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What It Is and How It Works

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1 What It Is and How It Works
Conceptual Framework What It Is and How It Works

2 A conceptual framework:
Represents the guiding structure of the unit Represents the vision and direction for the unit and its work Is a process, not a thing. Is codified in a document but infused throughout the unit Is not a standard by itself, but is still assessed

3 What’s the purpose of the conceptual framework?
To articulate the goals of the unit To ensure that administrators, faculty, K-12 partners and candidates are working toward the articulated goals To ensure that the goals encourage professionally sound commitments and dispositions Visit “resources” section of NCATE website for examples of conceptual frameworks

4 Conceptual framework should be:
Developed collaboratively Shared by all stakeholders Consistent with institutional and unit mission Continuously evaluated Evident in different aspects of the unit Knowledge-based

5 What are the structural elements of the CF?
vision and mission of the institution and unit philosophy, purposes, goals, and institutional standards of the unit knowledge bases, including theories, research, the wisdom of practice, and educational policies that drive the work of the unit

6 CF Structural Elements (cont.)
candidate proficiencies related to expected knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions, including proficiencies associated with diversity and technology, that are aligned with the expectations in professional, state, and institutional standards summarized description of the unit’s assessment system

7 Element 1: The vision and mission
Vision: What does the unit see as its ideal? What does the unit hope to achieve? What does the unit strive to do? Mission: What is the unit going to do – an action statement What is the mission of the institution? How do the unit and institutional missions relate?

8 Element 2: Philosophies, pur-poses, goals, & institutional stds.
Philosophy: What is the unit’s overarching belief system? Purposes/goals: What are the broad goals or outcomes of the unit. Think about connections back to philosophy and mission. Think about diversity and technology.

9 Element 3: Knowledge bases, including theories, research, an wisdom of practice, & ed policies
Knowledge bases: What theories, research, and wisdom of practice undergird the unit’s belief that its purposes/goals are worthwhile and of value? Using literature, explain why are the unit’s purposes/goals are important.

10 Element 4: Candidate proficiencies related to expected knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions, including proficiencies associated with diversity and technology, that are aligned with the expectations in professional, state, and institutional standards.

11 Alignment with professional, state, and institutional standards
Clearly define the unit’s proficiencies – which are expectations of candidate performance that should be related to the unit’s purposes/goals Align the proficiencies with three sets of standards: state, institutional, and professional Use a table to illustrate the relationships between proficiencies, especially state and institutional standards Note: institutions can indicate that programs are aligned to professional standards without showing the detailed alignment. This alignment is important and must be done, but need not be included in detail in the cf.

12 Element 5: Summarized description of candidate assessment
At what critical points are candidates assessed? What assessments are used? Do assessments link to unit proficiencies? How does the unit ensure that assessments are accurate and consistent? What happens when candidates do not perform at levels expected by the unit (counseling, remediation, etc)?

13 How is the CF connected to the unit standards?
Integrated throughout the standards Standard 1 - assessment data Standard 2 – assessment system Standards 3 and 4 – field experiences Standard 5 – curricula and methods Standard 6 – professional community Commitments to diversity and technology

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