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Dehydration synthesis models

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1 Dehydration synthesis models

2 Monosaccharide models
1. Cut out molecule models on solid lines. 2. Remove the “O-H” end from one glucose and the “H” from fructose. (don’t lose the “H” and “O-H”) 3. Fit the glucose and fructose models together like jigsaw puzzle pieces to form sucrose (a disaccharide). 4. Fit the “H” and “O-H” pieces together to form a model of a water molecule. 5. Glue sucrose and water molecules to paper and label them sucrose and water. 6. Do the same using two glucose molecules to make maltose. Glue and label. 7. Do the same using the remaining three glucose models to form a polysaccharide. (Caution: only remove “H” and “O-H” ends as needed.) Glue and label. Don’t forget to glue and label all water molecules.

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