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Tropical and subtropical convection in South Asia and South America

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1 Tropical and subtropical convection in South Asia and South America
Defensio dissertationis Tropical and subtropical convection in South Asia and South America Annual precipitation 5 10 15 20 [mm/d] Zipser et al. 2006 Ulrike Romatschke University of Washington, University of Vienna Meteorologisch-Geophysikalisches Kolloquium, December 13, 2010, University of Vienna

2 Fundamental question Why do convective systems occur and what factors determine the times and places of their occurrence?

3 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

4 Introduction

5 Regions

6 Data Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar (PR) Resolution horizontal: 4.3 km x 4.3 km (5 km x 4.2 km) before (after) 08/2001 vertical: 250 m Area: 38°S to 38°N Swath width: 215 km (247 km) NCEP-NCAR reanalysis Resolution: 2.5˚ x 2.5˚ South Asia 1999 – 2006 MAM (premonsoon), JJAS (monsoon) South America: Dec – Feb. 2008 DJF

7 Publications Romatschke, U., S. Medina, and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Regional, Seasonal, and Diurnal Variations of Extreme Convection in the South Asian Region, J. Climate, 23, Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Extreme Summer Convection in South America, J. Climate, 23, Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Characteristics of Precipitating Convective Systems in the South Asian Monsoon, J. Hydrometeorol., in press. Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Characteristics of Precipitating Convective Systems in the Premonsoon Season of South Asia, J. Hydrometeorol., in press.

8 Publications Romatschke, U., S. Medina, and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Regional, Seasonal, and Diurnal Variations of Extreme Convection in the South Asian Region, J. Climate, 23, Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Extreme Summer Convection in South America, J. Climate, 23, Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Characteristics of Precipitating Convective Systems in the South Asian Monsoon, J. Hydrometeorol., in press. Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Characteristics of Precipitating Convective Systems in the Premonsoon Season of South Asia, J. Hydrometeorol., in press.

9 Publications Romatschke, U., S. Medina, and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Regional, Seasonal, and Diurnal Variations of Extreme Convection in the South Asian Region, J. Climate, 23, Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Extreme Summer Convection in South America, J. Climate, 23, Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Characteristics of Precipitating Convective Systems in the South Asian Monsoon, J. Hydrometeorol., in press. Romatschke U., and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2010: Characteristics of Precipitating Convective Systems in the Premonsoon Season of South Asia, J. Hydrometeorol., in press.

10 Classification of Precipitating Convective Systems

11 Classification of Extreme radar echoes
Houze (2004)

12 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

13 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

14 Horizontal size and rain rates Examples: South Asian premonsoon and monsoon
10% 30%

15 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

16 Convective nature and rain rates Example: Medium systems in the South Asian Monsoon

17 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

18 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

19 Broad stratiform regions
Synoptic background – Ocean: strong influence Examples: Bay of Bengal, western South Atlantic Large systems 500 mb geopot. height anom. Broad stratiform regions [m]

20 Synoptic background Land: influence in subtropics Example: Himalayan foothills – premonsoon – medium systems 500 mb geopotential height anomalies

21 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

22 Surface winds and specific humidity
Seasonal changes and moisture Example: wide convective cores in premonsoon and monsoon Premonsoon Premonsoon Surface winds and specific humidity Monsoon Monsoon Probability 10 m/s

23 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

24 Diurnal heating and geography Mountain ranges and divergence
Monsoon 06 UTC ~02 LT 00 UTC ~ 0530 LT Surface winds and divergence 18 UTC ~14 LT 12 UTC ~ 1730 LT

25 Broad stratiform regions
Diurnal heating and geography Ocean Examples: wide convective cores and broad stratiform regions Wide convective cores Broad stratiform regions Bay of Bengal South Atlantic

26 Diurnal heating and geography Ocean Example: wide convective cores in the South Atlantic

27 Diurnal heating and geography Example: Monsoon systems at the Himalayan foothills
[mm/h] Precipitation 12 UTC ~ 1730 LT 00 UTC ~ 0530 LT 00-06 LT 12-18 LT 0.6 Small 0.4 Medium 0.2

28 Diurnal heating and geography
Example: Monsoon wide convective cores at the Himalayan foothills Early Morning Evening Wide convective cores over land Mean Solar Time

29 Diurnal heating and geography Mountain ranges and divergence
EOF 1 of diurnal cycle of precipitation over land (adapted from Kikuchi and Wang 2008)

30 Diurnal heating and geography Sea-land-mountain effect Example: Medium systems in the South Asian monsoon 00-06 LT 12-18 LT

31 Diurnal heating and geography Capping effect Example: monsoon deep convective cores
Sawyer 1947

32 Winds and specific humidity
Diurnal heating and geography Capping effect Example: monsoon deep convective cores Winds and specific humidity Surface 500 mb

33 Specific questions Physical properties Mechanisms
Horizontal and vertical size Convective or stratiform nature Rain rate Mechanisms Synoptic background Seasonal and diurnal changes Moisture Geography terrain shape, height, orientation, and gradient land versus ocean

34 Mechanisms combine: synoptics Example: South American subtropics
500 mb geopotential height anomalies wide convective cores Surface winds [m]

35 Mechanisms combine: capping Example: South American subtropics
Deep convective cores Winds and specific humidity Surface 500 mb Deep convective cores

36 Mechanisms combine: Diurnal cycle Example: South American subtropics
Wide convective cores 06 UTC ~02 LT 23-05 LT 05-11 LT 11-17 LT 17-23 LT

37 Mechanisms combine: Diurnal cycle Example: South American subtropics
Broad stratiform regions 23-05 LT 05-11 LT 11-17 LT 17-23 LT

38 Conclusions More precipitation near mountains favored by
Large systems Systems with large convective fraction Synoptic influence on large systems Strong over oceans and in subtropics Moist large-scale environment Essential for existence and horizontal growth of convection Capping Extremely deep afternoon convection near mountains Diurnal cycle Small systems over mountains in daytime Medium (mesoscale) systems over foothills in morning Small/medium diurnal systems over coastal mountains Large ocean systems weakened by daytime converg. over land

39 Acknowledgements Prof. Houze
Dr. Medina and the Mesoscale Group at the University of Washington Prof. Grubišić and Dr. Volkert Prof. Meurers and Prof. Steinacker Family and friends Paul and Doris

40 Future work Precipitating convective systems in South America
Other seasons Other locations (Australia, Africa,…) Midlatitudes: Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) data Combination with other satellite data CloudSat: Precipitating and non-precipitating systems Temporally contiguous satellite data Test hypotheses with mesoscale models Implement new knowledge in weather forecasting and climate models

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