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Jeopardy Earth Origin Continent Origin Ocean Features Ocean Stuff

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Earth Origin Continent Origin Ocean Features Ocean Stuff"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Earth Origin Continent Origin Ocean Features Ocean Stuff
Ocean Floor Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Earth Origin
The Earth & Solar System formed this long ago.

3 $100 Answer from Earth Origin
4.6 billion years ago

4 $200 Question from Earth Origin
Earth formation was this long ago after the Big Bang.

5 $200 Answer from Earth Origin
15 billion years

6 $300 Question from Earth Origin
Early Earth formed by this process.

7 $300 Answer from Earth Origin
Accretion of dust and gas.

8 $400 Question from Earth Origin
This lighter molten material floated to the top, while this more dense material flowed to the center.

9 $400 Answer from Earth Origin
Silica, Iron & Nickel.

10 $500 Question from Earth Origin
Earth’s early atmosphere was derived by this process.

11 $500 Answer from Earth Origin
Volcanic Outgassing

12 $100 Question from Origin of Continents
This man claimed that the continents broke apart.

13 $100 Answer from Origin of Continents
Alfred Wegener

14 $200 Question from Origin of Continents
Name two pieces of evidence that supports continental drift.

15 $200 Answer from Origin of Continents
Puzzle Fit, Glacial Features, Rock and Mineral Similarities, …

16 $300 Question from Origin of Continents
This is the driving mechanism of plate movement.

17 $300 Answer from Origin of Continents
Convection Cells

18 $400 Question from Origin of Continents
At this type of boundary one can find trenches.

19 $400 Answer from Origin of Continents
Convergent Boundary

20 $500 Question from Origin of Continents
Name the mountains that form from continental/continental crust colliding.

21 $500 Answer from Origin of Continents

22 $100 Question from Ocean Floor Formation
This plate boundary can be found at the San Andeas Fault.

23 $100 Answer from Ocean Floor Formation
Transform or Lateral

24 $200 Question from Ocean Floor Formation
Ocean floor topography is determined by signals called this.

25 $200 Answer from Ocean Floor Formation

26 $300 Question from Ocean Floor Formation
This region is an extension of the continents.

27 $300 Answer from Ocean Floor Formation
Continental Shelf

28 $400 Question from Ocean Floor Formation
This area is often cut through by a river.

29 $400 Answer from Ocean Floor Formation
Continental Break

30 $500 Question from Ocean Floor Formation
This zone is found between the c. shelf and the ocean basin floor.

31 $500 Answer from Ocean Floor Formation
Continental Slope

32 $100 Question from Ocean Features
These are former river valleys.

33 $100 Answer from Ocean Features
Submarine Canyon

34 $200 Question from Ocean Features
These are underwater mountains that do not break the surface.

35 $200 Answer from Ocean Features

36 $300 Question from Ocean Features
These are flat topped features found on the ocean floor.

37 $300 Answer from Ocean Features

38 $400 Question from Ocean Features
This type of margin is characterized by thick sediment deposits.

39 $400 Answer from Ocean Features
Passive Margin

40 $500 Question from Ocean Features
Vents are formed when minerals do this.

41 $500 Answer from Ocean Features
Precipitate out from the hot water coming in contact with cold water.

42 $100 Question from Ocean Stuff
Black smoke is formed from this chemical.

43 $100 Answer from Ocean Stuff
Hydrogen Sulfide

44 $200 Question from Ocean Stuff
These organisms form the trophic base for tubeworms.

45 $200 Answer from Ocean Stuff

46 $300 Question from Ocean Stuff
This is the manufacture of food without sunlight and chlorophyll.

47 $300 Answer from Ocean Stuff

48 $400 Question from Ocean Stuff
This is the first stage in reef formation.

49 $400 Answer from Ocean Stuff
Fringing Reef

50 $500 Question from Ocean Stuff
This is the last stage in reef formation.

51 $500 Answer from Ocean Stuff

52 Final Jeopardy Eroded material that builds up on part
of the reef is called this.

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Keys

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