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Current Events Monday 9/11/2017 Topic: Seven Elements

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Presentation on theme: "Current Events Monday 9/11/2017 Topic: Seven Elements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Events Monday 9/11/2017 Topic: Seven Elements
Connect one of today’s articles to one of the seven elements of culture. And explain something you know about it.

2 Current Events Tuesday 9/12/2017 Topic: physical geography (environment)
How has the physical geography of Texas, Florida, Mexico and the PNW effected the people who live there?

3 Current Events Wednesday 9/13/2017 Topic: elements of culture
Which element of culture do the following articles connect to? Are any of these relavent in your life today? If so how? If not, why not?

4 Current Events Thursday 9/14/2017 Topic: themes of geography
Which theme of geography does the following editorial relate to? Do you think Sound Transit is important? Should we continue to spend money to build and improve it? Why or why not?

5 Current Events Monday 9/18/2017 Topic: Chinese fortune (I’ll explain )
Your choice….wait for Mrs. Powell and she is going to read today’s headlines with you….you can write about any of them …just needs to be 3-5 sentences.

6 Current Events Tuesday 9/19/2017 Topic: interaction
Question: What is the definition/description of interaction…as part of the five themes of geography? Explain how the theme of interaction has applied in your life in the last week/month/year. How have you changed or adapted to your environment?

7 Current Events Wednesday 9/27/2017 Topic: culture
Which element of culture would standing for the flag fall under? What is your opinion about people kneeling during the anthem as a way to protest something?

8 Current Events Wednesday 9/28/2017 Topic: culture
Which two elements of culture does this article relate to? What do you think the word disparity means? (use context clues) What do you think the median net worth for U.S. families is?

9 We will do current events (and collect them) at the end of the period.
Friday 9/29/2017 Good Afternoon!!! Please clear everything off of your desks except for a pen/pencil and a highlighter if you have one. We will do current events (and collect them) at the end of the period.

10 Current Events Tuesday 10/02/2017 Topic: current events
Two sad pieces of news from the last two days. You may write about either one for today’s current events.

11 Current Events Wednesday 10/04/2017 Topic: current events

12 Current Events Thursday 10/05/2017 Topic: government & religion
Use your books and identify the main religions practiced in Europe. This article specifically mentions Ireland, what is the main religion pracitced in Ireland? What does EU stand for? What does the EU do?

13 Current Events Monday 10/09/2017 Topic: religion & geography
Use the maps in your book to help you answer the following questions. What is the main religion of Central and South America? What are the major cities that you will be tested on that are found in Cen. & So. America? What major topographical features & bodies of water are found here?

14 Current Events Tuesday 10/10/2017 Topic: religion & government
Do you think religion should be part of government based decisions and/or laws? Why or why not? Is this issue in the article religious freedom? Or is a violation of the 1st Amendment?

15 When you finish your map test turn it in on the counter.
Current Events 10/11/2017 Topic: World Map How do you think you did on your test? Why do you think it is important to know these Places around the world? Have you been to any of these places? If you could chose, what three places on the map would you like to go to and why? Work on something quietly when you finish.

16 Current Events Thursday 10/12/2017 Topic: religion & gov’t
Gunter Grawe was a POW from Germany held in Western Washington during WWII. What is a POW? What role did religion play in WWII? How do you think POWs should be treated? (compare to how he was treated…I’ll read the article to you)

17 Current Events Friday 10/13/2017 Topic:

18 Current Events Monday 10/16/2017 Topic: religion & gov’t
Please read this article. What connections can you make to this article based off what we have been learning in class.

19 Current Events Tuesday 10/17/2017 Topic: religion & gov’t
Please read this article. What connections can you make to this article based off what we have been learning in class. What info is different in this article than what we discussed yesterday?

20 Current Events Wednesday 10/18/2017 Topic: religion & gov’t
What’s the difference between ISIS and the Taliban?

21 Current Events Thursday 10/19/2017 Topic: current events your choice…pick an article from the news to write about

22 Current Events Friday 10/20/2017 Topic: religion and gov’t

23 Current Events Monday 10/23/2017 Topic: religion - Hinduism
The Hindu celebration of Diwali just ended. Based on these headlines and pictures what are some conclusions you can make about this holiday and Hinduism?




27 Current Events Tuesday 10/24/2017 Topic: religion
If religion helps us answer difficult questions about life, offers a guide for how to live your life and provides an explanation of our origins is science fiction a religion? Why or why not?

28 Current Events Wednesday 10/25/2017 Topic: gov’t & religion
What is a refugee? What current issues are causing concern over letting refugees into the United States? What does vetting mean?

29 Current Events Thursday 10/26/2017 Topic: religion and sports
Caldwell Turns to Buddhism in Explaining Lions bye week Current Events Thursday 10/26/2017 Topic: religion and sports What do you know about Buddhism? How did the Lions coach use Buddhism as a coaching technique with his team? Do you know of any other coaches who have used similar tactics to help their team?

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