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A Troubled Relationship

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1 A Troubled Relationship
IRAN A Troubled Relationship

2 Why does Iran Trouble the US?
Theocracy - not democracy Proven ties to terrorist activity Treatment of Homosexuals/Women  Quest for Nuclear Energy / Weapons  The "Mouth" of certain radicals in the Middle East (outspoken against the US and the West) Issues with western support for Israel 

3 Why does the US Trouble IRAN?
Long history of western intervention in the Middle East U.S. has supported Iranian enemies (Shah and Iraq) Treatment of Homosexuals/Women  The Double Standard of Protection The "Mouth" of the West. Issues with Israel 



6 Key Facts about Iran Formerly known as “Persia”;a non-Arab country. (So is Israel/Turkey) One of the oldest histories in the M.E. (6,000 years of recorded history) President / Figurehead - Hassan Rouhani  Supreme Leader/Ayatollah; chief decision maker. Islamic Republic - state based upon the ideals of Islam; decisions by government officials are guided by Islam.

7 Government more radical than the general population
Closed country with limitations of free speech and media. Many women wear the "Chador" Largely "Shia" Muslim (Iran/Iraq) which is important to US foreign policy in the modern world. 


9 What is an Ayatollah? A title of honor given to outstanding jurists of the Shiite sect of Islam. The word is derived from the Arabic term Ayat Allah, meaning "miraculous sign of God." The title has primarily been used in Iran, where it also is associated with political leadership.

10 Troubled History with the US
  Wrong side of WWII / Install Shah US overthrows Prime Minister Mossadeq      Shah Pahlavi's "White Revolution"    Shah offered asylum in US    Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran   Iranian Hostage Crisis (Carter/Reagan)    Iran/Iraq War    Iran Contra Affair   1988- US Shoots down Iranian Passenger Airliner kills over 200 people  "The Fatwa" US Imposed Economic Sanctions for supporting terrorism.  Students Arrested at Tehran U. for Protesting Government "Axis of Evil" - Bush II Russia helps build Nuclear Reactor Supreme Leader Kahmenei "Obama following same mis-steps" Obama Administration attempts nuclear program negotiations

11 Mohammad Mossadeq Democratically Prime Minister of Iran 1951-1953
Popular amongst many Iranians Overthrown by American CIA because he wanted to nationalize the oil fields  Nationalizing oil fields would have hurt Western Companies, increased local control and lessened foreign influence. 

12 Shah Mohammad Pahlavi Supported by US during WWII (1941-79)
Did not embrace Islam Tried to "westernize" Iran Had "secret police'  Very Unpopular in Iran Our support for this unpopular leader helped trigger the Iranian Revolution in 1979


14 Iran - Contra

15 Ayatollah Khomeini Iranian religious leader of the Shi'ites; when Shah Pahlavi's regime fell Khomeini established a new constitution giving himself supreme powers ( ) Encouraged Revolution Wanted Islamic Values Eliminated Political Rivals

16 Iranian Hostage Crisis
444 Day Stand-off from 66 US citizens/diplomats Mob of angry students storm US Embassy in Tehran angry of US support of the Shah. Jimmy Carter / Reagan Carter tries two unsuccessful rescues Freed minutes after Reagan became President; possibly responsible or Carter's loss.


18 Iranian Flight 655

19 Former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Outspoken publicly elected Iranian leader. Reelection sparked massive protests. UN Diplomats "walk out" during his speeches Answers to Ayatollahs  

20 Hassan Rouhani Portrays himself as less radical.
Less conservative socially. Build relationship with west Relax sanctions? Can we trust him? Still wants nukes?


22 Inside Iran Dateline NBC: Inside Iran Created prior to last election

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