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Today, you will be able to:

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1 Today, you will be able to:
Trig Tuesday Warm ups Complete Slide below Discussion/Notes/Guided Practice 7.1 Basic Trig Identities Assignment: A#7.1 Pg. 427 #15-35 odd Today, you will be able to: Identify and use reciprocal identities, quotient identities, Pythagorean identities, symmetry identities, and opposite-angle identities Success Criteria: Quiz Sections 7.1 – 7.2 Fri 12/19 Q&A Guided Practice Homework

2 Prior Knowledge Self-Evaluation – Know vs. Need to Know
Identify and use reciprocal identities, quotient identities, Pythagorean identities, symmetry identities, and opposite-angle identities

3 A Trigonometric Identity is ________________________________________________
Trig Identities It only takes one _________________________ to prove that an equation is not an identity.

4 Self-Evaluation - Rate each learning target:
Identify basic trig identities

5 Prove that sin x tan x = cos x is not a trigonometric identity by producing a counterexample.

6 Deriving Pythagorean Identities


8 EXAMPLES – Simplifying Trig Expressions
* Simplifying a trigonometric expression means that the expression is written using the fewest trigonometric functions possible and as algebraically simplified as possible. This may mean writing the expression as a numerical value. EXAMPLES – Simplifying Trig Expressions

9 A#7.1 Pg. 427 #15-35 odd Due Wednesday!!!

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