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Mrs. Corrigan’s Newsletter Week of October 2, 2017

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1 Mrs. Corrigan’s Newsletter Week of October 2, 2017
Dear Parents, The students are no longer allowed to wear shorts. Short season is only during the months of Aug., Sept., and May. I did not send home a Star Homework this week. They will be having homework every night make sure to check their homework folder. October Birthdays Alivia B. ~ Oct. 11 Events Coming Up Oct ~ Book Fair Oct. 19 ~ Literacy Night 6-8pm Oct 20 ~ End of the First Quarter Oct. 30 & Nov. 1 ~ Parent Teacher Conferences Things we will be learning Religion: God is our Father ~ Chapter 3 Reading: Get the Egg High Frequency Words: saw your tree smalll Spelling: Short Vowel e Grammar: Statement Sentences. A sentence that tells something and ends with a period. Math: Addition Social Studies: History Past, Present, Future Spelling Words Get the Egg (test will be Thurs Oct. 6) bed men red step ten net leg sled wet jet Word Wall Words saw your

2 Mrs. Corrigan’s Newsletter Week of September 25, 2017
Dear Parents, Mid Term will go out Thursday. You can check your child’s grades on Power School. At Open House you were given a folder with a paper that contained a password to log into Power School. There will be more grades coming, so if they did not do well on a paper don’t get to concerned. We will be getting more grades in order to bring up their grade. August/ September Birthdays Isaac H. ~ Aug. 9 Lainey T. ~ Aug. 14 Noah A ~ Aug. 19 Mason H. ~ Aug. 27 Masson B. ~ Sept. 10 Cole V. ~ Sept. 15 Peter B. ~ Sept. 27 Events Coming Up Sept. 28 ~ Picture Day Sept. 29 ~ No School Teacher In-Service Things we will be learning Religion: God’s Creation Reading: Fox and a Kit High Frequency Words: her, too Spelling: Short Vowel and a -s Grammar: Word Order Math: Counting Social Studies: Rules Spelling Words Fox and a Kit (test will be Thurs Sept. 28) nap naps sit sits win wins fit fits hit hits Word Wall Words her too

3 Mrs. Corrigan’s Newsletter Week of September 18, 2017
Dear Parents, Thanks for all the Grandparents who come for our Grandparents Day. The students really enjoyed showing their grandparents around. This week we will be testing the students on reading and math. They will take a MAP test on the tablets. Please support our Trek for Tech fundraiser. This will help buy more tablets for the students. It will also be a jeans day. The last Friday of the month we have a jeans day. August/ September Birthdays Isaac H. ~ Aug. 9 Lainey T. ~ Aug. 14 Noah A ~ Aug. 19 Mason H. ~ Aug. 27 Masson B. ~ Sept. 10 Cole V. ~ Sept. 15 Events Coming Up Sept. 22 ~ Trek for Tech Sept. 22 ~ Jeans Day Sept. 28 ~ Picture Day Sept. 29 ~ No School Teacher In-Service Things we will be learning Religion: God’s Creation Reading: The Big Blue Ox High Frequency Words: help use get Spelling: Short Vowel o Grammar: Telling part of a Sentences (Predicate) Tells what the subject does. Math: Counting Problem Solving Social Studies: Rules Spelling Words The Big Blue Ox (test will be Fri. Sept. 22) mom hot hop pot pop ox lock mop got rock Word Wall Words help use

4 Mrs. Corrigan’s Newsletter Week of September 11, 2017
Dear Parents, When we complete a chapter in our Religion books I will send the book home with a worksheet for you to complete with your child. You can read the chapter with your child and that can count as your ten minutes of reading. When completing the Religion assignments together sets an example to the child the importance of Jesus in our life. Make sure you sign their Weekly Report in their Graded Papers Folder. You will see a Conduct Grade of 25 or less. If a student breaks a rule I will take a point away. In my Open House link it will explain how this works. If you have any questions please me and I will get back with you as soon as possible. August/ September Birthdays Isaac H. ~ Aug. 9 Lainey T. ~ Aug. 14 Noah A ~ Aug. 19 Mason H. ~ Aug. 27 Masson B. ~ Sept. 10 Cole V. ~ Sept. 15 Events Coming Up Sept. 11 ~ Grandparents Day Sept. 22 ~ Trek for Tech Sept. 28 ~ Picture Day Sept. 29 ~ No School Teacher In-Service Things we will be learning Religion: Jesus is our friend Reading: Pig in a Wig High Frequency Words: and take up Spelling: Short Vowel i Grammar: Naming Part of a Sentence (Subject). Math: Counting Social Studies: Rules Spelling Words Pig in a Wig (test will be Fri. Sept. 15) in it did sit six fix lip mix pin wig Word Wall Words and take

5 Mrs. Corrigan’s Newsletter Week of September 4, 2017
Dear Parents, We made it through our first full week. Great job to all the students. You can keep in touch with what we are doing and learning by using class dojo and of course my web site. In order to save paper I will have this newsletter on my web site. Send in a note if you will need a paper copy of this newsletter. Otherwise go to the web site. Friday will be our first Spelling Test. I sent home a list of all the words for the whole year, you can use that to look ahead at the words. August/ September Birthdays Isaac H. ~ Aug. 9 Lainey T. ~ Aug. 14 Noah A ~ Aug. 19 Mason H. ~ Aug. 27 Masson B. ~ Sept. 10 Cole V. ~ Sept. 15 Events Coming Up Sept. 8 ~ First Spelling Test Sept. 11 ~ Grandparents Day Sept. 22 ~ Trek for Tech Sept. 28 ~ Picture Day Sept. 29 ~ No School Teacher In-Service Things we will be learning Religion: Jesus is our friend Reading: Sam the Cat High Frequency Words: way, on, in Spelling: Short Vowel a Grammar: Sentences Math: Counting Social Studies: Rules Spelling Words Sam the Cat (test will be Fri. Sept. 8) at can cat back dad a bat mad ran sack Word Wall Words way on

6 Dear Parents, The first two days of school went very well. The students learned the rules and routines that are expected of First graders. I will be keeping in contact with you using Classdojo. I sent a log in paper home Thursday in their folders. When you log in you will be able to see what we are doing, and how your child did that day. If you have any medical forms to fill out please return as soon as possible. This week we will be reviewing and taking a few pretest to see where your child is at. Please make sure your child has a pair of gym shoes that will stay in the classroom all year. They are not allowed to wear the shoes they wore to school for gym. Thank you for reading with your child. You can read to your child or they can read to you. Write down the title of the book and initial the Reading Log paper. Please keep Reading Log their Homework folder. The students will bring their papers home on Mondays in a Graded Papers Folder. Initial the Weekly Update form and return the folder the next day. You may keep the graded papers at home and go over them with your child. I will put my newsletter on my website so we can save paper. Let me know if you need a paper copy and I will print one off for you. If you every have any questions or concerns please send me an . Thanks for allowing me to teach your child this year. I am looking forward to a great year.

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