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Welcome Winter/Spring Informational Meeting Lacrosse Parents/Players

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Winter/Spring Informational Meeting Lacrosse Parents/Players"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 2017 Winter/Spring Informational Meeting Lacrosse Parents/Players

2 Agenda. Booster Club/Coaching Staff Updates. Winter League
Agenda Booster Club/Coaching Staff Updates Winter League Spring Schedule Spring Break Winterfest Fundraising Technology Tutorial First Annual Wolf Community Service Project

3 2015-16 Booster Club Board Abby Hussey– President
Patrick Chapla - Vice President (Coach) Debbie Crady – Treasurer Staci Cosby – Secretary Darin Dwyer – Member at large Marla Robichaud– Member at Large Erin Rogers- Member at Large Tonya Arnold- Member at Large Emily Schildt – Member at Large Scott Hussey- Webmaster

4 Coach Chapla Coach Introductions Winter Season Info/Important Dates
Spring Season Info/Important Dates Winterfest Spring Break Information

5 Grandview Spring Teams
Varsity JV2 JV C-Level

6 Coaches Varsity Head Coach - Patrick Chapla
Varsity Assistant Coach - Adam Desroschers Varsity Assistant Coach – Stephen Unkrich Varsity Assistant Coach – Dan Warfield Varsity Assistant Coach – Chris Landry JV and C-Level Coaches thus far — Keith Kartz, Scott Hussey.

7 New “ALL IN” Operating Procedure
Missing Practice / Being Late Players who are late or miss practice may be subject to “Late Sucks” conditioning, loss of playing time, stand and watch as the team conditions. *Consistent absence or tardiness may lead to dismissal from practice or the team Simply texting coach will no longer be acceptable. Ways to be late without consequence! 1) Bring a signed and dated note from a teacher or parent. 2) Arrange with coach ahead of time (not within 4 hrs of practice) **** Players who are late and do not have a note should handle the situation by acknowledging that they were late and accept the consequences without excuses or complaining.

8 Drugs and Alcohol 0 Strike Policy
New “ALL IN” Operating Procedure Drugs and Alcohol 0 Strike Policy Playing Lacrosse at Grandview is a privilege and as Grandview Lacrosse Players, you will be held to the highest standard of excellence at Grandview. Therefore, If at any point you are found to be partaking in drugs or alcohol, you will be dismissed from the team, no questions asked.

9 Winter Schedule and Important Dates
All players not actively playing a Winter Sport are expected to play Winter Lacrosse, however it is NOT mandatory December 11th (Sunday) - Peanut Butter Plan (CS) January 3rd (Tuesday) - Winter Training Begins (5 days a week) January 7th and 8th (Sat/Sun) - Winterfest Tournament for Varsity and JV2 February 7th (Tentative) 7:00 pm in the Cafeteria- Mandatory Spring Lacrosse Meeting

10 Daily Winter Schedule Mondays 3:00 - 5:00 - Lift, Footwork, Chalk Talk at Grandview Tuesdays 3:00 - 5:00 (4:30, Feb 7th) - 1/2 Field Practice at Parker Field House Wednesdays 3:00 - 5:00 - Lift, Footwork, Chalk Talk at Grandview Thursdays 1) Full Team Practice at Parker Field House 3:00 - 4:30 2) Varsity and JV2 Box Games - 5:00-9:00 at Miller Activity Complex (1375 W Plum Creek Pkwy, Castle Rock, CO 80109) 3) JV Games 3: :00 at South Suburban Sports Bubble (6959 S Peoria St, Centennial, CO 80112) Fridays 3:00 - 5:00 - Lift, Footwork, Chalk Talk at Grandview

11 Spring Schedule Important Dates
February 7th (Tuesday) – 7:00 PM Mandatory Spring Lacrosse Meeting(Tentative) February 21st - 25th (Tues-Sat) - Preseason Camp February 27th - First Official Spring Practice March 11th — First Varsity Game vs Highlands Ranch March 27th - April 1st - Spring Break Trip to Utah May 5th - Final Varsity Game vs Monarch May 6th - Post Season

12 Varsity Spring Schedule
8 of the top 15 Teams in Colorado and 3 of the top 6 in Utah. Date Day Opponent (2016 State Rank) Location 3/11/17 Sat Highlands Ranch (15) Highlands Ranch 3/14/17 Tues Columbine (7) Grandview 3/28/16 Alta (6 UT) Alta (Utah) 3/29/17 Wed Juan Diego (2 UT) Juan Diego (Utah) 3/31/17 Fri Corner Canyon (3 UT) Corner Canyon (Utah) 4/5/17 Colorado Academy (9) 4/7/17 Smoky Hill (47) Smoky Hill 4/12/17 Arapahoe (4) Grandview / Legacy 5/14/17 Cherokee Trail (28) Cherokee Trail 4/19/17 Eaglecrest (49) 4/21/17 Overland (66) Overland 4/26/17 Cherry Creek (3) 4/28/17 Mullen (14) Mullen 5/2/17 Chaparral (11) 5/5/17 Monarch (6) Grandview/Legacy

13 Winterfest Details Winterfest is a tournament that showcases the best High School and Rising Club Teams in Colorado. College Coaches will be in attendance. We have been invited and will field a Varsity and JV2 Team Players who would like to make Varsity or JV2 should make it a priority to play if invited. Spots that are turned down will be given to another player. Dates : January 7th and 8th Location : Foothills Sports Arena (3608 S Kipling St)

14 Spring Break Trip Details
Cost: $500 – $650 The Varsity and JV2 Team will be going on a Spring Break Trip to Utah. Varsity and JV2 will play Alta UT, Juan Diego UT, and Corner Canyon UT. We will also interact with the coaching staff and players of The University of Utah and travel to Logan Utah to watch the U of U vs Utah State game.

15 Spring Break Trip Itinerary
March 27th - Bus Ride to Salt Lake City Utah March 28th - JV2 and Varsity Games against Alta March 29th - JV2 and Varsity Games Juan Diego March 30th - Tour and Interact with U of U team and Coaches Watch U of Utah play Utah State. March 31st - JV2 and Varsity Games against Corner Canyon April 1st - Bus Ride back to Grandview

16 FUNDRAISING The Booster Club’s annual operating budget goal is $25,000 This covers important line items to foster a competitive GVHS program such as Supplies- balls, 1st Aid, game films Celebrations- year end banquet, player gifts Transportation- players to away games Equipment- bounce backs, Goals, 3x3 goals To meet the operating budget Each player is asked to make a $250 contribution to the Booster club

17 2 Options to make the $250 Player Contribution
Make a cash, check or credit card donation* Write a check tonight and give it to Deb Crady Pay online through the website with a credit card by the end of December Parents please use this option if you want to make the entire donation. If you use the crowdfunding option below, we have to pay almost 10% of the donation to a 3rd party Raise money through our online crowdfunding option This option will be available in the late Jan/early Feb and anyone can donate money to meet your player’s contribution Corporate donations are also accepted * All Donations are tax deductible

18 Team Communication and Registration
All Grandview Lacrosse Communication will go out via the lists, or Twitter Handle Registrations will be completed via the Website. To Register you must: 1) Create an account on (one for each address that you would like to receive s) 2) Use the Registration Tab to complete Registration for each activity. NOTE ** Registration is not complete until payment has been completed! ‘** Players will not be allowed to participate unless they are registered! ** To Use KSA Funds, Debbie Crady before registering so we know that you will be using KSA Funds and can get you into the registration.

19 Technology Tutorial - Twitter
Coach will use Twitter to communicate mass program information. @GviewBoysLax – All players must follow and activate notifications on the account

20 Website General Info Parents using Ipads seem to have issues with login and registrations Each parent and player needs their own “account” You can link players to parent accounts so parents receive s that are sent to players You can only add one phone number per account, but each account can have 2 s To receive texts you need to go through a 2 step process to “authorize” your phone Once team assignments are made, we will text info by team and you have to have authorized your phone to receive text messages. If you are not getting s, please check your spam folder.

21 Website Registration

22 To receive texts Enter your cell number in Account Settings Tab You will receive an authorization code via text Enter that code when prompted to confirm your number You will now receive texts

23 To link your account with your son’s
You will get all s your son gets Select My Profile In the Linked Accounts Section click Add Specify your son’s address

24 To see what accounts are linked to yours
Select Household You will see the accounts linked in your households You can update info from here

25 Wolf Community Service Project
First Annual Wolf Community Service Project The Peanut Butter Plan Date: December 11 Time: 12:30 – 2:30 Location – The Hebrew Educational Alliance, 3600 S Ivanhoe St, Denver Register Online: Send to Scott Hussey to confirm registration. Goal players to participate Volunteers will make and deliver Peanut Butter Sandwiches to the homeless Easy way to help people in need

26 Grandview Boys Lacrosse "ONE PACK"
We are looking forward to a great season! Thanks to all parents & families.

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