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“The Day I was born” By Iskaliev Damir 22.04.2012.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Day I was born” By Iskaliev Damir 22.04.2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Day I was born” By Iskaliev Damir

2 I was born on the 11 of August in 1998.
I was born in august The weather was pleasant. It was sunny . Nature was happy that I was born. It seems to me that I’m very serious and industrious. That was why I decided to explore the day of my birthday in history. When I learned how many famous people were born on the 11 of august, I was offended a bit As for me, I shared my birthday with actors and other famous people

3 Famous people born on August 11

4 Oskar Kuchera He is a Russian actor
Was born the 11 August in Moscow

5 Terry Hulk Hogan He is an american soldier, winner WWE
He was born on 11 August 1953, Ogasta, Georgia, USA actor and soldier.

6 popular movies of the year 1998

7 Senseless

8 Armageddon

9 Saving private ryan

10 Significant Events of 1998

11 the year of… Foundation of the company Google, the year of the August default in Russia the year of the classic film "Titanic"

12 11 August 1998 group 'Rolling Stones' has for the first time emerged with concerto in Luzhniki stadium

13 of 11 August in Different Years
Historical Events of 11 August in Different Years

14 In St. Petersburg made the first Russian main locomotive for the project between St. Petersburg and Moscow railway In England Eugene Fins (Eugene Augustin Lauste) patented sound cinema Ocean liner for the first time transmits by radio signal SOS Published the mandate of people's Commissars concerning the implementation of the new economic policy (NEP) the Company "Kodak" announced that it had started work to create a color кинопленки Completed the VI world festival of youth and students in Moscow opened In Moscow international airport Sheremetyevo the Launch of the spacecraft Vostok-3. А. Nikolaev becomes the third Soviet cosmonaut On the screens out the movie "Dozhivem do ponedelnika", directed by Stanislav Rostotsky Group "Rolling Stones" for the first time gave a concert in Luzhniki a Total solar Eclipse, visible on the territory of Europe.

15 The main events of this year in history
Windows 98 The first game Half-Life Sony Playstation

16 popular cartoons 1998

17 Prices of food and manufactured goods in roubles in 1998.
Товар 1913  1940 1950 1970 1980 1998 2005 2010 Автомобиль класса В 2500 276 187,5 1189 1556 432 659 720 Мотоцикл (в среднем) 800 121 93,75 142,85 176 62,8 91,51 62,27 Кв. метр жилья 30,5 - 38,55 39,44 49,6 105,26  129,3 Пальто 15 13,03 15,1 30,84 138,37 15,72 8,663  15,257 Костюм 10 12,69 9,375 20,96 24,3 8,75 13,6  13,14 Ботинки мужские 3 3,11 3,08 4,49 4,53 4,269 6,46 5,76 Говядина, кг 0,46 0,38 0,345 2,8 0,96 0,295 0,48 0,54 Водка 0,5 л. 0,69 0,397 0,44 0,691 1,13 0,309 0,4 Мука высшего сорта 0,1952 0,16 0,085 0,31 0,41 0,036 0,049  0,062 Хлеб, булка 0,03 0,058 0,027 0,0746 0,0554 0,062 0,067 Соль, кг 0,041 0,0014 0,017 0,015 0,026 0,021 0,019 Сахар, кг 0,375 0,141 0,19 0,202 0,18 0,125 0,081 0,1 Яйца, десяток 0,3 0,22 0,2 0,245 0,146 0,082 0,08 Картофель, кг 0,0305 0,0313 0,029 0,0346 0,0403 0,0445 Молоко, литр 0,06 0,069 0,057 0,05 0,0571 0,0719 0,0712 Зарплата 37,5 11,72 12,5 27,88 24,55 10,32 35,46 56,4

18 Summary I enjoyed working on this project.
It was exciting and interesting for me because I have found a lot of useful information, a lot of fascinating websites and I have learned that the day I was born is a great day in the world history.

19 The End Thanks for viewing =)

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