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An overview creative commons attribution 3.0.

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Presentation on theme: "An overview creative commons attribution 3.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 an overview creative commons attribution 3.0

2 Mozilla Drumbeat Mozilla Drumbeat: keeping the web open
Practical projects and local events that gather smart, creative people around big ideas to solve problems and build the open web. Public talking points at Project collaboration routes through Community mailing list is at

3 Mozilla Drumbeat Tagline: Innovation on the open web. Powered by everybody. Everybody = the people formerly known as users. Open web = the free, participatory and decentralized part of the internet. Innovation = new ideas, practices and tech that move the web in the right direction. Drumbeat = the part of Mozilla where *everybody* is invited participate, innovate and shape open web technology

4 Mozilla Drumbeat Tactile engagement
Projects are the focal points in Drumbeat Goal is to engage new stakeholders in hands-on ways Propose one, adapt one or join an existing one Featured projects on P2PU, WebMadeMovies, Universal Subtitles, and more serves as pipeline for identifying promising new projects Goal: Support platforms and tools that enhance the open web by allowing everyone to contribute

5 Mozilla Drumbeat Live Engagement Annual Festival, 3-5 November
Learning, freedom and the web people, highly interactive agenda format Arc of local participation Attend a Drumbeat gathering Talk about Drumbeat at other events Host a meet-up or other Drumbeat-themed social event Organize a ½ day or all-day event Event kit is being developed on the wiki

6 Mozilla Drumbeat What can folks on this call do?
Spread the word about Drumbeat Projects, Local Events, Festival Help us find and recruit promising projects Create opportunities for broader participation in keeping the web open Help us identify local event organizers or partners We'll provide support, outreach and (limited :^) resources Participate in the Drumbeat community! Give feedback about web site, community process, ...

7 Please share, remix, represent
creative commons attribution 3.0

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