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Teleconnections in MINERVA experiments

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1 Teleconnections in MINERVA experiments
Franco Molteni, Frederic Vitart, Linus Magnusson European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

2 Outline Predictive skill for NAO and PNA for seasonal (DJF) and month-2 (Dec) means Predictive skill for Indo-Pacific rainfall and teleconnections with NH 500 hPa height Blocking frequency (TM index) and SSW – NAO correlation (from L. Magnusson)

3 PNA and NAO: EOF vs. covariance with 2-box index
80W-40E, 25-85N [25W-5E, 30-45N] - [40-10W, 55-70N]

4 PNA, DJF (m2-4) ac = 0.68 ac = 0.66

5 NAO, DJF (m2-4) ac = 0.26 ac = 0.51

6 NAO, Dec (m2) ac = 0.37 ac = 0.50

7 Ensemble-mean NAO fc. for DJF

8 Local correlation SST – precip, DJF 1981-2008

9 Precip. teleconnections in DJF: GPCP 2.2

10 Precip. teleconnections in DJF: System 4 (from Nov.)

11 Z 500_hPa vs. precip: ERA-Int. and System-4

12 W. Indian Oc. teleconnections, ENSO removed
Full precip anomaly Anomaly orthogonal to Nino3.4 SST

13 Predictive skill for W.Ind and E.Ind-W.Pac SST/precip

14 Western & Central Indian Ocean (wcio), DJF

15 Western & Central Indian Ocean (wcio), DJ

16 Eastern Indian – West Pacific (eiwp), DJF

17 Eastern Indian – West Pacific (eiwp), DJ

18 Nino-4, 10N-10S (nino4w), DJF T319 T639

19 Correlations of Indo-Pac. rainfall and NAO (DJF)
WCIO obs EIWP NAO T319 T639 -0.14 0.35 -0.54 -0.48 0.21 -0.06 -0.18 NINO4W 0.19 -0.82 -0.08 0.59 0.55 -0.81 -0.80 0.24 0.20

20 composites for below-average rainfall in WCIO
DJF T319 T639 DJ T319 T639

21 Blocking frequency (1 day or longer)

22 Blocking frequency (5 day or longer)

23 Sudden stratospheric warmings -> NAO

24 Summary On seasonal timescale, T639 has the same predictive skill as T319 for PNA, but a (notably) higher skill for NAO; the NAO skill improvement is also seen in month-2 means. For Indo-Pacific rainfall, the MINERVA runs (as Sys-4) simulate stronger links between rainfall in Western/central Indian Ocean and over Maritime Continents and central Pacific than those found in GPCP data. As a result, extratropical teleconnections from these three tropical regions look more similar than in observation, and the NAO – Indian Ocean rainfall connection is underestimated. This problem is marginally alleviated in T639 wrt T319. T639 shows a stronger signal than T319 in the North Atlantic associated with below-average rainfall in the W/C Indian Ocean, and a higher frequency of “Greenland blocking”. At both resolutions, the lagged correlation between sudden stratospheric warmings and NAO is poorly represented. So, why are the T639 NAO forecasts better?

25 ECMWF seasonal fc. System 4: main features
IFS model cycle: 36r4 (op. Nov May 2011), T255-L91 Ocean model : NEMO (v coupling interface) ORCA-1 configuration (~1-deg. resol., ~0.3 lat. near the equator) 42 vertical levels, 20 levels with z < 300 m Variational ocean data assimilation (NEMOVAR) FGAT 3D-var, re-analysis (ORA-S4) and near-real-time system Collaboration with CERFACS, UK Met Office, INRIA Operational forecasts 51-member ensemble from 1st day of the month, released on the 8th 7-month integration 13-month extension (with 15 ens. members) from 1st Feb/May/Aug/Nov Re-forecast set 30 years, start dates from 1 Jan 1981 to 1 Dec 2010 15-member ensembles, 7-month integrations 13-month extension from 1st Feb/May/Aug/Nov

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