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Writing Body Paragraph 2 of Your Mini-Essay

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Body Paragraph 2 of Your Mini-Essay"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Body Paragraph 2 of Your Mini-Essay

2 What’s different about the second paragraph in a mini-essay?

3 A transition sentence should:
Summarize the point of the previous paragraph. Summarize the point of the current paragraph.

4 Transition + topic sentence
Identify the event that changes the character + how s/he has changed. Example: After Roger is taken in and shown kindness by the woman from whom he attempted to steal, he sees the value of being trusted by another human being and begins to show integrity.

5 Transition + topic sentence:
The transition will identify the event which causes the character to change The topic or claim identifies the character’s change

6 Elaboration of topic sentence
(2-3 sentences) Continue to develop your argument about how the character changes and why Provide context for your quote

7 Evidence (1-2 sentences) Introduce your quote with a tag
Select a short, relevant, and interesting quotation to prove your claim Your quotation should show a different, new side of your character

8 Evidence Reinforcement
(2-4 sentences) Use your quotation to support your claim Why/how does the quotation prove that your character has changed?

9 Conclusion (1 sentence)
Present change and cause is a more thorough way, and include an insight about the character and/or trait

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