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Presentation on theme: "LEAD WITH EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION"— Presentation transcript:

Angie Garfield Customer First Success, Inc.

2 Who would be a Project Manager?
Observed skill sets? Learned about their values? Are they competent? Possess Leadership Qualities? How do they communicate with others? How do they like to be communicated with?

3 Communication Internal/External Customers
What benefits do you provide your customers?

4 Know Your Purpose Know your Purpose, Understand your Role Create Value

5 Communication Styles Behavior – Communication
Understanding Behavior Styles leads to better communication What Behavior/Communication Style are you?

6 Behavior Styles 1 of 4 Talker Outgoing Enthusiastic Approachable

7 Behavior Styles 2 of 4 Doer Productive Pioneer mentality Wants results
Quick decision making

8 Behavior Styles 3 of 4 Controller Systematic Logical
Accuracy/Quality of results Facts

9 Behavior Styles 4 of 4 Supporter Easygoing Dependable Detail-minded
Slow to make decisions

10 Behavior Styles Talker Doer Controller Supporter

11 Working with Different Behavior Styles
Talker Be interested in them Help them prioritize, keep track of details Use more descriptive words Focus on the positive

12 Working with Different Behavior Styles
Doer Help them follow rules, expectations Help them explain reasons for decisions Be prepared, organized Clearly defined goals, objectives Be professional, to the point

13 Working with Different Behavior Styles
Controller Help them to share their expertise Help them to interact with others…include them in activities Be prepared with facts/organized Avoid pushing for a decision

14 Working with Different Behavior Styles
Supporter Help them see efficiencies in the process Help them track time lines Explain changes thoroughly Offer assurances of progression

15 Working with Different Behavior Styles
No one Behavior Style is better People have more than one Style Stress - Behavior Style is more dominant Effective teams - different styles Each style has strengths/weaknesses

16 Law of Psychological Reciprocity
Attitudes, feelings, motives we give out to people tend to come back to us

17 Reflective Listening Listening, Restating, Clarifying
A Level Above Listening

18 Unspoken Communication
Body Language Eye Contact Facial Expressions Personal Space Low Energy

19 Open Environment for Communication
Location Prepare Agenda Mentally prepare – Behavior Styles Prepare to Listen Seek to be fair/consistent Be specific!

20 Lead with Effective Communication
Working within a group is a learned skill Practice looking for Behavior Styles Specific and clear team goals/objectives Teach, provide feedback, reward

21 Lead with Effective Communication
Good is the Enemy of Great!

22 Thank You! Angie Garfield


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