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Application of Artificial Intelligence and Graphics to Support a Three-Dimensional Game Chris Cummings.

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Presentation on theme: "Application of Artificial Intelligence and Graphics to Support a Three-Dimensional Game Chris Cummings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application of Artificial Intelligence and Graphics to Support a Three-Dimensional Game
Chris Cummings

2 What to look forward to Review Character Generator
Artificial Intelligence New features! Time to play

3 What sparked this? I love video games Final Fantasy Tactics
Customize Characters to how you want to play

4 What I’m doing Turn based strategy game
Player VS Artificial Intelligence on a flat grid Characters can attack, move, or use a special Artificial Intelligence that will assess the situation and react accordingly

5 What I’m doing still Customizable Character to join the game
Lower the health of the other team’s characters to 0 to win

6 Important key words GameManager Prefabs PlayerPrefs
This handles pretty much everything Prefabs Objects within the game PlayerPrefs Stores and accesses player preferences

7 Characters Each character has specific statistics Health Movement
Attack Damage Attack Range Special Damage Special Range Attack Chance

8 The Teams Assassin Archer Knight Custom Character* AI Assassin
AI Knight AI Archer AI Healer

9 Special Attack with more damage Attack with more range
Must be recharged for a turn AI will use it if available Healer’s adds health to ally

10 Specific Character Stats

11 Character Generation Character generation scene
Alter the statistics of your character Use a pool of points (40) Alter the skin of your character This information gets saved to the computer Pre defined PlayerPrefs area in Unity.

12 Loading the Character As the characters are loaded, the custom character needs this saved data The GameManager will start the chain of events which will locate this data and load it The information will load to the “custom” character prefab

13 Old Artificial Intelligence
Random movement around the board Attack if specific target was in range Target never changing A* to find the optimal route (Still incorporated)

14 New Artificial Intelligence
Move to optimal position in relation to target Use special ability if available Will attack weakest target in the area (strategic purposes) Heal

15 AI Movement No longer random
Target is randomly assigned from the start Realize target can not be attacked but needs to move to best position How? Target beacons!

16 Target Beacons Target will set off a beacon to the locations around it
The AI checks for overlap between these locations and the areas it can move to If there is no overlap the locations grow to the next locations If there is overlap, AI has found where it should go!

17 Beacon

18 Reasons not to use the beacons
Health is low Run away Positions are occupied Continue to grow the beacon’s area Archer uses a modified beacon because it wants to move to a farther location (higher attack range enables this)

19 So many targets so little time
How does the AI figure out which target to attack if multiple targets are within striking distance? Keep in mind the AI’s attack strategy: Bombard the weakest link

20 Who to strike? AI will attack the character with the lowest health who is in attack/special range AI will always use the special if available (more damage) If a player character gets surrounded, they can be taken out quickly

21 What to do The AI has a substantial amount of health
Archer has full health Knight has very low health AI special is available AI is not Healer

22 Healer! AI secret weapon
Finds the ally with the lowest health (relative to it’s max health) and moves to heal them Can not heal itself Avoid a fight Best to run and heal so it can survive

23 Healer Help AI Health is low AIHealer’s turn
If AI in special range of AIHealer and special available If AI not in special range of AIHealer

24 Newest features Can’t pass a player Boxed in Mines Pilars

25 A* Path Finding Finds all the neighbors of the current tile
Finds the neighbors of those neighbors, until the character’s movement points are reached

26 Can’t Pass If a position is being blocked, a path must be found
Can cause a box in

27 Boxed in AI wants to move AI is surrounded on all sides Can not move!
Movements are not diagonal

28 Mines! Placed at random locations
AI is aware of some and will avoid them Creates an explosion and damage to the character who landed on it Will only do damage when walked on Leaving a mine area will reset the mine

29 Pilars 1-4 randomly placed areas on the map
Can not be passed or occupied Creates a different map every time

30 Future of the game Placed on a cloud Multiplayer version on a network
Customize entire team Difficulty Levels

31 The end? Demonstration time!

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