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Wednesday, April 12, 2017 AoW 5.5 is due on Monday, April 17, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, April 12, 2017 AoW 5.5 is due on Monday, April 17, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, April 12, 2017 AoW 5.5 is due on Monday, April 17, 2017.
You need paper and pencil or pen (blue or black only). You will need to have ALL supplies and be seated when the bell rings. No food or drink until further notice. I will be issuing detentions for failure to follow a directive, beginning today. Drink included water!!! Please make wise choices and have a good day! 

2 Lesson Target Students will calculate their route to explain their research by constructing a thesis statement.

3 Here are some ways to begin your introduction
Begin with a general statement to introduce your topic. Begin with a contradiction: start with a statement recognizing an opinion or approach that is opposite from the one you plan to take in your essay. Begin with a short anecdote or narrative: if your story is interesting, it will draw readers in immediately. ***This is NOT a story about your own life…This is from a well known historical event. REMEMBER: using first person is not an option for this essay. Begin with an interesting fact or statistic: make sure this is powerful, as you will be including factual information in your essay. Begin with a definition of a term that is important to your essay. You can either use a literal, dictionary definition or you can create your own definition based on the information you have researched.

4 Think about the following as you complete your introduction
A Powerful Beginning: Begin with something that will catch your reader’s attention (without confusing him/her). Your audience should be hooked at this point – they should want to continue reading. Purpose: Make it evident that your essay is to inform the audience of your topic. Why should they care about your topic? Scope: Briefly discuss the components you plan to discuss in your paper. Background Information: Pretend as though the audience is not familiar with any aspect of your topic. What information is absolutely essential for them to know prior to reading the rest of your essay? State your thesis statement or main purpose for writing your essay.

5 Example: Thesis Statement
Concentration Camps Discrimination, murder, and Concentration/Death Camps, where cruel and brutal punishments were assigned to innocent people of the Jewish religion. All of these atrocities were part of the Holocaust, which started in Germany, and lasted from through Concentration Camps changed the lives of every Jew, leaving a horrible memory for those who did survive.

6 Assignment: Create your thesis statement.
Continue working on your research.

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