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Time Handling,GPIO and I/O Systems

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1 Time Handling,GPIO and I/O Systems
Nov. 29, 2016 Kyu Ho Park Lecture 13 Time Handling,GPIO and I/O Systems 1

2 What we have learned ! Linux basic commands, Basic shell programming,
Linux kernel programming, Process management, Memory management, File systems, Linux module programming, System calls, interrupt and trap, Device driver implementation. Rerferences: 1.Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3rd,Bovet $Cesati. 2.Linux Device Drivers, 3rd, Corbet,Rubini & Kroah-Hartman.

3 Project 5:BeagleBone Black

4 Tasks of Project 5 Task1: Dummy Device Driver with a Stack
Multiple Writer and Reader Sys V semaphore Task2: Kernel Timer + LED ON-OFF Task3: Button Interrupt + LED ON-OFF Task4: Button Interrupt + Kernel Timer + LED ON-OFF *LEDs and Button are connected to GPIO.

5 Time Management Representing time in UNIX and LINUX: It is represented in seconds before or after the epoch January 1,1970 UTC(Universal Coordinated Time). UTC is sometimes improperly referred to as UCT. System call time(): #include <time.h> time_t time(time_t *t); /*time() returns the number in seconds since the epoch. It fills in t with the number of seconds since the epoch. */ struct tm struct tm{ int tm_sec; int tm_min; int tm_hour; int tm_mday; /*day of month*/ int tm_mon; }

6 gettimeofday( ) #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz); struct timeval{ int tv_sec; /* seconds*/ int tv_usec;/*microseconds*/ }; struct timezone{ int tz_minuteswest;/*minutes west of Greenwich*/ int tz_dsttime; /type of dst(daylight saving time) correction*/ }

7 stime() #include <time.h> int stime( const time_t *tp); /* tp; UTC time to set return value: 0 normal, -1 error */

8 sleeping unsigned int sleep(unsigned int sec); void usleep(unsigned long usec); int nanosleep(struct timespec *req, struct timespec *rem); /* it causes the current process to sleep the amount of time specified in req, unless a signal is received by the process. if nanosleep()terminates due to a received signal,and if rem is not NULL, set rem to represent the amount of time remaining in the sleep peroid. */ struct timespec{ long int tv_sec; long int tv_nsec; }

9 interval timer Interval timer delivers signals to a process on a regular period. #include <sys/time.h> int setitimer(int which, const struct itimerval *value, struct itimerval *oldvalue); , where which: one of {ITIMER_REAL, ITIMER_VIRTUAL,ITIMER_PROF}, value: value for time interval. struct itimerval { struct timeval it_interval; /* next value*/ struct timeval it_value; /* current value */ }; struct timeval { long tv_sec; /* seconds*/ long tv_usec; /* microseconds */

It tracks time in terms of the clock on the wall, that is, real time and delivers a SIGALRM signal when the given time interval elapses. ITIMER_VIRTUAL: It counts time only when the process is executing at user mode, excluding any system calls the process makes and delivers a SIGVTALRM. ITIMER_PROF: It counts execution time of the process including at user mode and kernel mode.

11 example /* itimer.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/time.h> void catch_signal (int ignored) { static int iteration=0; printf(“caught interval timer signal, iteration %d\n”, iteration++); } pid_t start_timer (int interval) { pid_t child: struct itimerval it; struct sigaction sa; if (!(child = fork())) { memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (sa)); sa.sa_handler = catch_signal; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); memset(&it, 0, sizeof(it)); it.it_interval.tv_sec = interval; it.it_value.tv_sec = interval; setitimet(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL); while (1) pause(); return child; void stop_timer (pid_t child) { kill (child, SIGTERM); } int main (int argc, const char **argv) { pid_t timer = 0; printf(“Demonstrating itimers for 10 seconds, ” “please wait...\n”); timer = start_timer(1); sleep(10); stop_timer(timer); printf(“Done.\n”); return 0;

12 HZ The Tick Rate: HZ The frequency of the system timer (the tick rate) is programmed on system boot based on a static preprocessor define, HZ. The value of HZ differs for each supported architecture. In fact, on some supported architectures, it even differs between machine types. The kernel defines the value in <asm/param.h>. The tick rate has a frequency of HZ hertz and a period of 1/HZ seconds. For example, in include/asm-i386/param.h, the i386 architecture defines: #define HZ 1000 /* internal kernel time frequency */ HZ : Number of timer interrupt per second, if HZ=1000 , every 1ms the timer interrupt occurs. tick : 1/HZ

13 Frequency of the Timer Interrupt

14 jiffies Global variable jiffies defined at <linux/jiffies.h>
jiffies_64 : Every time a timer interrupt occurs, the internal kernel counter is incremented. The counter is a 64-bit variable and is called jiffies_64. At system boot, it is initialized to 0. 1 jiffy is 1 tick(=1/HZ sec) in case of 32_bit jiffies, it will be overflowed after 49.7 days when HZ=1000. in case of jiffies_64, no overflow during the whole life of a user.

15 Kernel Timer kernel timer structure: struct timer_list
#include <linux/timer.h> struct timer_list{ struct list_head entry; unsigned long expires; /* time of expiration in jiffy */ spinlock_t lock; void (*function)(unsigned long); /* timer handler */ unsigned long data; /* passed as the argument to function function is called*/ struct tvec_t_base_s *base; /*for internal use */ }

16 init_timer(), add_timer(), and del_timer()
Initialize the kernel timer struct. add_timer(): Add the kernel timer to the kernel( timer_list at THE KERNEL). del_timer(): Remove the added kernel timer from the timer_list at the kernel. The return value is 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

17 Example of Kernel Timer
char m_data[128]; struct timer_list kerneltimer; void init_timer(struct timer_list *kerneltimer); void kerneltimer_handler(unsigned long arg){ … } led_timer_init( …){ .. init_timer(&kerneltimer); timer_expires = get_jiffies_64() + (5*HZ/10);/* 0.5 sec later, the timer expires */ = (unsigned long) &m_data[0]; timer.function=kerneltimer_handler; add_timer(&kerneltimer); led_timer_exit(void){ …. del_timer(&kerneltimer);

18 GPIO Reference: Linux/Documenttion/gpio.txt

19 BBB Block Diagram

20 BBB Reference Manual



23 GPIO Functional Block Diagram

24 GPIO Characteristics GPIO: General Purpose Input/Output.
Output values are writable( high=1, low=0). Input values are readable(1,0). Inputs can open be used as IRQ signals. A GPIO can be configured as either input or output. Most GPIOs can be accesses while holding spinlocks.

25 GPIO functions #include <linux/gpio.h> int gpio_is_valid(int number);/* to test whether the gpio number is valid */ To set the direction as input or output, int gpio_direction_input(unsigned gpio); int gpio_direction_output(unsigned gpio, int value); To get or set a value, int gpio_get_value(unsigned gpio); void gpio_set_value(unsigned gpio, int value);

26 GPIO functions #include <linux/gpio.h> int gpio_request(unsigned gpio, const char *label); /*request gpio, returning 0 or negative errno. non-null labels ,which is a string that can later appear in sysfs, may be useful for diagnosis. */ void gpio_free(unsigned gpio); /* release previously claimed gpio */

27 GPIO functions #include <linux/gpio.h> int gpio_to_irq(unsigned gpio); /* map gpio numbers to IRQ numbers */

28 Interrupt in Beagleboard(BB_xM)

29 Interrupt Procedure at BB

30 BB_xM

31 BBB User LEDs

32 LED(USER0 and USER1,BB_xM)

33 Button(BB_xM)

34 registering and freeing the interrupt handler
int request_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags, const char *name, void *dev); void free_irq(unsigned int, void *);

35 button_isr(BB_xM) int led_state=0; static irqreturn_t button_isr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs) { gpio_set_value(149 /* gpio # */, led_state /* 0 or 1 */); gpio_set_value(150 /* gpio # */, (led_state = (led_state>0)?0:1) /* 0 or 1 */); return IRQ_HANDLED; }

36 How to get button_irq static struct gpio led_gpios[] = { {149, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "USER LED 0" }, {150, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "USER LED 1" }, }; static int button_gpio= 4; /* USER BUTTON */ static unsigned int button_irq; ….. static void led_button_init () { ret = gpio_request_one(button_gpio, GPIOF_IN, "LED status change button"); if(ret < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "failed to request GPIO %d, error %d\n", button_gpio, ret); goto error; } ret = gpio_direction_input(button_gpio); target_gpio = button_gpio; goto error_conf; // change button input to IRQ button_irq = gpio_to_irq(button_gpio); ……

37 led_button_exit( ) module
static void led_button_exit() { gpio_free(button_gpio); gpio_free_array(led_gpios, ARRAY_SIZE(led_gpios)); free_irq(button_irq, NULL); printk(KERN_ERR "Clearing ISR test setting completed.\n"); }

38 Input/Output [Tanenbaum]
1 Principles of I/O hardware 2 Principles of I/O software 3 I/O software layers 4 Clocks

39 View of the Kernel

40 I/O Devices Two categories:
Block devices and Character devices Block devices: that store information in fixed-size blocks, each one with its own address. Character devices: A character device delivers or accepts a stream of a characters without regard to any block structure. It is not addressable and does not have any seek operation.

41 I/O Devices Some devices just do not fit in. Clocks:
Not block addressable Nor do they generate or accept character streams All they do is cause interrupts at well-defined intervals Memory-mapped screens:

42 Device Controllers I/O devices have components:
mechanical component electronic component The electronic component is the device controller may be able to handle multiple devices Controller's tasks convert serial bit stream to block of bytes perform error correction as necessary make available to main memory

43 Memory-Mapped I/O (1) Separate I/O and memory space Memory-mapped I/O

44 Memory-Mapped I/O (2) (a) A single-bus architecture
(b) A dual-bus memory architecture

45 Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Operation of a DMA transfer

46 Interrupts Revisited How interrupts happens. Connections between devices and interrupt controller actually use interrupt lines on the bus rather than dedicated wires

47 Principles of I/O Software Goals of I/O Software (1)
Device independence programs can access any I/O device without specifying device in advance (floppy, hard drive, or CD-ROM) Uniform naming name of a file or device a string or an integer not depending on which machine Error handling handle as close to the hardware as possible

48 Goals of I/O Software (2)
Synchronous vs. asynchronous transfers blocked transfers vs. interrupt-driven Buffering data coming off a device cannot be stored in final destination Sharable vs. dedicated devices disks are sharable tape drives would not be

49 Steps in printing a string
Programmed I/O (1) Steps in printing a string

50 Writing a string to the printer using programmed I/O

51 Read( )

52 Layers of the I/O Software System
I/O Software Layers Layers of the I/O Software System

53 Device Drivers Logical position of device drivers is shown here
Communications between drivers and device controllers goes over the bus

54 Device-Independent I/O Software (1)
Uniform interfacing for device drivers Buffering Error reporting Allocating and releasing dedicate devices Providing a deice-independent block size Functions of the device-independent I/O software

55 Device-Independent I/O Software (2)
(a) Without a standard driver interface (b) With a standard driver interface

56 Device-Independent I/O Software (3)
(a) Unbuffered input (b) Buffering in user space (c) Buffering in the kernel followed by copying to user space (d) Double buffering in the kernel

57 Device-Independent I/O Software (4)
Networking may involve many copies

58 User-Space I/O Software
Layers of the I/O system and the main functions of each layer

59 Linux Device files Device file # mknod /dev/DUMMY_DEVICE c 254 0
Device access path is provided by the device node. Major Number: device type, Minor Number: the device instance Major number : 0 ~ 255 Include/linux/major.h # mknod /dev/DUMMY_DEVICE c

60 struct file_operations xxx_open(····)
Device Driver open(····) read(····) write(····) ioctl(····) close(····) Application S/W insmod rmmod xxx_init(····) { : } xxx_interrupt(····) struct file_operations xxx_fop = open : xxx_open, read : xxx_read, write : xxx_write, ioctl : xxx_ioctl, release : xxx_release } ; xxx_open(····) xxx_read(····) xxx_write(····) xxx_ioctl(····) xxx_release(····) xxx_exit(····) H/W interrupt

61 module #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h>
MODULE_LICENSE(“BSP?GPL); static int hello_init(void) { printk(KERN_ALERT “Hello,world\n”); return 0; } Static void hello_exit(void) { printk(KERN_ALERT “Goodbye, world\n”); module_init(hello_init); module_exit(hello_exit);

62 Linux Device Driver Loadable Module # insmod ./hello.ko # rmmod hello
The Linux Device Driver is a loadable kernel module which is loaded when necessary and unloaded later. # insmod ./hello.ko # rmmod hello

63 Making a Linux Device file
Linux File Type Regular file Directory Special file Character device file Block device file FIFO Socket Symbolic link Making a special file Use mknod shell command Major number / minor number p : FIFO, b : block special file, c : character special file # mknod /dev/DUMMY_DEVICE c Computer Engineering Research Lab, EECS, KAIST

64 Device driver Interface
System Call To enter system kernel File operations : read, write, ioctl Process operations : fork, exec, signal Computer Engineering Research Lab, EECS, KAIST

65 Device Driver Device structure Device data structure Name
File_operation structure /* fs/device.c */ struct device_struct { const char * name; struct file_operations * fops; } /* include/linux/fs.h */ struct file_operations { .lseek =dummy_lseek, .read = dummy_read, .write =dummy_write, .readdir = .poll = .ioctl = .mmap = .open =dummy_open, .flush = .release =dummy_close, .fsync = .fasync = Computer Engineering Research Lab, EECS, KAIST

66 Device Driver Registration of device driver
To get the device number (Major, Minor)  register_chrdev_region() Registration of device name and file_operation structure  cdev_add() Deletion dev_t dev = MKDEV(DUMMY_MAJOR_NUMBER, 0); register_chrdev_region(dev_t dev, unsigned int count , char *name); cdev_init(struct cdev *cdev, struct file_operations *fops); cdev_add(strcut cdev *cdev, dev_t num, unsigned int count); cdev_del(&my_cdev); unregister_chrdev_region(MKDEV(DUMMY_MAJOR_NUMBER,0),128); Computer Engineering Research Lab, EECS, KAIST

67 Device Driver Dummy_device code ( a sample)
#define DUMMY_MAJOR_NUMBER 254 int dummy_open(struct inode *, struct file *); int dummy_release(struct inode *, struct file *); ssize_t dummy_read(struct file *, char *, size_t, loff_t *); ssize_t dummy_write(struct file *, char *, size_t, loff_t *); /* file operation structure */ static struct file_operations dummy_fops = {         .open =         dummy_open,         .read =         dummy_read,         .write =        dummy_write,         .release =      dummy_release, }; char devicename[20]; static struct cdev my_cdev; /* init module - register module */ static int __init dummy_init(void) {         dev_t dev = MKDEV(DUMMY_MAJOR_NUMBER, 0);         printk("init module\n");         strcpy(devicename, "Dummy_Driver");         register_chrdev_region(dev, 128, devicename);         cdev_init(&my_cdev, &dummy_fops);         cdev_add(&my_cdev, dev, 128);         return 0; } /* cleanup module - unregister module */ static void __exit dummy_exit(void)         printk("Clean Up Module\n");         cdev_del(&my_cdev);         unregister_chrdev_region(MKDEV(DUMMY_MAJOR_NUMBER,0),128); module_init(dummy_init); module_exit(dummy_exit); Computer Engineering Research Lab, EECS, KAIST

68 Application Program if ( fd <= 0 ) {
        fd = open("/dev/DUMMY_DEVICE", O_RDWR);         if ( fd <= 0 ) {                 printf("Devic File Open Fail!\n");                 exit(0);         }         buf[0] = 0x12;         write(fd,buf,1);         read(fd,buf,1);         printf("%x\n",buf[0]);         close(fd);         return 0; Computer Engineering Research Lab, EECS, KAIST

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