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WIDA Standards for ELLs

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Presentation on theme: "WIDA Standards for ELLs"— Presentation transcript:

1 WIDA Standards for ELLs

2 Terminology ACCESS for ELLs: Assessment used to determine students English proficiency ELLs: English Language Learners (also called ESL or LEP students) ESOL: English to Speakers of Other Languages Formerly Limited English Proficient (FLEP): students who are considered proficient in the English language, but were once an ELL WIDA: Word-class Instructional Design and Assessment

3 WIDA Standards Provide language acquisition standards in five academic areas: Social/Instructional Language Language of Language Arts Language of Math Language of Science Language of Social Studies Standards are distributed.

4 Proficiency Levels There are six levels of proficiency:
Level 1: Entering Level 2: Beginning Level 3: Developing Level 4: Expanding Level 5: Bridging Level 6: Reaching Can Do descriptors have additional information about what students can do at these levels of proficiency

5 ACCESS for ELLs Assessment used for ELL students each year to determine proficiency Is broken into grade level strands and tiers: Kindergarten Assessment Grade 1-2; Tiers A, B and C Grade 3-5; Tiers A, B and C Grade 6-8; Tiers A, B and C Grade 9-12; Tiers A, B and C These tests have parts that are group administered and also individually administered

6 Subtests ACCESS for ELLs is broken into 4 subtests
Speaking Listening Reading Writing These subtests have items from each of the five standards (Social/Instructional; Lang. of LA; Lang of Math; Lang of Sci; Lang of SS) Assesses speaking in Social/Instructional; Language of Language arts; Language of Math; Language of Science and Language of SS

7 ACCESS Scores ACCESS scores can be from a range of 1.0 to 6.0.
To be considered proficient, students must achieve a score of 5.0 on the overall composite score and 5.0 on the literacy subtest on a Tier C test. Students with lower scores are less proficient than those with higher scores. Show a teacher report

8 Teacher Report

9 Federal Regulations Our ELL students must meet targets (Annual Measureable Accountability Objectives or AMAOs) for progress and proficiency each year. Our students have met the AMAOs every year. For , the AMAOs are 67% for progress 18% for proficiency

10 FLEP Students Students are still monitored for two years after they have reached proficiency. FLEP Monitoring Document: completed twice per year FLEP students are also included in AMO calculations for two years after they achieve proficiency.

11 Additional Resources WIDA Website: - has many resources and much more extensive training presentations. VDOE Website: - has instructional videos on the “Standards, Assessment and Resources” on the right RCPS Website: - has resources for parents and teachers

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