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Visual Puns/ Oxymorons

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Puns/ Oxymorons"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Puns/ Oxymorons
The use of symbols to suggest two or more meanings or different associations

2 Dandy Lion (modern day: metrosexual)

3 Light Cream Soda

4 Whole Milk

5 Nightmare

6 Gatorade

7 King of Pop

8 Ipod

9 Card Shark

10 Tap Dancers

11 Pool Table

12 Dr. Pepper

13 Egg Plant

14 A Salted (assaulted) Peanut

15 Ideas You May Use 4 Yourself!
Bird of Prey (bird and pray) Palm Pilot (palm tree or palm hand and pilot) Microphone (micro and phone) Lightheaded (light and head) Tuna Fish (Tune and Fish) Ocean Floor (Ocean and Floor) Horseshoe (horse and shoe)

16 Benchmark (Bench and mark)
Designer Jeans (designer and jeans) Locksmith (lock and smith (metal worker)) Frog in the throat (frog and throat) Handbag (hand and bag) Xbox (X and box) C-Clamp (sea and clamp) Baseball bat (baseball and bat) Money Laundering (money and laundry) Headphones (head and phone)

17 Brain Dead (brain and dead)
Money down the drain (money and drain) Mind’s eye (mind and eye) Spell of weather (spell and weather) Watch Dogs Fan Club Second Hand Store Water Closet Strong Box Photo Bug Bookworm Toothpick Handcuffs

18 Horse radish Fireman Wisdom Tooth Mail Man Boxing Match Butterfly
Visual Pun Assignment: In Photoshop create 4-5 Visual Puns 2. Save them as JPEG files 3. Put them in a PowerPoint Create an Answer key slide at the end SSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Make sure you don’t tell everyone your pun! Horse radish Fireman Wisdom Tooth Mail Man Boxing Match Butterfly Moth Ball Garden Hose Horse Fly Eye Ball Handball Football

19 Grade Drop YOUR PowerPoint into my INBOX 
Walk around: View each slideshow and see how many you get correct! Worksheet: Write down the Name of the person and the pun you like the BEST! --When finished Pick YOUR FAVORITE PUN OF ALL!! -Circle the NAME and PUN

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