Federation POC Chris Behre (757) Web Site Milestones Exposure of Initial Sets of Tier 1 JMTs Flat Files Data (Re-use and DM2) Status

29 NECM-e Primary Federation POC Web Site Milestones Status
Dr. David Dryer, Visense, Web Site Milestones Consume JMT DM2 services to expose JMT data sets within NECM Publication of reusable, foundational methodologies used to convert architecture tool data to DM2 data format Status Working DM2 services for exposure of JMT activity sets New virtual is deployed to RDT&E to test Briefs to JS J8/DDC4 Senior Leadership

30 Primary Federation POC
CDTM Primary Federation POC Regina Nairn (FGS Project Manager) Bob Altiero (JCS J8) Web Site NIPRNet: SIPRNet: Milestones Web Service to support architecture pointer in CDTM to location of architectures/data for JCIDS Document Status CDTM final delivery accepted, in maintenance support Started working processes to support federation of JCIDS documents to architectures in component repositories

31 DARS Primary Federation POC Walt Okon (NII) Web Site Milestones Status
Milestones Develop web services that Discover, search, and access DARS AV-1 products Push (publish?) architecture repository catalogs AV-1s to DARS using DM2 compliant service Status No Change

32 Primary Federation POC
ADS Registry Primary Federation POC Jacqui Knudson (DISA) Dan Price (J87) Web Site Need Website Milestones Web services to link services referenced in architectures to ADS Registry Status IT transition for J8 has become a forcing function to move ahead on federation with ADS registry.

33 Primary Federation POC
IAMD Use Case Primary Federation POC Dave Komar Web Site Milestones Support for J9 FY-11 experiments Federation with AF AOC architecture Status Awaiting SIPR Federation Portal to support additional work

34 Primary Federation POC
E-ISP Primary Federation POC Web Site Need Website Milestones No tasks assigned Status

35 Primary Federation POC
Department of the Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository (DITPR) Primary Federation POC Unknown Web Site Milestones Not Started Status Resource constrained to pursue further at this time

36 Defense IT Standards registry (DISR)
Primary Federation POC Dave Brown Web Site Milestones Function to Standards Mappings (Dave Brown) Status While no tasks are assigned, there are six (6) documents referencing DISR. DISR function to standards mapping status unknown Resource constrained to pursue further at this time

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