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Lake Effect Snow Forecasting

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1 Lake Effect Snow Forecasting
Zachary Hiris & Phil Pascerelli Special Thanks to Jim Sullivan (Ohio Univ. ‘16)

2 Basics Lake-effect snow (LES) is snow which develops on the downwind side of a major body of water (lake) Driven by heat and moisture differences between the lake and the air above Can produce extremely heavy snow rates for long durations of time

3 Basics The basic ingredient absolutely needed for significant lake effect snow? Sfc.-850mb▲C ≥ 13°C - Why? Indicates an absolutely unstable lapse rate from the lake surface to 850mb level! (Holroyd 1971) Absolute instability in the low levels is indicative of lift- and therefore the development of clouds (cloud streets) eventually developing into lake convection Allows for lake induced instability to develop! More on this later

4 Other Basic Ingredients
Deep Moisture Layer Moisture in the boundary layer is absolutely needed- Lake-effect will NOT survive without background moisture At least 1.5km deep, with <70% Humidity Generally a good LES setup has moisture depth to at least 2-3km (7-10kft) Wind Shear Winds in the moist (boundary) layer ideally fall within 15-30kts Directional shear within the layer should be less than 30*, speed shear <15kts Any stronger shear tears apart a single band, and multiband setup is more likely Fetch/Wind Direction Short fetch leads to less moisture, less lake effect Can be affected by ice cover later in the season Typically- minimum fetch needed for flurries is 80 km, 160 km needed for significant lake effect Strong convergence can negate this (see Oct. surprise event)

5 Wind Direction 240-270° 270° 280° 290-300° 300+°
Must know wind direction and what this wind direction means for downstream locations BUFKIT is your friend here! Quiz… What are the ideal winds for LES for the following cities? Tug Hill & North (Watertown, Lowville)? 240°-270° Pulaski/Mexico? 270° Oswego? 280° Fulton/Syracuse 290°-300° South of Syracuse 300° ° 270° 280° ° 300+°

6 Lake to Lake Connections
Often times, a “link” or connection to a lake further upstream will enhance boundary layer moisture before reaching Lake Ontario Most common? Lake Huron Georgian Bay Occasionally Hudson Bay (possibly happened Oct. this year) Important to look for these connections Basic method- follow the moisture on any model page Winds- were 850mb/700mb winds generally uniformly coming from an upstream lake? Look at 925mb/850mb RH plots to track upstream moisture Often times can help spark lake snows even with significant ice cover

7 Favorable Synoptic Pattern
Lake effect is most prevalent directly after the passage of a cold front Why? Strongest period of Cold Air Advection (CAA), generally uniform winds from the West/Northwest, background moisture Trough over Canada Location of 850mb/700mb low (generally my standard)is key Closer to Lake Surperior/Huron - WSW (240) flow Closer to the NY/VT/NH border- WNW ( ) flow Reinforcing Cold Shots/Fronts Also can cause subtle wind shifts that can move the band Increase in lift can produce heavy snow rates

8 Sources of Lift/Convergence
Land Breeze Caused by temperature difference between the surface temperature and the lake surface temperature Leads to the creation of a mesolow that will enhance convergence at the surface Frictional Convergence On the lee side of the lake faster air hits the slower air that is over land On the shore that is to the right of motion of the band, slower air over land is deflected into the band by the pressure gradient. Other source of lift- orographic lift (Tug Hill), convergence- thermal convergence

9 Tieing it Together- Case Study #1
November 17-21st, 2014 Over 80” fell in the southern suburbs of Buffalo Massive single band which remained stationary for hours at a time First “event” shown to the right

10 Case Study #1- Buffalo Sounding
Things to consider… Lake Sfc. Temps: 9C 850mb Temp near -15C Delta T’s = 24C!! Produced massive amounts of Lake Induced CAPE Lake Induced Equilibrium Levels of up to 20kft!

11 Case Study #1- Buffalo BUFKIT (Niziol)

12 Case Study #1- The Results

13 Case Study #2 February 3-12, 2007 10 day event that caused 121 inches of snow to fall in Parish, New York Most Oswego County saw at least 80 inches of snow Note the repeated cold fronts/surface troughs moving through the region

14 Case Study #2 Sounding This sounding was just taken after the initial cold front passed Buffalo, New York This sounding shows the 850 mb temperature to be near -18° C and the average temperature of the surface of Lake Ontario was 3.52 °C The Boundary Layer is up to 600 mb The combination of cold 850 mb temperatures and deep boundary layer allowed for the development of a strong band over the lake Generally WSW winds promoted a band of snow just south of Buffalo Winds over Lake Ontario were more West-WNW

15 Case Study #2 Results

16 Using Standard Computer Model Output
Look at basic maps 500mb heights/vorticity, 700mb RH/Winds, 850mb Temp/RH/Wind, Sfc. Temps/Wind Should give you a general idea of the synoptic situation Think- where is the upper level low? Is the 850mb low in a favorable placement for 240 winds or 280? Is the pattern favorable for lake effect snow development?

17 Computer Model Output- Soundings
Standard SkewT/logP for the Oswego area Note- it’s not a BUFKIT sounding- raw soundings can help too! What are some important features you can see from this skewT?

18 Using BUFKIT- Example Sounding
Important Features Left Panel Right Panel

19 Additional Tips- Courtesy of Jim Sullivan
700mb wind/RH, 850mb temp/wind and SLP/10m wind plots are your friends Deep moisture to 700mb or higher can mean a big event. Lake-850mb temp differentials. Wind direction at 850mb is often good clue for where bands will setup. Surface pressure/wind plots can help identify important features that can enhance convergence. Best lake effect snow tends to occur before passage of a surface trough and associated shortwave aloft Tends to be a period of ascent ahead of shortwave trough. Often associated with a period of heightened inversions and deeper moisture. Surface convergence along/ahead of surface trough can intensify bands. Look for sources of low level convergence. Surface high building in, surface trough (lake aggregate or associated with a shortwave) The NAM seems to do a better job of picking up on lake modification to an airmass and seems to more accurately predict low level flow than the GFS

20 Model Forecast Tips - ZH
In most LES cases, the snowfall : liquid ratio is much higher than the standard 10:1. Typically, most LES cases are much closer to 15-20:1, if not higher. Do NOT use the NAM/GFS for your precipitation forecasts. LES does not show up well in lower resolution guidance (i.e. >5km grid spacing), and QPF forecasts are essentially useless. Use these models for pattern recognition and BUFKIT! When Equilibrium heights are >15kft, and Lake Induced CAPE is >750 jkg-1, typically very heavy snow rates are possible (>2”/hr). This will not always show up on high-resolution models Lake effect snow is very difficult to predict- don’t be discouraged if your first forecasts aren’t perfect!

21 Helpful Links Buffalo’s Locally run 4-Panel WRF Oswego WRF
Oswego WRF College of Dupage Website Good for satellite, radar, mesoanalysis, and forecast models Penn State E-wall Also has the HRRR, RAP, RGEM, etc Be careful using snowfall plots

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