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Project financed by the European Union Kassel
Overview: general project objective: related tasks and activities
The promotion of legal and sustainable forest management and utilisation practices strengthens the rule of law, tackles the growing problem of illegal forest activities and enhances local livelihoods. (specific FLEG component objective) Knowledge and understanding of FLEG, its principles, benefits and approach among the target groups of FLERMONECA, in particular the Governments of Central Asia, inter-state organisations and the civil society is significantly improved. Regional coordination and cooperation and the links to relevant European and international institutions is strengthened. Regulatory framework conditions and institutions in CA, in particular governmental organisations, for forest law enforcement and for the implementation of sustainable forest management are developed. Conditions for sustainable participatory forest management and utilization are created and contribute to the improvement of livelihoods and stabilization of the environment. Improved capacities of forest ministries/agencies for the implementation of effective forest governance (result 1) Recommendations for the improvement of the legal framework are developed (result 2) Development of national FLEG action plans is supported (result 3) (Tasks) Improved institutional set up for FLEG implementation Capacity building program implemented Series of exchange visits and on-site support organized on FLEG-related issues Information on structural requirements for effective forest mgt are available Amendments for legislative changes are proposed and included in national and regional dialogue Working groups and Focal Points established and sustained; regular meetings held within and among the countries FLEG action plans developed and implementation facilitated Private sector and civil society representatives participate in FLEG workshops and meetings 2
Improved capacities of forest ministries/agencies for the implementation of effective forest governance (result 1) Recommendations for the improvement of the legal framework are developed (result 2) Development of national FLEG action plans is supported (result 3) (Activities) Improved institutional set up for FLEG implementation Capacity building program implemented Series of exchange visits and on-site support organized on FLEG-related issues Information on structural requirements for effective forest mgt are available Amendments for legislative changes are proposed and included in national and regional dialogue Working groups and Focal Points established and sustained; regular meetings held within and among the countries FLEG action plans developed and implementation facilitated Private sector and civil society representatives participate in FLEG workshops and meetings Assessing CD needs Implementing CD plans Defining mech. to strengthen transparency Defining mech. to strengthen collaboration and exchange Analysing structural cond. affecting SFM Analysing legal framework and working procedures Elaborating recommendations: legal framework, by-laws and policies Supporting dialogue Est. national and regional structures Defining functions and defining baselines Indent. mechanisms to promote private and civil society participation UZB UZB UZB TAJ TAJ TAJ TAJ TAJ TUR TUR TUR KAZ KAZ KAZ KAZ KAZ KAZ KAZ KYR KYR KYR KYR KYR KYR KYR 3
Enlarged inter-agency group per decree
Overview: milestones in 2013 Inception Phase Implementation Inception Workshop National Coordinator Focal Point FLEG Working Group Approved Operational Plan (30 months) Analysis of FLEG status & HCD Roadmap (specific tasks, 6 months) Tajikistan Bunyod Sabzaliev (Azitzullo Ismatov?) (2 WG per decree) yes done Kyrgyzstan Sulaiman Berdikeev Adylbek Ormonov Enlarged inter-agency group per decree Turkmenistan Gulbahar Abdurasulova (halftime) Muhamed Durikov enlarge on-going Uzbekistan Grigoriy Samoylov (halftime) (proposed: Alexandr Grigoryants) (proposed) (draft) (internal) Kazakhstan Dana Yermolyonok (halftime) Kairat Ustemirov 4
Regional overview: status analysis
Forest sector analysis Policy / legal situation Institutional situation Forest Code, NFP, by-laws & reg. Personnel situation Regional cooperation Tajikistan very well done requires clarification FC existing but outdated, NFP worked on insufficient capacities and funds envisaged Kyrgyzstan well done ok FC OK, NFP plan waiting for approval, FLEG AP to be implem. proposed Turkmenistan good basics on-going FC 2011 NFP No by-laws & reg to be planned Uzbekistan poorly done F Code and NFP (2009) developed but not approved needs to be supported Kazakhstan FC ok NFP planned for 2014 5
Forest code and forest sector strategy, NFP forest administration
Regional overview: implementation focus For all: FLEG awareness-rising measures during missions Forest code and forest sector strategy, NFP forest administration FLEG AP regional cooperation Kyrgyzstan Review legal framework for forest reform process (splitting control and regulatory functions from economic functions) Support for pilot leskhoz Development of best-practise example procedures and practical guidelines for field implementation Facilitate activation of FLEG AP Strengthen participation of civil / communal stakeholder I.e. for FLEG as guiding example Facilitate regional involvement of NGOs Tajikistan Clarification SFA’s status (roles and responsibilities) Focussed support of existing working groups on forest policy & code and structural amendments (“list of intervention” on by-laws and legislation) Development of best-practise example procedures (transparency, working procedures, civil society) Drafting FLEG AP Exchange in concern of the KYR FLEG AP and forest strategy development in KYR Kazakhstan Roles and responsibilities of national authorities and committees to be reviewed Support for forest policy development Development of best-practise example procedures and practical guidelines (“technical support: aff, cert, fmgt”) for field implementation Support for FLEG AP High expectation on regional cooperation exists beyond FLEG Turkmenistan Legal framework to be reviewed Support on by-laws & legislation Assessment of HCD needs and development of best-practise example procedures and practical guidelines St. Petersburg Declaration not yet signed, FLEG rather unknown Regional exchange desired Uzbekistan Clarification on responsibility and objectives => NFP Focussed support of existing WGs on forest policy & strategy and on by-laws & legislation Assessment of HCD needs and development of best-practise example procedures Stimulation for regional cooperation required 6
Implementation approach?
the provision of training and human capacity development measures, the support of an exemplified implementation of improved forest administration and sustainable forest management, and An in-depth evaluation of shortcomings and obstacles of the current legal framework and administrative procedures, the analysis and evaluation of improvement potentials together with the project partners (SAFH and CEP), starting from the ministry level down to local administrative levels (forest leskhoz), the support for amendments of the legal framework, e.g. for by-laws and policies, a conjoint elaboration of recommendations for improved administrative procedures, in especially for an improved participation of local forest stakeholders, the facilitation of the development of national and regional FLEG Action Plans and respective administrative bodies. 7
Review of legal framework
B) Legal Framework improvement, key- procedure identification (Stoll, HF) Intensive work-out with HF specialist S. Stoll and FLEG CT (at least a week per country) Review of legal framework Analysis of missing links / contradicting regulations Recommendation for improvements Proposal for key-procedures under FLEG Follow-up A) FLEG AP development (JK) Training session for FLEG CT (each country 3-4 days WS for the draft) What exactly is a FLEG AP, what does it comprise? How to develop a draft? Recommended input as example Example FLEG AP Country-specific input Development of a FLEG AP draft What are the next steps, how to “activate” it Follow-up C) Regional arrangements (HF, GIZ) Support for regional arrangements (regional meetings for 2-4 days) Facilitation of first regional exchange for FLEG CTs Facilitation of FLEG-topic exchange Support for further regional networking E) Transparency / private sector / civil society (HF) Again, two-fold: Specified missions for supporting key-procedures (specified by country and FLEG AP-challenges) “on-the-job” like “FLEG AP development” for FLEG CT What exactly is “transparency” in forest admin Who to be involved and why How to “provide transparency” Follow-up D) Capacity building (HF) Two-fold: Specified missions for supporting key-procedures (also specified by country and especially FLEG AP-challenges) “on-the-job” like “FLEG AP development” for FLEG CT Follow-up F) exchange visit (HF) “Expert negotiations” study tour of members from all countries to Bulgaria and Germany (about a week) 8
FLEG activities in Kazakhstan
A) FLEG AP development. Establish a FLEG working group to work on the action plan and identify supportive needs [December-January 2014]. B) LF improvement and key procedures. Support forest policy development [January-February 2014, to be clarified with the FoPo]. C) Regional arrangements. Exchange on best practices of forest management and law enforcement (e.g. saxaul forest in Turkmenistan) [September 2014]. D) Capacity building. [on the job] Development of the standard procedures for private forest plantations management [January-March 2014]; Support certification system development and introduction of the best practices of commercial forest management [June-October, 2014]. E) Transparency. Support to national dialogue on forestry sector – e.g. sustainable use of timber [on the job]. F) Exchange visits. Exchange on sustainable use of timber and certification [June 2014]. 9
FLEG activities in Kyrgyzstan
A) FLEG AP development. New FLEG working group which involves more stakeholders within and outside SAEPF established and review of existing FLEG AP on missing parts [January 2014]. B) LF improvement and key procedures. National level: According to the request of SAEPF, support to example procedures of the forestry sector reform through elaboration of Government decree for pilot leshozes (economic freedom, system of piloting system management, etc.) [December 2013-January 2014]. Leshoz level: Development of best-practice procedures (including business plan) for a pilot leshoz (perhaps in Balykchy leshoz) [April-May 2014]. C) Exchange visits. To organize exchange visit to gain experience on JFM/CBFM and etc. between CA countries. D) Capacity building. [on the job]. E) Transparency. Support to national dialogue on forestry sector reform together with WB, FAO, etc. [on the job]. Involvement of civil society in forestry sector decision making [February-March 2014]. 10
FLEG activities in Turkmenistan
Agreement of cooperation and project registration (early 2014). A) FLEG AP development. Development a draft FLEG AP and elaborate the road map focusing on the specific tasks for prioritising and planning activities. B) LF improvement and key procedures. Based on the request of local partners, analyse forest legislation and provide recommendations for areas of improvement. Facilitate forming a working group and support approval of by-laws to the Forest Code. C) Exchange visits. Regional meetings between and exchange visit between CA countries. January 2014. D) Capacity building. [on the job]. E) Transparency. Support to policy dialogue and sector strategy development with involvement of civil society, national experts and local NGO’s to be involved in forestry sector decision making. 11
Мероприятия по FLEG в Туркменистане
Соглашение о сотрудничестве и регистрация проекта (начало 2014). A) Разработка плана действий по FLEG. Разработка проекта плана действий по FLEG и разработать дорожную карту с акцентом на конкретные задачи для установления приоритетов и планирования деятельности. B) Улучшение правовых рамок и ключевых процедур. По просьбе местных партнеров, провести анализ лесного законодательства и дать рекомендации для улучшения работы. Способствовать формированию рабочей группы и поддержать одобрение подзаконных актов лесного кодекса. C) Обменные поездки. Региональные встречи и обменные поездки между странами Центральной азии. Январь 2014. D) Наращивание потенциала. [на местах]. E) Прозрачность. Поддержка диалога по вопросам политики и стратегии развития сектора с привлечением гражданского общества, национальных экспертов и местных НПО, для того чтобы вовлечь в процесс принятия решений в лесном секторе. 12
FLEG activities in Uzbekistan
A) nat. FLEG AP development. Establishment of FLEG WG including related stakeholders (Nat. Partner - SCNP, Main Department on Forestry and other stakeholders) [TBD]. There is a need to redefine functions and responsibilities of FLERMONECA FP on FLEG component jointly between SCNP (nat. partner) and Main Department on Forestry (FLEG FP). B) LF improvement and key procedures. Development of regulations and support implementation of sustainable pasture use of state forest land; (Second half 2014). C) Exchange visits. To arrange exchange visit to share experience on existing JFM/CBFM practice and etc. for CA countries (Sep 2014). D) Capacity building. Provide support in development National Forest Strategy (NFS). E) Transparency. Support dialogue between stakeholders during development of NFS. 13
FLEG activities in Tajikistan
A) FLEG AP development. Development of a new FLEG AP as part of the forestry sector development strategy [January-March 2014]. B) LF improvement and key procedures. Development of by-laws according CEP/SFHA request; Recommendation for improvement of Forest Code (consider Mr. Stoll’s recommendations, i.e. roles and responsibilities of CEP and SFHA) C) Exchange visits. Organize exchange visit for exchange of knowledge, skills and experience on FLEG/JFM/CBFM and etc., among stakeholders/partners and implementing agencies of CA and EU countries. D) Capacity building. Development of modules for leskhoz staff on law enforcement. E) Transparency. Support the policy dialogue and sector strategy development with focus on institutional aspect of Forest Management and FLEG AP, etc. [2014]. Support to national dialogue on forestry sector reform together with other donors GIZ, FAO, civil society, national experts and local NGO’s to [2014]. 14
FLEG activities in Tajikistan
A) FLEG AP development. Development of a new FLEG AP as part of the forestry sector development strategy [January-March 2014]. B) Legal Framework improvement and key procedures. Critical review of gaps in acting laws and development of by-laws as per requirements of the Forest Code and other forest legislations); recommendations on alignment of the Forest Code (taking into consideration the inputs of Mr. Stoll, i.e. in respect of roles and responsibilities of forestry sector) and alignment of the National Law on conservation and utilization of plant life, Feb – Sep 2014) C) Exchange visits. Organize exchange visit for exchange of knowledge, skills and experience related to issues of FLEG/JFM/Public Forest Administration (PFA) and etc, among stakeholder partners and implementing agencies in CA and EU member states (June 2014) D) Capacity building. Development of modules for forestry employees on issues of current status of conservations, protection and regeneration and forest legislation enforcement (July – Sep 2014) E) Transparency. Support the policy dialogue regarding sector policy and strategy development with focus on institutional aspect of Forest Administration and FLEG AP, etc. [2014]. Support to national dialogue regarding forestry sector reform together with other donors GIZ, FAO, civil society, national experts and local NGOs [2014]. 15
Thank you 17 Dana Yermolyonok Sulaiman Berdikeev Gulbahar Abdurasulova
Grigoriy Samoylov Bunyod Sabzaliev and Dr Joachim Krug Senior Forestry Expert FLERMONECA FLEG Component Coordinator Hessen-Forst International Consulting Services 17
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