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Bridging the Gap Between General and Special Education

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Presentation on theme: "Bridging the Gap Between General and Special Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bridging the Gap Between General and Special Education
(Accommodations vs Interventions) Cortney Hale-Melton (Carbondale Middle School; Special Education Reading co-teacher) Eddy Henriksen (Tri County at Ward; Self-contained ED teacher)

2 Senate Bill 100 “Senate Bill 100 (SB100) was passed in the Illinois Senate January of The bill seeks to address the causes and consequences of the "school-to-prison pipeline" by legislating disciplinary guidelines for both public and charter schools. SB100 explicitly calls for schools to engage in problem solving to support behavioral needs in place of suspensions and / or expulsions.” ~

3 Students with IEPs: The IEP creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel, and students(when appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability.

4 Why are we here today? The main goal is to: Why is this a main goal?
~Provide students (who already receive accommodations) with extra supports/interventions in order to better assist with academic, functional, and social/emotional growth within the general educational setting. Why is this a main goal? ~Because it is crucial to utilize interventions in order to address targeted classroom behaviors with the hope of continuing to provide a student with his/her education in the least restrictive environment (LRE).


6 Accommodations: ~word banks ~preferential seating ~take tests orally
~outlines provided ~written list of instructions ~preferential seating ~extended time ~use of calculator ~daily/weekly organizer

7 Intervention Examples/Ideas
A group contingency is a group reinforcement technique that capitalizes on peer influence by setting a group goal or implementing a group consequence for behavior. The purpose of this strategy is to prevent behavioral problems, increase appropriate behaviors, and decrease incorrect behaviors, depending on how the contingency is engineered. Contingent instructions are specific directions given to an individual student to cease an undesired behavior and to engage in a more appropriate alternative. Choice-making is a strategy that enables students to select from a number of options. It can be used both to prevent behavior problems and to increase specific behaviors. Criterion-specific rewards can be used as part of a proactive intervention for managing classroom behavior. Students may earn criterion-specific rewards such as activities, privileges, and tangible incentives after the occurrence of an identified target behavior(s) at a set level of performance. Specific praise includes verbal or written statements to a student that recognize a desired or correct behavior. Praise can function as a tool for instruction and for increasing social and academic behaviors. To be effective, the student must view the attention provided through praise as pleasurable or motivational.

8 Response to Interventions:

9 Tier 1 Interventions: CORE, UNIVERSAL (examples) ~token economy
~assemblies ~channel one news ~phone call to parent/guardian ~office referrals ~detentions ~suspensions ~character curriculum ~

10 Tier 2 Interventions: SUPPLEMENTAL, TARGETED (examples)
~check-in check-out ~daily behavior management sheet ~behavior contracts ~referral to counseling ~peer tutoring -staff/peer mentoring

11 Tier 3 Interventions: INTENSIVE, INDIVIDUALIZED (examples)
~Behavior Intervention Plan ~ ~social work/counseling services ~non verbal cues and signals ~reward system ~take fives -small group instruction -EOC aide

12 Group Activity Scenario #1 and #2-- Please get into groups!
Groups will be split up evenly and do scenario’s for 5-7 minutes

13 Scenario #1 What interventions did your group come up with??
Some of our suggestions: Specific Praise - Utilize a system such as Class Dojo to award Sam for desired behaviors. This can be just for him and his family or the whole class. Criterion-Specific Rewards - When Sam completes all his desired assignments in a day, he will be able work with the art teacher on his drawings for 15 minutes at the end of the day (when the teacher is available). Choice-Making - If Sam earns an 80% or higher on all assignments for a week, he is able to choose to an activity to do during homeroom and lead the class in the activity.

14 Some of our suggestions:
Scenario #2 What interventions did your group come up with?? Some of our suggestions: • Effective Rules- Tape a small copy of the classroom rules on her agenda book or on her desk. This way you can reference them without an audience reaction. • Contingent Instructions- Heather, please raise your hand to speak when you have something to share with the class. • Group Contingency- If everyone in the group does not talk over each other, they will receive extra time on the playground each day

15 Discussion Time Tell us some of your classroom intervention experiences… Both successful and unsuccessful

16 PBIS--Big Bang Theory style!!
Thank you for attending our presentation!!

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