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Biometrics : Password Replacement for Elderly

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Presentation on theme: "Biometrics : Password Replacement for Elderly"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biometrics : Password Replacement for Elderly
Eiman Ahmed, Brandon DeLuca, Emily Hirowski, Connor Magee, Ivan Tang Dr. Jean F. Coppola Department of Information Technology Pace University New York, New York

2 Background Elderly are left behind in the process of creating new technology Difficulty learning new things Physical limitations restrict usability In terms of security, aging leads to memory loss, affecting password protection

3 The Importance of Security

4 Cybersecurity Issues Defined
Rapidly and continually developing cyber dangers Passwords ensure users’ personalities on sites, purchases, s, banking, etc... Passwords are tedious to remember, but are important Biometrics is a good solution to this problem, especially for the elderly, as it rids the user of having to remember any password at all, by using physical features

5 Biometrics

6 Forgotten Generation

7 Seniors and Technology
Discouraging Characteristics: Disabilities/ health issues High skepticism Needing someone to teach them Common in internet users: Ages 65-69 Annual household income of $75,000 or higher College graduates Pew Research Center 3 Apr 2014 Aaron Smith

8 Usage Today Popular: Social Media User friendliness
Social while being home bound Not Popular: Banking Online Shopping Health Insurance Portal

9 Overview Gender Male 56% Female 44% Age Groups <50 28% 50-59 36%
< % % % % % 90+ 0%

10 Disparity in Usage Ages 50-59 Ages 70-89



13 Traditional Passwords
Traditional methods are not time efficient


15 Keyboard vs. Biometric Scanner
Majority find keyboard difficult to use, prefer biometric experience



18 Traditional vs. Biometric
More neutral results


20 Importance of Biometrics Usage
Majority disagree with statement, but would use security more if accessible



23 Traditional vs. Biometrics
More on neutral, but majority do


25 Conclusion Security isn’t the primary concern of older adults
Typical methods of storing and loading passwords to be rather exhausting More inclined to using security features if they were made to be more accessible. Typing in and remembering passwords is not a major factor in most of them using technology more often than they currently do or do not Biometrics, although popular and useful, needs further testing.

26 Future Work Continuing to gather new data to strengthen findings
Distribute findings to Biometric hardware manufacturers, push out this technology to elderly population Continue to spread awareness of intense security needs in the 21st century to all age populations

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