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FEC-2012, San Diego, CA, USA October 8-13, 2012
National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” Kurchatov Centre of Nuclear Technology Institute of Tokamak Physics Development of magnetic fusion neutron sources and fusion-fission hybrid systems in Russia E. Azizov, G. Gladush, B. Kuteev FEC-2012, San Diego, CA, USA October 8-13, 2012
NRC “Kurchatov Institute”
Motivation The strategic goal of developing nuclear power industry in Russia is the production of GW electric power until 2030 This goal is to be achieved using existing technologies of thermonuclear reactor Fast reactors are considered in Russia as the basis of industrial nuclear power for a period later than 30-th, however those still need R&D for reaching the reasonable capacity, safety and economy
Problems of nuclear power
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Problems of nuclear power Lack of fuel for thermal reactors Poor development of economic and safe fast reactor Development of closed fuel cycle Utilization of spent nuclear fuel Acceptance of nuclear power safety by public Nonproliferation
Fission Energy needs Fusion neutrons
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Fission Energy needs Fusion neutrons Further to nuclear fuel breeding, the problem of waste handling exists, supporting the high growth rate scenario of Nuclear Industry development IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No NP-T-1.8 Nuclear Energy Development in 21-st Century: Global scenarios and regional trends. 2010,Vienna, Austria. These issues are considered in:
The existing intense Neutron Sources
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” The existing intense Neutron Sources Spallation Fission Future Neutron Sources Tokamaks Microexplosion
location, used nuclides Neutron Power Output, MW
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Most powerful neutron sources in the world (* - projects) Neutron Source Type Facility, location, used nuclides Deposited Power, MW Rate, 1017 n/s Neutron Power Output, MW Max. Neutron Flux SS/Peak n/cm2s Fission reactor ILL (Grenoble, France), U235 56 10 1,5 1015 Accelerator SNS (ORNL, USA), p, Hg 1/30000) 1/30000 0.3/10000 1016 Tokamak *JT-60SA (Naka, Japan), D 0.01/0.5 0.01/2 0/0.4 1011 *ITER (Cadarache, France), D, T 500 1800 400 ~4x1013 Laser system *LIFE (LLNL, USA), D, T 1000 2100 800 1017
Challenges for Fusion Neutron Sources
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Challenges for Fusion Neutron Sources Useful neutrons thermal n-flux > 1015 n/cm2s Transmutation n-source rate > 1018 n/s Fuel breeding n-source rate > 1020 n/s MW fusion power may compete in neutron production with contemporary neutron sources - fission reactors and spallation neutron sources Steady State Operations in neutron environment is the basic requirement for FNS and Hybrids Pulsed Operation mode is acceptable for research
Interest to Hybrid systems in Russia rised again because:
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Interest to Hybrid systems in Russia rised again because: Necessity to have resources for Nuclear Power involving U238 and Th232 fuel cycles. Luck of fundamental decision on utilization of the spent nuclear fuel. Hybrids can be real alternative to fast breeders and transmutation reactors
NRC “Kurchatov Institute”
Hybrid systems based on tokamak are attractive because main technologies are properly developed Economically acceptable value of neutron flux should be about ~ MW/m2 Technical requirements to steady-state tokamak device as fusion neutron source for Hybrids are reduced compared with pure fusion case therefore they seem like quite achievable
Schematic diagram of a Fusion-Fission Hybrid
D,T Heating and NBI Neutron customers Nuclide customers Blanket Active core Tokamak Neutrons Neutrons E=14.1 MeV Transmutation service High Temp Heat Irradiated Fuel ~100 MW Radio-Chemical Technologies
Concept of compact tokamak FNS
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Concept of compact tokamak FNS aspect ratio from spherical tokamak to classical moderate sizes and elongation Q ≤ 1 Pfus = MW enhance factor H of ITER confinement time ITB98(2,y) neutral beams with energy ( keV) for heating, current drive and beam-plasma fusion. combined inductive and non-inductive plasma formation, current ramp up and proper control of steady-state mode.
Plan for hybrid reactors development in Russia
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Plan for hybrid reactors development in Russia First step Design and reconstruction of tokamak T-15 and ST Globus MU as a physical prototypes of FNS. Second step Development of FNS and design of hybrid pilot plants for nuclear breeding and transmutation Third step Design, construction and transfer to nuclear power industry a hybrid reactors for nuclear fuel breeding and transmutation as well as intense neutron source for research and innovative technologies
Two nuclear fuel cycles are considered
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Two nuclear fuel cycles are considered Hear exchanger, primary loop Hear exchanger, secondary loop Heat transfer Molten salt 85% FLiNaK+15% ThF4580ºС 5.86 кг/с 550ºС 1 bar 92% NaBF4+8% NaF 539ºС 480ºС 1.7 kg/s 140ºС 10 bar water 20ºС Molten salt blanket module Thermal power 175 kW Primary loop Secondary loop Cooler Drain vessel Storage Solid blanket module pump U-Pu 1Pu+1T per 1n(DT) Th-U 0.6U+1T per 1n(DT)
Time scale of hybrids development
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Time scale of hybrids development Current activity: Development the physical prototype T-15 and demonstration FNS for hybrid systems Several options for demonstration tokamak- FNS with warm and superconducting electromagnetic system have been considered to ensure the maintenance of steady-state mode at conceptual level since 2009 Plans: Facilities to be constructed and put into operation: Physical prototype of FNS (T-15, Globus MU) TIN-1 (demonstration tokamak-FNS) Pilot plant Industrial hybrid reactor
Tokamak T-15 Upgraded is Under Construction Now
Main parameters of T-15 after modernisation Aspect ratio 2.2 Plasma current IP, МА 2.0 Major radius R,м 1,48 Elongation 1.9 Triangularity, δ Plasma configuration SN Discharge duration tразр, sec 5-10 Toroidal magnetic field Bt, Тл NBI power, MW 9 NBI Energy, keV 120 ECRH power, MW 6
The tokamak FNS with warm EMS, R0=1.5 m
RSC “Kurchatov Institute” FNS with SC EMS (R=1.9 m) Plasma current, Ip (MA) 3.2 Current Drive, INBI (МА) 2.3 Safety Factor at 95 % flux, q Average electron density, <n20> (m-3) 0.5 Average ion temperature, <Ti> (keV) 4.7 Confinement time, Е (s) Normalized beta, N Total DT fusion neutron power, Pn(MW) Fusion gain, Q=Pfus/PNBI 14 MeV neutron flux, n (MW/m2) 0.21 The tokamak FNS with warm EMS, R0=1.5 m Major radius, R0(m) 1.5 Minor radius, a (m) 0.68 Plasma Elongation, 1.75 Toroidal magnetic field, Bt0(T) 3.0 NBI power, PNBI (MW) 15 Neutral particle energy, ENBI (keV) 140 Fuel composition D:T :0.75 Pulse length, s 60
FNS-ST project Main design constraints:
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” FNS-ST project The mission of the FNS-ST is to be a prototype of a fusion-fission hybrid system with the fusion power below 10 MW and fission power below 100 MW, being capable to produce neutrons with fast/thermal spectra with the plant life time of several decades. Main design constraints: - Minimization of the device size is desirable to reach highest neutron flux density - Reducing the total electric power consumption below 50 MW follows from the desire to keep the capital cost <200 M$ and operation cost <30 M$ with the duty factor of 0.3 - Tritium consumption to be less than 100 grams per year B.V. Kuteev et. Al. “Plasma Physics Reports, 2010, vol.36, pp.281
FNS-ST: basic parameters and cut-view
R, m 0.5 R/a 1.67 k 2.75 δ Ip, MA 1.5 BT, T n, 1020m-3 1 Pwall, MW/m2 0.2 Eb, keV 130 Pb, MW 10 Angle NBI, deg 30 PEC, MW 5 H-factor 1-2 βN fnon-ind 1.0 Pdiss, TF, MW 14 Pdiss, PF, MW 6.0 Swall, m2 13 Vpl, m3 2.5 Strongly shape device B. V. Kuteev et al. Nuclear Fusion 51 (2011)
Globus-M spherical tokamak demonstrated
all project objectives and will be upgraded by 2.5 fold increase of magnetic field and plasma current, retaining vacuum vessel (aspect ratio) and most of the systems for investigation of low collisionality regimes specific for compact FNS - machine name is Globus-M2 Globus-M Globus-M2 Btor T 1 T Ipl MA 0.5 MA Tpulse s 0.3 s Collis., ν* R m unchanged a m unchanged R/a unchanged unchanged δ unchanged <n> [max] ~11020 m-3 unchanged Auxiliary CD NBI keV/1 MW keV/1.5MW ICRH 7 MHz/0.3 MW MHz/1MW LH MHz/0.06MW GHz/0.5MW Globus-M has basically achieved all project objectives, however some of results were achieved in separate. Globus-M Globus-M2 Close fitting wall; RGT tiles; Plasma gun; 19
Ignitor project Ignition may be possible in highly shaped ST with Bt=5T and Ip=11 MA Parameters Symbol Ignitor Coppi Unit FNS-IGN Plasma current Ip 11 MA 11 Toroidal magnetic field Bt 13 T 5,0 Central electron temperature /average Te0 11.5 keV 5 Central ion temperature /average Ti0 10.5 Central electron density/average ne0 1.0 × 1021 m-3 Plasma stored energy W 11.9 MJ 15 Ohmic power POH 11.2 MW 10 Auxiliary power (ICRH) PICRH 0 Alpha power Pa 19.2 20 Energy replacement time tE 0.62 s 0,75 Poloidal beta bp 0.20 0,79 Toroidal beta bT 1.2 % 15,7 Central beta b0 5.0 % 25 Edge qy qa 3.6 7,3 Bootstrap current Ibs 0.86 5,1 Major radius R 1.32 m 0.6 Minor radius a 0.47 0.4 Aspect ratio A 2.8 1.5 Elongation k 1.83 3.3 Triangularity d 0.7 Central stack current Ics 85.8 MA 18 Ignitor Coppi
Assessment of the options
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Assessment of the options Construction cost of SC option, including nuclear part, is about B$ that we consider as too expensive for the first step The copper coil version with test blanket modules placed in ports costs about 200 M$. This version seems preferable
Russia develops GDT based fusion neutron source
Kotelnikov I.A., Mirnov V.V., Nagorny V.P., Ryutov D.D., Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, 2, IAEA, Vienna, p.309, 1985 Test zones ~ 15 m Magnetic field: B T Neutral beam injection: D0+T0 Bm 15 T energy, ED/T 65 keV Warm (target) plasma: power, Pinj 36 MW temperature Те 0.75 keV Fast ion mean energy: keV density ne 2-5 x 1020 m-3 Fusion power (in neutrons): MW
Nuclear technology issues for FNS&Hybrids
NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Nuclear technology issues for FNS&Hybrids Radiation-resistant materials (first wall, vacuum vessel, blanket, divertor, manifolds, etc.) Effective blanket (neutron economy, fuel and fuel cycle, сооlants, efficient design solutions) Development of tritium breeding cycle Effective radiation shielding of magnet and other systems Safety issues
NRC “Kurchatov Institute”
Conclusions The existing database, theoretical analysis, modeling and advanced technologies allow us: to develop a compact fusion neutron source based on a tokamak with aspect ratio between ST and conventional one to expect reasonable risks associated with physical and technological problems on the tokamak-way to a FNS for hybrid systems and research to participate in ITER project and development of hybrid systems and research FNS as the key issues of Russian fusion program
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