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Presentation on theme: "Noun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noun

2 Definition of noun Noun is a part of speech that identifies a person, thing, place, and animals and ideas. Ex 1) Rama 2) Table 3) Bangalore 4)Tiger

3 There are four types of noun.
1) Proper noun 2) Common noun 3) Collective noun 4) Abstract noun

4 Definition of Proper Noun
Proper noun is always begins with capital letters. Ex1) India is our country. 2) Geeta is my sister. 3) Renuka is my friend.

5 Definition of Common Noun
Common nouns are always begins with small letters, and common nouns are the opposite of proper nouns. Ex 1) Rama is a boy. 2) Pooja is my friend. 3) Rani was my classmate.

6 Definition of collective Noun
Collective noun is a noun , that refers to a group of individuals. Collective noun can be replaced by both singular and plural pronouns, depending on their meaning. EX: 1) A bunch of keys. 2) A flock of birds. 3) A troop of monkeys. 4) A army of ants.

An abstract noun, names a quality or an idea, abstract nouns are nouns that name abstract concepts, or concepts that cannot be experienced with the senses.


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