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Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

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Presentation on theme: "Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9"— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9
I am interested in I am interested because . . . Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

2 Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9
During the ________stage, we _________is when we . . . Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

3 Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9
The checklist reminds us to When we complete the prewriting stage, we should . . . Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

4 Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9
The checklist reminds us to When we complete the writing stage, we should . . . Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

5 Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9
The checklist reminds us to When we complete the revising stage, we should . . . Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

6 Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9
The checklist reminds us to When we complete the editing stage, we should . . . Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

7 Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9
On-demand writing is different because For an on-demand writing assignment, we need to . . . Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

8 Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9
The objective I found most interesting is My summary is . . . Level 4, Unit 2, Chapter 3, Lesson 9

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