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Professor Ronald L. Carter

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1 Professor Ronald L. Carter
EE Semiconductor Electronics Design Project Spring Lecture 04 Professor Ronald L. Carter L 04 24Jan02

2 Practical Junctions Junctions are formed by diffusion or implantation into a uniform concentration wafer. The profile can be approximated by a step or linear function in the region of the junction. If a step, then previous models OK. If not, 1/2 --> M, 1/3 < M < 1/2. L 04 24Jan02

3 Law of the junction (injection of minority carr.)
L 04 24Jan02

4 Carrier Injection and diff.
ln(carrier conc) ln Na ln Nd ln ni ~Va/Vt ~Va/Vt ln ni2/Nd ln ni2/Na x -xpc -xp xnc xn L 04 24Jan02

5 Ideal diode equation I = Is [exp(Va/nVt)-1], Is = Isn + Isp
L 04 24Jan02

6 Diffnt’l, one-sided diode conductance
Static (steady-state) diode I-V characteristic IQ Va VQ L 04 24Jan02

7 Diffnt’l, one-sided diode cond. (cont.)
L 04 24Jan02

8 Charge distr in a (1- sided) short diode
dpn Assume Nd << Na The sinh (see L12) excess minority carrier distribution becomes linear for Wn << Lp dpn(xn)=pn0expd(Va/Vt) Total chg = Q’p = Q’p = qdpn(xn)Wn/2 Wn = xnc- xn dpn(xn) Q’p x xn xnc L 04 24Jan02

9 Charge distr in a 1- sided short diode
dpn Assume Quasi-static charge distributions Q’p = Q’p = qdpn(xn)Wn/2 ddpn(xn) = (W/2)* {dpn(xn,Va+dV) - dpn(xn,Va)} dpn(xn,Va+dV) dpn(xn,Va) dQ’p Q’p x xn xnc L 04 24Jan02

10 Cap. of a (1-sided) short diode (cont.)
L 04 24Jan02

11 Diode equivalent circuit (small sig)
ID h is the practical “ideality factor” IQ VD VQ L 04 24Jan02

12 Small-signal eq circuit
Cdiff and Cdepl are both charged by Va = VQ Va Cdiff rdiff Cdepl L 04 24Jan02

13 Reverse bias junction breakdown
Avalanche breakdown Electric field accelerates electrons to sufficient energy to initiate multiplication of impact ionization of valence bonding electrons field dependence shown on next slide Heavily doped narrow junction will allow tunneling - see Neamen*, p. 274 Zener breakdown L 04 24Jan02

14 Ecrit for reverse breakdown (M&K**)
Taken from p. 198, M&K** L 04 24Jan02

15 Reverse bias junction breakdown
Assume -Va = VR >> Vbi, so Vbi-Va-->VR Since Emax= 2(Vbi-Va)/W , when Emax = Ecrit BV = e (Ecrit )2/(2qN-) L 04 24Jan02

16 BV for reverse breakdown (M&K**)
Taken from Figure 4.13, p. 198, M&K** Breakdown voltage of a one-sided, plan, silicon step junction showing the effect of junction curvature.4,5 L 04 24Jan02

17 References * Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 2nd ed., by Neamen, Irwin, Boston, 1997. **Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 2nd ed., by Muller and Kamins, John Wiley, New York, 1986. L 04 24Jan02

18 Diode Switching Consider the charging and discharging of a Pn diode
(Na > Nd) Wd << Lp For t < 0, apply the Thevenin pair VF and RF, so that in steady state IF = (VF - Va)/RF, VF >> Va , so current source For t > 0, apply VR and RR IR = (VR + Va)/RR, VR >> Va, so current source L 04 24Jan02

19 Diode switching (cont.)
VF,VR >> Va F: t < 0 Sw RF R: t > 0 VF + RR D + VR L 04 24Jan02

20 Diode charge for t < 0 pn pno x xn xnc L 04 24Jan02

21 Diode charge for t >>> 0 (long times)
pn pno x xn xnc L 04 24Jan02

22 Equation summary L 04 24Jan02

23 Snapshot for t barely > 0
pn Total charge removed, Qdis=IRt pno x xn xnc L 04 24Jan02

24 I(t) for diode switching
ID IF ts ts+trr t - 0.1 IR -IR L 04 24Jan02

25 References * Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 2nd ed., by Neamen, Irwin, Boston, 1997. **Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 2nd ed., by Muller and Kamins, John Wiley, New York, 1986. L 04 24Jan02

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