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Exotic hadrons and nuclei with charm flavor

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1 Exotic hadrons and nuclei with charm flavor
KEK Shigehiro Yasui Korea-Japan Workshop on Nuclear and Hadron Physics at J-PARC @Seoul National University Sep. 2011

2 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
3. Experimental researches 4. Summary

3 1. Introduction Many new cc states above threshold quarkonium cc
+ exotic states quarkonium cc Eichten in QWG 2008 Nara

4 1. Introduction Many new cc states above threshold quarkonium cc
+ exotic states quarkonium cc Eichten in QWG 2008 Nara

5 1. Introduction Many new cc states above threshold quarkonium cc
+ exotic states quarkonium cc Eichten in QWG 2008 Nara

6 ??? 1. Introduction 3 5 150 200 1500 4700 [MeV] m u d s ΛQCD c b
Chiral Symmetry Chiral Symmetry SU(3)L x SU(3)R SU(4)L x SU(4)R π, K as Nambu-Goldstone bosons Chiral multiplets (ρ-a1, N-N*, ...) Nuclei formed by tensor force Λ(1405) and K nuclei Hypernuclei

7 1. Introduction 3 5 150 200 1500 4700 [MeV] m u d s ΛQCD c b
Heavy Quark Symmetry Chiral Symmetry SU(3)L x SU(3)R SU(2)spin x SU(Nh) π, K as Nambu-Goldstone bosons D-D* (Σc-Σc*, Ξcc-Ξcc*) mass degeneracy (heavy quark sym.) Chiral multiplets (ρ-a1, N-N*, ...) More exotics? (like Tcc with no pion decay) Nuclei formed by tensor force Λ(1405) and K nuclei Charmed/Bottomed nuclei ? Hypernuclei

8 1. Introduction |Strange Nuclei 〉 = U|Normal Nuclei〉
Strangeness Hyperons (Λ, Σ, Ξ, ...) K meson cf. Λ(1405) neutron proton NN systems Norml Nucleus U : unitary transformation SU(3)f symmetry Inoue et al. PTP124, 591 (2010) cf. BB system 8 x 8 = 1 + 8s + 8a * + 27

9 1. Introduction |Charmed Nuclei 〉 ≠ U|Normal Nuclei〉
Baryons (Λc, Σc, Ξcc, ...) Mesons (ηc, J/ψ, D, ...) neutron proton Norml Nucleus No unitary transformation U

10 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D meson and nucleon D What’s interaction ? N

11 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
Strangeness, Charm, Bottom, ... K N D N B N K N D N B N SU(3) SU(4) SU(5) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lutz-Kolomeitsev (2004), Hoffmann-Lutz (2005), Mizutani-Ramos (2006), Gamermann- Oset-Strottman-Vacas (2007), Haidenbauer-Krein-Meissner-Sibirtsev (2007), Tolos- Molina-Gamermann-Gracia-Reico-Nieves-Oset-Ramos (2010) ...

12 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
Strangeness, Charm, Bottom, ... K* K* is almost irrelevant in dynamics... vector But D* and B* are new ingredients! 400 MeV D* B* 140 MeV pseudo- scalar 45 MeV K D B 500 MeV 1870 MeV 5280 MeV Chiral Symmetry Heavy Quark Symmetry

13 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
Strangeness, Charm, Bottom, ... KN interaction D(B)N interaction N K p, ω, ρ N D(*) N B(*) p, ω, ρ p, ω, ρ One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

14 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon Heavy Quark Symmetry D(*) N G. Burdman and J.F. Donoghue (1992) M.B. Wise (1992) T.-M. Yan, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Cheung, G.-L. Lin, Y.C. Lin and H.-L. Yu (1997) D(*)D(*)π vertex p, ω, ρ with vector + pseudoscalar P=D, B D(*)D(*)ω and D(*)D(*)ρ vertex D(*) N R. Casalbuoni et al, Phys. Rep. 281, 145 (1997) Cf. NNπ, NNω, NNρ vertex from Bonn potential R. Machleidt et al, Phys. Rep. 149, 1 (1987)

15 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon Heavy Quark Symmetry D(*) N G. Burdman and J.F. Donoghue (1992) M.B. Wise (1992) T.-M. Yan, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Cheung, G.-L. Lin, Y.C. Lin and H.-L. Yu (1997) D(*)D(*)π vertex from Γ(D*→Dπ) p, ω, ρ with vector + pseudoscalar P=D, B D(*)D(*)ω and D(*)D(*)ρ vertex from leptonic and radiative decay of B D(*) N R. Casalbuoni et al, Phys. Rep. 281, 145 (1997) Cf. NNπ, NNω, NNρ vertex from Bonn potential R. Machleidt et al, Phys. Rep. 149, 1 (1987)

16 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon Heavy Quark Symmetry D(*) N G. Burdman and J.F. Donoghue (1992) M.B. Wise (1992) T.-M. Yan, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Cheung, G.-L. Lin, Y.C. Lin and H.-L. Yu (1997) D(*)D(*)π vertex from Γ(D*→Dπ) p, ω, ρ with vector + pseudoscalar P=D, B D(*)D(*)ω and D(*)D(*)ρ vertex from leptonic and radiative decay of B D(*) N R. Casalbuoni et al, Phys. Rep. 281, 145 (1997) Cf. NNπ, NNω, NNρ vertex from Bonn potential R. Machleidt et al, Phys. Rep. 149, 1 (1987)

17 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon Form factor at each vetex D(*) N p, ω, ρ ΛD,BΛN = (rD,B/rN)-1 rD,B,N : hadron size from quark model D(*) N ΛN for NNπ(ρ,ω) vertex is fixed to reproduce a deuteron. SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

18 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon D and nucleon D*+N (2947 MeV) D*+N (2947 MeV) No other channels → Only DN and D*N D+N (2803 MeV) D+N (2803 MeV) Σc(2800) 1(??) π+Σc* (2658 MeV) Λc(2625) 0(3/2-) Λc(2595) 0(1/2-) π+Σc (2593 MeV) `Pentaquark-channel‘ `Λ*-channel‘ SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

19 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon I(JP)=0(1/2-) DN(2S1/2), D*N(2S1/2), D*N(4D1/2) SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

20 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon I(JP)=0(1/2-) DN(2S1/2), D*N(2S1/2), D*N(4D1/2) I(JP)=0(3/2-) DN(2D3/2), D*N(4S3/2), D*N(4D3/2), D*N(2D3/2) SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

21 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon I(JP)=0(1/2-) DN(2S1/2), D*N(2S1/2), D*N(4D1/2) + ω, ρ pot. I(JP)=0(3/2-) DN(2D3/2), D*N(4S3/2), D*N(4D3/2), D*N(2D3/2) + ω, ρ pot. SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

22 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon D*N 140 MeV B*N 45 MeV DN BN DN bound state B.E. 2 MeV BN bound state B.E. 22 MeV I(JP)=0(1/2-) I(JP)=0(1/2-) SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

23 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon D*N 20 MeV DN resonance Γ = 17 MeV 140 MeV I(JP)=0(3/2-) DN SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

24 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon D*N 20 MeV DN resonance Feshbach resonance Γ = 17 MeV 140 MeV I(JP)=0(3/2-) DN SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

25 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon D*N 20 MeV DN resonance Γ = 17 MeV 140 MeV I(JP)=0(3/2-) B*N 8 MeV BN resonance 45 MeV DN Γ = 0.13 MeV BN I(JP)=0(3/2-) SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

26 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
D and nucleon D*N 20 MeV DN resonance Γ = 17 MeV 140 MeV I(JP)=0(3/2-) B*N 8 MeV BN resonance 45 MeV DN Γ = 0.13 MeV BN I(JP)=0(3/2-) I(JP)=0(1/2-) bound state I(JP)=0(3/2-) narrow resonance state SY and Sudoh, PRD80, (2009) Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, SY, Hosaka, PRD84, (2011)

27 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
BN state DN state 6263 MeV 2946 MeV D*N B*N 6217 MeV BN H dibaryon 2255 MeV 2807 MeV ΞN DN ΛΛ 2230MeV Λ(1405) KN πΣ 1433 MeV 1330 MeV

28 2. Exotic charmed hadrons and nuclei
BN state DN state 6263 MeV 2946 MeV D*N B*N 6217 MeV BN H dibaryon 2255 MeV 2807 MeV ΞN DN Charm/Bottom nuclei ΛΛ 2230MeV Λ(1405) KN πΣ 1433 MeV 1330 MeV Hypernuclei K nuclei

29 3. Experimental researches
Exotic hadrons from heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC

30 3. Experimental researches
Exotic hadrons from heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC Nucleus Nucleus

31 3. Experimental researches
Exotic hadrons from heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC QGP Nucleus

32 3. Experimental researches
Exotic hadrons from heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC Hadron phase p, Λ, ... π, K, ... f0, a0, ... Λ3H Exotics? STAR (2003) STAR (2010) QGP

33 3. Experimental researches
Exotic hadrons from heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC Hadron phase p, Λ, ... π, K, ... f0, a0, ... Λ3H Exotics? STAR (2003) STAR (2010)

34 ExHIC (Exotics from Heavy Ion Collisions) collaboration
3. Experimental researches Yields of exotic hadrons at RHIC and LHC S. Cho et al. (the ExHIC collaboration), PRL106, (2011) ExHIC (Exotics from Heavy Ion Collisions) collaboration S. Cho (Yonsei U.), T. Furumoto (YITP and RIKEN), T. Hyodo (Tokyo Inst. Technology), D. Jido (YITP), C.-M. Ko (Texas A&M U.), S. H. Lee (Yonsei U. and YITP), M. Nielsen (U. de Paulo), A. Ohnishi (YITP), T. Sekihara (YITP and Kyoto U.), K. Yazaki (YITP and RIKEN), S. Y. (KEK)

35 3. Experimental researches
Hadron molecule vs. multi-quark Hadron molecule 1 Normal hadron 0.2 Multi-quark

36 3. Experimental researches
CERN, 2 Dec J. Schukraft

37 3. Experimental researches
CERN, 2 Dec J. Schukraft

38 4. Summary ・ Heavy quarks have new symmetry and dynamics.
Heavy quark symmetry D-D* mixing ... ・ DbarN bound and resonance states are studied. ・ Researches in e+e-, pp (ppbar) and heavy ion collisions will be interesting.

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